Portugal is located in Southern Europe, covering 92,226 km2 (35,608 mile2) of land surface and having a population of 10.3 Million (2017). Portugal’s primary energy production is 69 terawatt-hours (TWh), and energy supply per capita is 23 MWh (UN data, 2017). Wind is the largest source of primary energy production, while oil is the largest source of primary energy consumption (The Shift Project, 2014). 281 species are listed as threatened (UN data, 2017).
As of 2016, Portugal has 400 kW installed capacity of wave energy, with an additional 350 kW planned for deployment in 2017 (OES). Portugal is currently a member of Ocean Energy Systems, participating in OES-Environmental.
As of 2016, Portugal has 5,313 MW installed wind power capacity, all of which comes from land-based wind farms (IEA Wind). Portugal generated 12.5 TWh of electricity from wind in 2016 (IEA Wind). Portugal is currently a member of IEA Wind, participating in WREN.