Mascarenhas, M.
Mascarenhas, M.
Name: Miguel Mascarenhas

Background: Consultant
Organization: Bioinsight
Department: Management and R&D
Interest: Assessment of Impacts on Wildlife; Monitoring Biodiversity; Biodiversity Mitigation and Compensation programs.
Country: Portugal
About Me:
Miguel Mascarenhas is a Manager and an Ecological Environmental specialist that likes challenges, innovation and be a solution designer. Throughout his career, Miguel developed a collection of skills in scientific methodologies (R&D), ecology, geographic information systems, fauna and flora survey programs, mitigation and compensation programs, data analysis, impact assessment and on the recent years he has developed management skill. He was involved in hundreds of environmental impact projects as an ecologist consultant and has coordinated some emblematic R&D projects such as Biologist-Dog Project and the Wind & Biodiversity project.
Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents
Total results: 19