China is located in Eastern Asia, covering 9,600,000 km2 (3,706,580 mile2) of land surface and having a population of 1,410 Million (2017). China’s primary energy production is 28,165 terawatt-hours (TWh), and energy supply per capita is 24 MWh (UN data, 2017). Coal is both the largest source of primary energy production and the largest source of primary energy consumption (The Shift Project, 2014). 1,080 species are listed as threatened (UN data, 2017).
As of 2016, China has 4,102,530 kW installed capacity of tidal energy and 1,325 kW installed capacity of wave energy (OES). China is currently a member of Ocean Energy Systems, participating in OES-Environmental.
As of 2016, China has 168,731 MW total installed wind power capacity, including 1,630 MW offshore capacity (IEA Wind). China generated 241 TWh of electricity from wind in 2016 (IEA Wind). China is currently a member of IEA Wind.