Hemery, L.

Name: Lenaig HemeryLenaig Hemery
Background: Researcher
Organization: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Department: Coastal Sciences Division
Interest: Benthic ecology; Environmental impacts; Marine renewable energy
Country: United States of America

About Me:

Now a Marine Energy Specialist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Sequim (WA, U.S.), I completed my Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolution from the National Museum of Natural History of Paris (France) and a postdoctoral position at Hatfield Marine Science Center, in Newport (OR, U.S.). My research uses an integrative approach to characterize and understand the patterns and processes of marine benthic biodiversity, particularly in relation to human activities at sea. My interdisciplinary experience in marine biology spans from population genetics to species evolution to community ecology, which allows me to bridge biology, ecology and oceanography topics and investigate research questions related to marine biodiversity macroevolution and conservation, global environmental changes and sustainable uses of marine environments around the world.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 40
Title Author Date Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Environmental Effects for Permitting for Marine Renewable Energy Off-Grid Applications Copping, A., Hutchison, I., Hemery, L. Workshop Article Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Human Dimensions, Stakeholder Engagement
2024 State of the Science Report - Chapter 9: Beyond Single Marine Renewable Energy Devices: A Systems-Wide Effects Approach Hemery, L., Hasselman, D., Le Marchand, M. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave
2024 State of the Science Report - Chapter 2: Progress in Understanding Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Copping, A., Hemery, L. Report Marine Energy, OTEC, Tidal, Wave
2024 State of the Science Report - Chapter 10: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy in Tropical and Subtropical Ecosystems Garavelli, L., Hemery, L., Farr, H. Report Marine Energy, OTEC, Tidal, Wave
2024 State of the Science Report - Chapter 3: Marine Renewable Energy: Stressor-Receptor Interactions Garavelli, L., Hemery, L., Rose, D. Report Marine Energy, OTEC, Tidal, Wave Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Reptiles
Recent Advances in Assessing Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Around the World Copping, A., Martinez, L., Hemery, L. Journal Article Marine Energy, Ocean Current, OTEC, Riverine, Salinity Gradient, Tidal, Wave Attraction, Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment
Animal displacement from marine energy development: Mechanisms and consequences Hemery, L., Garavelli, L., Copping, A. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Attraction, Avoidance, Displacement
Investigating displacement of marine animals as a potential effect of marine renewable energy development Hemery, L., Garavelli, L., Copping, A. Conference Paper Marine Energy Displacement, Habitat Change, Noise Fish, Marine Mammals
Potential environmental effects of marine renewable energy in tropical and subtropical ecosystems Garavelli, L., Farr, H., Hemery, L. Conference Paper Marine Energy Ecosystem Processes, Fish
Environmental DNA as a cost-efficient alternative method to fish monitoring in high-energy environments Hemery, L., Bundy, E., Fu, M. Presentation Marine Energy Fish, Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
From Science to Consenting: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Freeman, M., Rose, D., Copping, A. Conference Paper Marine Energy Human Dimensions
Improving Understanding of Environmental Effects from Single MRE Devices to Arrays Hasselman, D., Hemery, L., Copping, A. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise
Update on Ocean Energy Systems-Environmental (OES-E) Copping, A., Garavelli, L., Hemery, L. Presentation Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Stakeholder Engagement
‘Scaling up’ our understanding of environmental effects of marine renewable energy development from single devices to large-scale commercial arrays Hasselman, D., Hemery, L., Copping, A. Journal Article Marine Energy Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise
Choose Your Own Marine Energy Adventure Game: Collision Risk Hemery, L., DeGuia, B., Pratt, M. Conference Paper Marine Energy Collision Birds, Fish, Pelagic Fish, Marine Mammals
Environmental Effects of MRE: Advancing the Industry through Broad Outreach and Engagement Freeman, M., Copping, A., Rose, D. Conference Paper Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Clean Energy from the Ocean: Measuring the Environmental Footprint of Devices Rose, D., Gunn, C., Hemery, L. Magazine Article Marine Energy Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions
Taking a Broader Look at Environmental and Ecological Effects of Marine Energy Development Hemery, L., Copping, A., Hasselman, D. Presentation Marine Energy
Use of a 360-Degree Underwater Camera to Characterize Artificial Reef and Fish Aggregating Effects around Marine Energy Devices Hemery, L., Mackereth, K., Gunn, C. Journal Article Marine Energy Attraction Fish, Demersal Fish
Triton Field Trials - Changes in Habitats, a Literature Review of Monitoring Technologies Hemery, L., Mackereth, K., Tugade, L. Report Marine Energy Habitat Change
A Review of Modeling Approaches for Understanding and Monitoring the Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Buenau, K., Garavelli, L., Hemery, L. Journal Article Marine Energy, Ocean Current, Tidal, Wave Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise
What’s in My Toolkit? A Review of Technologies for Assessing Changes in Habitats Caused by Marine Energy Development Hemery, L., Mackereth, K., Tugade, L. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Habitat Change
Biological Consequences of Marine Energy Development on Marine Animals Hemery, L., Copping, A., Overhus, D. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise Seabirds, Pelagic Fish, Invertebrates, Cetaceans, Pinnipeds
Cost Efficiency of Environmental DNA as Compared to Conventional Methods for Biodiversity Monitoring Purposes at Marine Energy Sites Fu, M., Hemery, L., Sather, N. Report Marine Energy, Ocean Current, Tidal, Wave Habitat Change Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Are fish in danger? A review of environmental effects of marine renewable energy on fishes Copping, A., Hemery, L., Viehman, H. Journal Article Marine Energy, Riverine, Tidal, Wave Avoidance, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise Fish
Retiring environmental risks of marine renewable energy devices: the “habitat change” case Hemery, L., Rose, D., Freeman, M. Conference Paper Marine Energy Habitat Change Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Stakeholder Engagement
Potential Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development—The State of the Science Copping, A., Hemery, L., Overhus, D. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning, Social & Economic Data
2020 State of the Science Report - Chapter 13: Risk Retirement and Data Transferability for Marine Renewable Energy Copping, A., Freeman, M., Gorton, A. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave EMF, Noise Human Dimensions
OES-Environmental 2020 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World Copping, A., Hemery, L. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Attraction, Avoidance, Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise Birds, Seabirds, Shorebirds, Waterfowl, Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Pinnipeds, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Reptiles, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy, Marine Spatial Planning, Social & Economic Data
2020 State of the Science Report - Chapter 6: Changes in Benthic and Pelagic Habitats Caused by Marine Renewable Energy Devices Hemery, L. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Habitat Change
Review of Available Models for Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Buenau, K., Garavelli, L., Hemery, L. Report Marine Energy Collision, Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise
Risk Retirement—Decreasing Uncertainty and Informing Consenting Processes for Marine Renewable Energy Development Copping, A., Freeman, M., Gorton, A. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF, Noise Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Establishing Marine Renewable Energy: Using Risk Retirement to Simplify Environmental Permitting Copping, A., Freeman, M., Hemery, L. Presentation Marine Energy Human Dimensions
From baseline assessment to post-decommissioning monitoring: the need for data collection consistency to facilitate permitting for marine renewable energy developments Hemery, L., Copping, A., Pinza, M. Presentation Marine Energy
A Risk Retirement Pathway for Potential Effects of Underwater Noise and Electromagnetic Fields for Marine Renewable Energy Development Copping, A., Freeman, M., Gorton, A. Conference Paper Marine Energy EMF, Noise
Benthic assemblages of mega epifauna on the Oregon continental margin Hemery, L., Henkel, S., Cochrane, G. Journal Article Fish, Invertebrates
Oregon OCS Seafloor Mapping: Selected Lease Blocks Relevant to Renewable Energy Cochrane, G., Hemery, L., Henkel, S. Report Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind Physical Environment
Patterns of Benthic Mega-Invertebrate Habitat Associations in the Pacific Northwest Continental Shelf Waters: A Reassessment Hemery, L., Henkel, S. Journal Article Invertebrates
Patterns of Benthic Mega-Invertebrate Habitat Associations in the Pacific Northwest Continental Shelf Waters Hemery, L., Henkel, S. Journal Article Invertebrates
Benthic Habitat Characterization Offshore the Pacific Northwest Volume 2: Evaluation of Continental Shelf Benthic Communities Henkel, S., Goldfinger, C., Romsos, C. Report Invertebrates