Simas, T.

Name: Teresa Simas
Background: Researcher
Organization: WavEC Offshore Renewables
Department: Marine Environment
Interest: Marine Ecology
Country: Portugal

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 30
Title Author Date Content Type Sort descending Technology Stressor Receptor
Risk-Based Consenting of Offshore Renewable Energy Projects (RICORE) Bald, J., Menchaca, I., O'Hagan, A. Book Chapter Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions
Wave and Tidal Energy: Environmental Effects Iglesias, G., Tercero, J., Simas, T. Book Chapter Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport
Wave Energy and Underwater Noise: State of Art and Uncertainties Patricio, S., Moura, A., Simas, T. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave Noise
How Experiences of the Offshore Wind Industry Can Aid Development of the Wave Energy Sector: Lessons Learnt From EIA Studies Magagna, D., Greaves, D., Conley, D. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Gathering the Perspectives and Experience from Test Sites and Device Developers for Environmental and Socio Economic Impact Assessment of Wave Energy Magagna, D., Greaves, D., Conley, D. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave
Understanding the Role of Stakeholders in the Wave Energy Consenting Process: Engagement and Sensitivities Simas, T., Muñoz-Arjona, E., Huertas, C. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Stakeholder Engagement
Discussion of the Effects of the Underwater Noise Radiated by a Wave Energy Device - Portugal Cruz, E., Simas, T., Kasanen, E. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave Noise Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
Environmental Impact Assessment: Gathering Experiences from Wave Energy Test Centres in Europe Greaves, D., Conley, D., Magagna, D. Journal Article Wave, Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
A framework to evaluate the environmental impact of OCEAN energy devices Mendoza, E., Lithgow, D., Flores, P. Journal Article Marine Energy, Ocean Current, OTEC, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions
Setting an Agenda for Biofouling Research for the Marine Renewable Energy Industry Loxton, J., Macleod, A., Nall, C. Journal Article Marine Energy Invertebrates
Marine Biofouling: A European Database for the Marine Renewable Energy Sector Vinagre, P., Simas, T., Cruz, E. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Attraction Invertebrates
Review of Consenting Processes for Ocean Energy in Selected European Union Member States Simas, T., O'Hagan, A., O'Callaghan, J. Journal Article Marine Energy Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions
Life Cycle Assessment of an Oscillating Wave Surge Energy Converter Apolonia, M., Simas, T. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Life Cycle Assessment
Analysis of Experience from Environmental Impact Assessments of Wave Energy Test Centres Conley, D., Magagna, D., Greaves, D. Presentation Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
List of Environmental Effects of MHK Devices Simas, T., Moura, A., Conley, D. Presentation Marine Energy
Annex IV 2016 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World Copping, A., Sather, N., Hanna, L. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave
Licensing Guidance for Marine Renewable Energy Projects in Portugal (Mainland Coast) de Jesus, J., Almodovar, M., Simas, T. Report Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Guidelines for a Sustainable Exploitation of Offshore Renewable Energy - Account on Seabird Species Cruz, E., Simas, T. Report Marine Energy Birds
SOWFIA Enabling Wave Power: Streamlining Processes for Progress Greaves, D., Collazo, C., Magagna, D. Report Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions
SOWFIA Deliverable 2.6 - Work Package 2 Final Report: Report on the Analysis of the Work Package 2 Findings Regarding Barriers and Accelerators of Wave Energy O'Callaghan, J., O'Hagan, A., Holmes, B. Report Wave, Marine Energy
SOWFIA Deliverable 3.5 - Work Package 3 Final Report: Report on the Analysis of the Environmental Impact Assessment Experience for Wave Energy Conley, D., Magagna, D., Greaves, D. Report Wave, Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
SOWFIA Deliverable D.4.6 - Final Work Package Report: Consenting Procedures Review with Guidelines for Expansion to Larger Projects and Approval Process Streamlining, Incorporating the Findings of Interim Report and Feedback from Workshop D Simas, T., O'Hagan, A., Bailey, I. Report Wave, Marine Energy Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions
SOWFIA Deliverable D.3.3: Interim WP3 Report Magagna, D., Greaves, D., Conley, D. Report Marine Energy, Wave
Project Summary of Outcomes and Results of Wave Energy in Southern Europe (WESE) Project Bald, J., Uyarra, M., Menchaca, I. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave EMF, Habitat Change, Noise Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
SOWFIA Deliverable D.4.4 Interim Report: Critical Environmental Impacts for Relevant Socio-economic Activities and Mitigation Measures Including Main Conclusions and Feedback Analysis from Workshop B and Analysis of the Stakeholder Survey Simas, T., Magagna, D., Bailey, I. Report Wave, Marine Energy Social & Economic Data, Human Dimensions
WESE Deliverable 4.3 Feasibility for the implementation of wave energy licensing based on a risk-based approach and adaptive management in Spain and Portugal Apolonia, M., Cruz, E., Simas, T. Report Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions
ETIP Ocean Simas, T., Cruz, E. Research Study Marine Energy, Ocean Current, Tidal, Wave EMF, Noise
DTOceanPlus Apolonia, M., Simas, T., Fonseca, F. Research Study Marine Energy, Ocean Current, Tidal, Wave
MegaRoller Apolonia, M., Simas, T. Research Study Marine Energy, Wave Changes in Flow, Chemicals, Collision, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise Birds, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals
RiCORE Project Gray, D., O'Hagan, A., Bald, J. Research Study Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy Human Dimensions