Management Measures Tool for Marine Energy

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Accessing Management Measures that Support Deployment of Wave and Tidal Energy Devices

As the marine renewable energy (MRE) industry moves beyond deployment of individual wave and tidal energy devices towards arrays, certain risks of MRE devices on the marine environment are not well understood and have led to onerous monitoring requirements placed on device developers.

A workshop was held in May 2017 with researchers, regulators, and developers to create the basis for the tool shown below. In consultation with the research and regulatory communities, it was agreed that applying a set of robust management measures could act as safeguards for marine animals and habitats until available monitoring data allows for determining the level of risk from MRE devices. At that point, measures could be dialed back or removed, if warranted. More information on the workshop and input for the tool can be found here.

The Management Measures Tool for Marine Energy shows management (or mitigation) measures from past or current MRE projects as a reference to help manage potential risks from future projects and allow them to move forward in the face of uncertainty, or until a risk can be retired. Additional management measures are regularly added by the OES-Environmental team. In addition to the searchable tool below, the information can be downloaded here. The download file includes additional details not shown below, including comments from stakeholders on past experience, cost of management measures, and when a management measure is needed.

View the instructions document for more in-depth details and examples on how to use the Management Measure Tool for Marine Energy or check out this webinar for an overview and demonstration of the tool. 

Last updated June 2024

Displaying 1 - 100 of 339 management measures
Technology Project Phase Stressor Receptor Management Measure Advantages Challenges Project Documents
Wave, Tidal Installation Contamination

Accidental release of contaminants during installation including diesel fuel, oil hydraulic fluids, etc.


Best practice methodologies to reduce risk of accidental release of contaminants.

Reduces risk of contamination/pollution escaping from structure.

None identified

DP Energy Ltd. 2013, West Islay Tidal Project Energy Park
Wave, Tidal Installation Contamination

Accidental release of contaminants during installation including diesel fuel, oil hydraulic fluids, etc.


Best practice methodologies to reduce risk of accidental release of contaminants.

Reduces risk of contamination/pollution escaping from structure.

None identified

DP Energy Ltd. 2013, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) 2014, West Islay Tidal Project Energy Park, U.S. Navy Wave Energy Test Site (WETS)
Wave Installation, Operation & Maintenance Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive intertidal communities from changes in hydrodynamics due to nearshore WECs.

Intertidal ecology
Design feature

Micrositing of nearshore WECs to minimize the impact on sensitive habitats and species.

None identified

None identified

Foubister 2005, Royal Haskoning and Sea Generation (Kyle Rhea) Ltd. 2013, South West of England Regional Development Agency (SWDRA) 2006, SSE Renewables 2011, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, MeyGen 2012, Laminaria 2018, The Marine Institute 2016, EMEC Fall of Warness Grid-Connected Tidal Test Site, Kyle Rhea Tidal Stream Array Project, Wave Hub, Westray South Tidal Project, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project, EMEC Billia Croo Grid-Connected Wave Test Site, Galway Bay Test Site
Wave, Tidal Installation, Decommissioning Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive sub-littoral seabed communities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings or support structures on the seabed.

Benthic invertebrates, demersal fish
Design feature

Micrositing of offshore infrastructure to avoid sensitive habitats and minimize footprint.

Could reduce/remove effects on sensitive habitats.

Low cost measure at single device or small-scale array.

None identified

Foubister 2005, Royal Haskoning and Sea Generation (Kyle Rhea) Ltd. 2013, RSK Group 2012, South West of England Regional Development Agency (SWDRA) 2006, Magallanes Renovables 2020, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Laminaria 2018, The Marine Institute 2016, THETIS Energy 2009, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) 2014, EMEC Fall of Warness Grid-Connected Tidal Test Site, Kyle Rhea Tidal Stream Array Project, West Orkney South Wave Energy Site, Wave Hub, Magallanes Renovables ATIR at EMEC, EMEC Billia Croo Grid-Connected Wave Test Site, Galway Bay Test Site, Torr Head Project, U.S. Navy Wave Energy Test Site (WETS)
Wave, Tidal Installation, Decommissioning Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive sub-littoral seabed communities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings or support structures on the seabed.

Benthic invertebrates, demersal fish
Design feature

Minimize footprint of anchors / foundations.

Could reduce effects on sensitive habitats.

May impact technical considerations, such as size of anchors/foundations that are safe and optimal for operation of device(s).

Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, Aquatera Ltd 2011, Royal Haskoning and Sea Generation (Kyle Rhea) Ltd. 2013, RSK Group 2012, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, The Marine Institute 2016, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, Oyster 800 at EMEC, Wello Penguin at EMEC, Kyle Rhea Tidal Stream Array Project, West Orkney South Wave Energy Site, Galway Bay Test Site, PacWave South Test Site, Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre (PTEC)
Wave, Tidal Installation, Decommissioning Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive sub-littoral seabed communities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings or support structures on the seabed.

Benthic invertebrates, demersal fish
Design feature

Cable protection management measures to ensure that any rock placement that is required will be kept to a minimum to reduce seabed disturbance.

Could reduce effects on sensitive habitats.

Additional cost.

Foubister 2005, RSK Group 2012, Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, EMEC Fall of Warness Grid-Connected Tidal Test Site, West Orkney South Wave Energy Site, Oyster 800 at EMEC, Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre (PTEC)
Wave, Tidal Installation, Decommissioning Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive sub-littoral seabed communities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings or support structures on the seabed.

Benthic invertebrates, demersal fish

Use of locally sourced materials, for cable protection, of the same type as the habitat to be disturbed by cable installation.

Minimize impact on biodiversity/ecosystem - lost seabed is replaced with same material and minimizes habitat loss.

None identified

Tidal Lagoon Power 2017, Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon (SBTL)
Wave, Tidal Installation, Decommissioning Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive sub-littoral seabed communities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings or support structures on the seabed.

Benthic invertebrates, demersal fish
Design feature

Site selection to avoid sensitive or protected sub-littoral seabed communities.

This could reduce/remove effects on sensitive habitats.

None identified

Orbital Marine Power 2014, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Fox 2019, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array, Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre (PTEC)
Wave, Tidal Installation, Decommissioning Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive sub-littoral seabed communities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings or support structures on the seabed.

Demersal fish
Design feature

Micro siting of offshore infrastructure to avoid sensitive habitats and minimize footprint.

Could reduce/remove effects on sensitive habitats.

Low cost measure at single device or small-scale array.

None identified

Foubister 2005, Royal Haskoning and Sea Generation (Kyle Rhea) Ltd. 2013, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Laminaria 2018, The Marine Institute 2016, EMEC Fall of Warness Grid-Connected Tidal Test Site, Kyle Rhea Tidal Stream Array Project, EMEC Billia Croo Grid-Connected Wave Test Site, Galway Bay Test Site
Wave, Tidal Installation, Decommissioning Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive sub-littoral seabed communities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings or support structures on the seabed.

Demersal fish
Design feature

Minimize footprint of anchors/foundations.

Could reduce effects on sensitive habitats

May impact technical considerations.

Aquatera Ltd 2011, Xodus Group 2019, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, Wello Penguin at EMEC, EMEC Billia Croo Grid-Connected Wave Test Site, PacWave South Test Site
Wave, Tidal Installation, Decommissioning Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive sub-littoral seabed communities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings or support structures on the seabed.

Demersal fish
Design feature

Cable protection management measures to ensure that any rock placement that is required will be kept to a minimum to reduce seabed disturbance.

Could reduce effects on sensitive habitats

Additional cost.

DP Energy Ltd. 2013, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, West Islay Tidal Project Energy Park, PacWave South Test Site
Wave, Tidal Installation, Decommissioning Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive sub-littoral seabed communities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings or support structures on the seabed.

Demersal fish

Use of locally sourced materials, for cable protection, of the same type as the habitat to be disturbed by cable installation.

Minimizes habitat loss as lost seabed is replaced with same material.

Minimize impact on biodiversity/ecosystem

None identified

Wave, Tidal Installation, Decommissioning Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive sub-littoral seabed communities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings or support structures on the seabed.

Demersal fish
Design feature

Site selection to avoid sensitive or protected sub-littoral seabed communities.

Could reduce/remove effects on sensitive habitats.

None identified

ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Fox 2019, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation, Decommissioning Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive sub-littoral seabed communities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings or support structures on the seabed.

Benthic invertebrates, demersal fish
Design feature

Micrositing of offshore infrastructure to avoid sensitive habitats and minimize footprint.

Could reduce/remove effects on sensitive habitats.

Low cost measure at single device or small-scale array.

None identified

MeyGen 2012, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, ScottishPower Renewables 2010, Davison and Mallows 2005, SSE Renewables 2011, Laminaria 2018, Tidal Lagoon Power 2017, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) 2011, Fox 2019, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array, Sound of Islay Demonstration Tidal Array, Strangford Lough - MCT (SeaGen), Westray South Tidal Project, EMEC Billia Croo Grid-Connected Wave Test Site, Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon (SBTL), Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site (AMETS)
Wave, Tidal Installation, Decommissioning Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive sub-littoral seabed communities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings or support structures on the seabed.

Benthic invertebrates, demersal fish
Design feature

Minimize footprint of anchors/foundations.

Could reduce effects on sensitive habitats.

May impact technical considerations.

Low 2012, OpenHydro and SSE Renewables 2013, SSE Renewables 2011, Fox 2019, Brims Tidal Array, Westray South Tidal Project
Wave, Tidal Installation, Decommissioning Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive sub-littoral seabed communities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings or support structures on the seabed.

Benthic invertebrates, demersal fish
Design feature

Cable protection management measures to ensure that any rock placement that is required will be kept to a minimum to reduce seabed disturbance.

Could reduce effects on sensitive habitats.

Additional cost.

AECOM 2009, Fox 2019, Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy (FORCE) Test Site
Wave, Tidal Installation, Decommissioning Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive sub-littoral seabed communities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings or support structures on the seabed.

Benthic invertebrates, demersal fish

Use of locally sourced materials, for cable protection, of the same type as the habitat to be disturbed by cable installation.

Minimizes habitat loss as lost seabed is replaced with same material.

None identified

Wave, Tidal Installation, Decommissioning Habitat Loss

Direct loss of protected or sensitive sub-littoral seabed communities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings or support structures on the seabed.

Benthic invertebrates, demersal fish
Design feature

Site selection to avoid sensitive or protected sub-littoral seabed communities.

Could reduce/remove effects on sensitive habitats.

None identified

ScottishPower Renewables 2012, OpenHydro and SSE Renewables 2013, Fox 2019, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array, Brims Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Decommissioning Vessel disturbance

Disturbance at seal haul-out sites from project vessels.

Marine Mammals

Avoid transiting within 500m of known seal haul outs.

Reduces potential effects and is a relatively low cost measure.

None identified

SAE Renewables 2011, Argyll Tidal Limited 2013, Orbital Marine Power 2014, Orbital Marine Power 2010, Magallanes Renovables 2020, Royal Haskoning 2012, Xodus Group 2019, Atlantis Resources Corporation at EMEC, Argyll Tidal Demonstrator Project, Pelamis Wave Power P2 Demonstration at EMEC, Magallanes Renovables ATIR at EMEC, Oyster 800 at EMEC
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Install cable protection or armor.

None identified

None identified

Foubister 2005, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, EMEC Fall of Warness Grid-Connected Tidal Test Site, PacWave South Test Site
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Limit cable voltage.

None identified

None identified

MeyGen 2012, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Use of 3-phase cables instead of DC cables.

None identified

None identified

Tidal Energy Ltd 2008, Ramsey Sound
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Lay cables in natural crevices.

None identified

None identified

MeyGen 2012, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project
Wave, Tidal Installation EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Micrositing of offshore infrastructure to avoid sensitive habitats and minimize footprint.

Could reduce/remove effects on sensitive habitats.

Can often be done with little additional cost

None identified

ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Laminaria 2018, The Marine Institute 2016, EMEC Billia Croo Grid-Connected Wave Test Site, Galway Bay Test Site
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Maximize length of any drilled boreholes.

None identified

None identified

MeyGen 2012, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Strategic use of rock placement/other cable protection.

None identified

None identified

Orbital Marine Power 2010, MeyGen 2012, DP Energy Ltd. 2017, ScottishPower Renewables 2010, DP Energy Ltd. 2013, Orbital Marine Power SR250 at EMEC, Westray South Tidal Project, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project, Sound of Islay Demonstration Tidal Array, West Islay Tidal Project Energy Park
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Bundle cables together to reduce field vectors.

None identified

None identified

MeyGen 2012, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Bury cables where possible and viable.

None identified

None identified

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) 2011, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site (AMETS), PacWave South Test Site
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Demersal fish
Design feature

Use of 3-phase cables instead of DC cables.

None identified

None identified

Tidal Energy Ltd 2008, Ramsey Sound
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Demersal fish
Design feature

Lay cables in natural crevices.

None identified

None identified

MeyGen 2012, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Demersal fish
Design feature

Maximize length of any drilled boreholes.

None identified

None identified

MeyGen 2012, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Demersal fish
Design feature

Strategic use of rock placement/other cable protection.

None identified

None identified

Foubister 2005, Orbital Marine Power 2010, MeyGen 2012, ScottishPower Renewables 2010, DP Energy Ltd. 2013, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, EMEC Fall of Warness Grid-Connected Tidal Test Site, Orbital Marine Power SR250 at EMEC, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project, Sound of Islay Demonstration Tidal Array, West Islay Tidal Project Energy Park, PacWave South Test Site
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Demersal fish
Design feature

Bundle cables together to reduce field vectors.

None identified

None identified

MeyGen 2012, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Demersal fish
Design feature

Bury cables where possible and viable.

None identified

None identified

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) 2011, Tidal Lagoon Power 2017, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site (AMETS), Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon (SBTL), PacWave South Test Site
Wave, Tidal Installation EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Demersal fish
Design feature

Device components (e.g., transformer and power conditioning equipment) are designed internally.

Reduces field effects external to the device.

None identified

DP Energy Ltd. 2013, Aquatera Ltd 2011, West Islay Tidal Project Energy Park, Wello Penguin at EMEC
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Demersal fish
Design feature

Install cable protection/armor.

Higher levels of insulation reduces the level of EMF to surrounding water column and therefore any potential effects.

None identified

DP Energy Ltd. 2013, Foubister 2005, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, West Islay Tidal Project Energy Park, EMEC Fall of Warness Grid-Connected Tidal Test Site, PacWave South Test Site
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Demersal fish
Design feature

Limit cable voltage.

None identified

None identified

MeyGen 2012, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from landfall cables on sensitive species.

Marine Mammals
Design feature

Bury cables where possible and viable.

None identified

None identified

McGrath 2013, Fair Head Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from subsea cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Install cable protection, armor, rock placement, or other cable protection.

Reduce the level of EMF to surrounding water column and therefore any potential effects.

Reduces 'snagging risk' for vessels.

Creation of artificial habitat leading to greater fecundity in species.

May have an impact on surrounding benthic habitats and sensitive species.

Creation of artificial habitat may cause aggregation effect causing greater impact of EMF.

Increased cost to project.

Reduced possibilities for decommissioning.

...Read more

May have an impact on surrounding benthic habitats and sensitive species.

Creation of artificial habitat may cause aggregation effect causing greater impact of EMF.

Increased cost to project.

Reduced possibilities for decommissioning.

Direct disturbance/ loss of benthic communities.

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MeyGen 2012, Foubister 2005, McGrath 2013, DP Energy Ltd. 2017, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project, EMEC Fall of Warness Grid-Connected Tidal Test Site, Fair Head Tidal Array, Fair Head Tidal Array, PacWave South Test Site
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from subsea cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Use of 3-phase cables instead of DC cables.

Reduce the level of EMF to surrounding water column and therefore any potential effects.

Potential commercial and technical feasibility issues.

Uncertainty around the need for and efficacy of this measure.

Tidal Energy Ltd 2008, Ramsey Sound
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from subsea cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Bundle cables together to reduce field vectors.

Reduce the level of EMF to surrounding water column and therefore any potential effects

Less redundancy in system.

Potential commercial and technical feasibility issues.

MeyGen 2012, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from subsea cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Bury or HDD cables where possible and viable.

Reduce the level of EMF to surrounding water column and therefore any potential effects.

Reduces 'snagging risk' for vessels.

May have an impact on surrounding benthic habitats and sensitive species.

Uncertainty around the need for and efficacy of this measure.

Can be very challenging or impossible at sites where seabed tends to be rocky.

Additional cost to the project.

...Read more

May have an impact on surrounding benthic habitats and sensitive species.

Uncertainty around the need for and efficacy of this measure.

Can be very challenging or impossible at sites where seabed tends to be rocky.

Additional cost to the project.

Reduced possibility of decommissioning.

Read less
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) 2011, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site (AMETS), PacWave South Test Site
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from subsea cables on sensitive species.

Migratory fish, elasmobranchs
Design feature

Install cable protection, armor, rock placement, or other cable protection.

Reduce the level of EMF to surrounding water column and therefore any potential effects.

Reduces 'snagging risk' for vessels.

Creation of artificial habitat.

May have an impact on surrounding benthic habitats and sensitive species e.g smothering

Creation of artificial habitat may cause aggregation effect causing greater impact of EMF.

Increased cost to project.

Reduced possibilities for decommissioning in future.

Orbital Marine Power 2014, Foubister 2005, McGrath 2013, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, EMEC Fall of Warness Grid-Connected Tidal Test Site, Fair Head Tidal Array, PacWave South Test Site
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from subsea cables on sensitive species.

Migratory fish
Design feature

Use of 3-phase cables instead of DC cables.

Reduce the level of EMF to surrounding water column and therefore any potential effects

Potential commercial and technical feasibility issues - the cables used will largely depend upon the project requirements.

Some uncertainty as to the efficacy of this measure.

Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from subsea cables on sensitive species.

Design feature

Use of 3-phase cables instead of DC cables.

Reduce the level of EMF to surrounding water column and therefore any potential effects.

Potential commercial and technical feasibility issues.

Some uncertainty as to the efficacy of this measure.

Tidal Energy Ltd 2008, Ramsey Sound
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from subsea cables on sensitive species.

Migratory fish
Design feature

Bundle cables together to reduce field vectors.

Reduce the level of EMF to surrounding water column and therefore any potential effects.

Less redundancy in system.

Potential commercial and technical feasibility issues.

Greater costs associated with not laying direct cable paths.

MeyGen 2012, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from subsea cables on sensitive species.

Design feature

Bundle cables together to reduce field vectors.

Reduce the level of EMF to surrounding water column and therefore any potential effects.

Less redundancy in system.

Potential commercial and technical feasibility issues.

Greater costs associated with not laying direct cable paths.

MeyGen 2012, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from subsea cables on sensitive species.

Migratory fish
Design feature

Bury or HDD cables where possible and viable.

Reduce the level of EMF to surrounding water column and therefore any potential effects.

Reduces 'snagging risk' for vessels.

May have an impact on surrounding benthic habitats and sensitive species, e.g., from smothering

Can be very challenging or impossible at sites where seabed tends to be rocky.

Additional expense to the project.

Reduced possibility for decommissioning.

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) 2011, Tidal Lagoon Power 2017, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site (AMETS), Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon (SBTL), PacWave South Test Site
Wave, Tidal Installation EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from subsea cables on sensitive species.

Migratory fish
Design feature

Micrositing of offshore infrastructure to avoid sensitive habitats and minimize footprint.

Could reduce/remove effects on sensitive habitats.

Relatively low cost measure.

None identified

DP Energy Ltd. 2013, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Laminaria 2018, Tidal Lagoon Power 2017, The Marine Institute 2016, West Islay Tidal Project Energy Park, EMEC Billia Croo Grid-Connected Wave Test Site, Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon (SBTL), Galway Bay Test Site
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from subsea cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Install cable protection, armor, rock placement, or other cable protection.

Reduce the level of EMF to surrounding water column and therefore any potential effects.

Reduces 'snagging risk' for vessels.

Creation of artificial habitat leading to greater fecundity in species.

May have an impact on surrounding benthic habitats and sensitive species.

Creation of artificial habitat may cause aggregation effect causing greater impact of EMF.

Uncertainty around the need for and efficacy of this measure.

Increased cost to project.

...Read more

May have an impact on surrounding benthic habitats and sensitive species.

Creation of artificial habitat may cause aggregation effect causing greater impact of EMF.

Uncertainty around the need for and efficacy of this measure.

Increased cost to project.

Reduced possibilities for decommissioning in future.

Direct disturbance/loss of benthic communities.

Read less
Foubister 2005, Orbital Marine Power 2010, MeyGen 2012, ScottishPower Renewables 2010, DP Energy Ltd. 2013, Fox 2019, EMEC Fall of Warness Grid-Connected Tidal Test Site, Orbital Marine Power SR250 at EMEC, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project, Sound of Islay Demonstration Tidal Array, West Islay Tidal Project Energy Park
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from subsea cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Use of 3-phase cables instead of DC cables.

Reduce the level of EMF to surrounding water column and therefore any potential effects.

Potential commercial and technical feasibility issues.

Uncertainty around the need for and efficacy of this measure.

Tidal Energy Ltd 2008, Fox 2019, Ramsey Sound
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from subsea cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Bundle cables together to reduce field vectors.

Reduce the level of EMF to surrounding water column and therefore any potential effects.

Less redundancy in system.

Potential commercial and technical feasibility issues.

MeyGen 2012, Fox 2019, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance EMF

Impacts of electromagnetic fields from subsea cables on sensitive species.

Benthic invertebrates
Design feature

Bury or HDD cables where possible and viable.

Reduce the level of EMF to surrounding water column and therefore any potential effects.

Reduces 'snagging risk' for vessels.

May have an impact on surrounding benthic habitats and sensitive species.

Uncertainty around the need for and efficacy of this measure.

Can be very challenging or impossible at sites where seabed tends to be rocky.

Additional expense to the project.

...Read more

May have an impact on surrounding benthic habitats and sensitive species.

Uncertainty around the need for and efficacy of this measure.

Can be very challenging or impossible at sites where seabed tends to be rocky.

Additional expense to the project.

Reduced possibility for decommissioning.

Read less
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) 2011, Tidal Lagoon Power 2017, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, Fox 2019, Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site (AMETS), Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon (SBTL), PacWave South Test Site
Wave, Tidal Installation Habitat Loss

Loss of intertidal habitat from trenching for cable landfall.

Intertidal ecology
Design feature

Pre-construction cable route surveys to avoid sensitive habitats.

None identified

None identified

Orbital Marine Power 2014, OpenHydro and SSE Renewables 2013, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Brims Tidal Array, Pelamis Wave Power P2 Demonstration at EMEC
Tidal Operation & Maintenance Changes in water flow

Modifications to prey distribution and abundance (to include for other receptors) resulting in changes to foraging behavior.

Diving birds
Design feature

Design structures to minimize effect on turbulence structure.

Minimizes change in turbulence structure and hence potential interaction.

Can present financial, logistical, or design challenges to technology developer to alter design of device/moorings.

Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, Davison and Mallows 2005, Tidal Energy Ltd 2008, Fox 2019, Oyster 800 at EMEC, Strangford Lough - MCT (SeaGen), Ramsey Sound
Tidal Operation & Maintenance Changes in water flow

Modifications to prey distribution and abundance (to include for other receptors) resulting in changes to foraging behavior.

Diving birds

Modelling to predict the interaction between changes in tidal flow, flux, and turbulence structure and animals.

Reduces scientific uncertainty so appropriate management measures can be employed.

Limited management measures available to minimize interaction despite modelling to fully predict interaction.

Tidal Operation & Maintenance Changes in water flow

Modifications to prey distribution and abundance (to include for other receptors) resulting in changes to foraging behavior.

Diving birds
Design feature

Site selection.

Minimizes significance of interaction.

None identified

Argyll Tidal Limited 2013, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Fox 2019, Argyll Tidal Demonstrator Project, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array
Tidal Operation & Maintenance Changes in water flow

Modifications to prey distribution and abundance (to include for other receptors) resulting in changes to foraging behavior.

Design feature

Site selection.

Minimizes significance of interaction.

None identified

ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Fox 2019, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array
Tidal Operation & Maintenance Changes in water flow

Modifications to prey distribution and abundance (to include for other receptors) resulting in changes to foraging behaviour.

Design feature

Design structures to minimize effect on turbulence structure.

Minimizes change in turbulence structure and hence potential interaction.

Can present financial, logistical, or design challenges to technology developer to alter design of device/moorings.

Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, Davison and Mallows 2005, Tidal Energy Ltd 2008, Fox 2019, Oyster 800 at EMEC, Strangford Lough - MCT (SeaGen), Ramsey Sound
Tidal Operation & Maintenance Changes in water flow

Modifications to prey distribution and abundance (to include for other receptors) resulting in changes to foraging behaviour.


Modelling to predict the interaction between changes in tidal flow, flux, and turbulence structure and animals.

Reduces scientific uncertainty so appropriate management measures can be employed.

Limited management measures available to minimize interaction despite modelling to fully predict interaction.

Tidal Operation & Maintenance Changes in water flow

Modifications to prey distribution and abundance (to include for other receptors) resulting in changes to foraging behaviour.

Marine Mammals

Observational surveys (including remote sensing) of bird and marine mammals (prey availability linked to benthic community).

Reduces scientific uncertainty.

Statistical power of studies can be low. Can be difficult to distinguish between natural variation and direct effects of energy removal from the system.

Monitoring may be expensive.

Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, GlaxoSmithKlineMontrose 2012, Orbital Marine Power 2014, Tidal Energy Ltd 2008, Xodus AURORA 2010, European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) 2011, Davison and Mallows 2005, McGrath 2013, Xodus Group 2012, Orbital Marine Power 2018, AECOM 2009, Oyster 800 at EMEC, GSK Montrose Tidal Array, Ramsey Sound, HS1000 at EMEC, EMEC Shapinsay Sound Scale Tidal Test Site, Strangford Lough - MCT (SeaGen), Fair Head Tidal Array, Orbital Marine Power O2 at EMEC, Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy (FORCE) Test Site
Tidal Operation & Maintenance Changes in water flow

Modifications to prey distribution and abundance (to include for other receptors) resulting in changes to foraging behaviour.

Marine Mammals
Design feature

Design structures to minimize effect on turbulence structure.

Minimizes change in turbulence structure and hence potential interaction.

Can present financial, logistical, or design challenges to technology developer to alter design of device/moorings.

Tidal Energy Ltd 2008, Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, Davison and Mallows 2005, Fox 2019, Ramsey Sound, Oyster 800 at EMEC, Strangford Lough - MCT (SeaGen)
Tidal Operation & Maintenance Changes in water flow

Modifications to prey distribution and abundance (to include for other receptors) resulting in changes to foraging behaviour.

Marine Mammals

Modelling to predict the interaction between changes in tidal flow, flux and turbulence structure and animals.

Reduces scientific uncertainty so appropriate management measures can be employed

Limited management measures available to minimize interaction despite modelling to fully predict interaction.

Tidal Operation & Maintenance Changes in water flow

Modifications to prey distribution and abundance (to include for other receptors) resulting in changes to foraging behaviour.

Marine Mammals
Design feature

Site selection.

Minimizes significance of interaction.

None identified

ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Fox 2019, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array
Tidal Operation & Maintenance Changes in water flow

Modifications to tidal flows affect prey distribution and abundance resulting in changes to foraging behavior.

Diving birds

Observational surveys (including remote sensing) of species (prey availability linked to benthic community).

Reduce scientific uncertainty.

Statistical power of studies can be low. Can be difficult to distinguish between natural variation and direct effects of energy removal from the system.

Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, Craig 2008, Tidal Energy Ltd 2008, Xodus AURORA 2010, European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) 2014, Royal Haskoning and Sea Generation (Kyle Rhea) Ltd. 2013, SSE Renewables 2011, Xodus Group 2012, MeyGen 2012, Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Xodus Group 2012, Oyster 800 at EMEC, OpenHydro Alderney, Ramsey Sound, HS1000 at EMEC, EMEC Fall of Warness Grid-Connected Tidal Test Site, Kyle Rhea Tidal Stream Array Project, Westray South Tidal Project, Costa Head Wave Farm, MeyGen Tidal Energy Project, Pelamis Wave Power P2 Demonstration at EMEC
Tidal Operation & Maintenance Changes in water flow

Modifications to tidal flows affect prey distribution and abundance resulting in changes to foraging behavior.


Observational surveys (including remote sensing) of species (prey availability linked to benthic community).

Reduce scientific uncertainty.

Statistical power of studies can be low. Can be difficult to distinguish between natural variation and direct effects of energy removal from the system.

Foubister 2005, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Fox 2019, EMEC Fall of Warness Grid-Connected Tidal Test Site, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.

Design feature

Site selection to avoid sensitive routes/areas.

Minimizes risk of development acting as a barrier to movement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

None identified

Argyll Tidal Limited 2013, OpenHydro and SSE Renewables 2013, Fox 2019, Argyll Tidal Demonstrator Project, Brims Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.

Design feature

Array/mooring configuration designed to avoid migratory routes or other important sites.

Minimizes risk of development acting as a barrier to movement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

May be inconsistent with optimal layout of the development for exploitation of the energy source.

Can be a costly measure when scaling up to larger arrays.

Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, Davison and Mallows 2005, Fox 2019, Oyster 800 at EMEC, Strangford Lough - MCT (SeaGen)
Wave, Tidal Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Decommissioning Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.


Adherence to vessel management plan.

Minimizes the potential interaction between animals and construction or maintenance vessels.

None identified

OpenHydro and SSE Renewables 2013, Aquatera 2017, ScottishPower Renewables 2010, Xodus Group 2019, Fox 2019, Brims Tidal Array, Tocardo InToTidal at EMEC, Sound of Islay Demonstration Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.


Array installation carried out in phases.

Allows close monitoring to observe any unexpected effects.

Reduces scientific uncertainty.

Can be complex and costly

GlaxoSmithKlineMontrose 2012, GSK Montrose Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.

Design feature

Site selection to avoid sensitive routes/areas.

Minimizes risk of development acting as a barrier to movement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

None identified

Argyll Tidal Limited 2013, OpenHydro and SSE Renewables 2013, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Fox 2019, Argyll Tidal Demonstrator Project, Brims Tidal Array, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.

Design feature

Array/ mooring configuration designed to avoid migratory routes or other important sites.

Minimizes risk of development acting as a barrier to movement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

May be inconsistent with optimal layout of the development for exploitation of the energy source.

Can be a costly measure when scaling up to larger arrays.

Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, Fox 2019, Oyster 800 at EMEC
Wave, Tidal Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Decommissioning Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.


Adherence to vessel management plan.

Minimizes the potential interaction between animals and construction or maintenance vessels.

None identified

OpenHydro and SSE Renewables 2013, Aquatera 2017, ScottishPower Renewables 2010, Xodus Group 2019, Fox 2019, Brims Tidal Array, Tocardo InToTidal at EMEC, Sound of Islay Demonstration Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation Collision risk

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.


Array installation carried out in phases.

Allows close monitoring to observe any unexpected effects.

None identified

GlaxoSmithKlineMontrose 2012, GSK Montrose Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.

Design feature

Site selection to avoid sensitive routes/areas.

Minimizes risk of development acting as a barrier to movement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

None identified

ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Fox 2019, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.

Design feature

Array/mooring configuration designed to avoid migratory routes or other important sites

Minimizes risk of development acting as a barrier to movement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

May be inconsistent with optimal layout of the development for exploitation of the energy source.

Can be a costly measure when scaling up to larger arrays.

Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, Davison and Mallows 2005, Fox 2019, Oyster 800 at EMEC, Strangford Lough - MCT (SeaGen)
Wave, Tidal Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Decommissioning Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.


Adherence to vessel management plan.

Minimizes the potential interaction between animals and construction or maintenance vessels.

None identified

OpenHydro and SSE Renewables 2013, Aquatera 2017, ScottishPower Renewables 2010, Xodus Group 2019, Fox 2019, Brims Tidal Array, Tocardo InToTidal at EMEC, Sound of Islay Demonstration Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.

Design feature

Site selection to avoid sensitive routes/areas.

Minimizes risk of development acting as a barrier to movement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

None identified

ScottishPower Renewables 2012, OpenHydro and SSE Renewables 2013, Fox 2019, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array, Brims Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.

Design feature

Array/mooring configuration designed to avoid migratory routes or other important sites

Minimizes risk of development acting as a barrier to movement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

May be inconsistent with optimal layout of the development for exploitation of the energy source.

Can be a costly measure when scaling up to larger arrays.

Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, Davison and Mallows 2005, Fox 2019, Oyster 800 at EMEC, Strangford Lough - MCT (SeaGen)
Wave, Tidal Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Decommissioning Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.


Adherence to vessel management plan.

Minimizes the potential interaction between animals and construction or maintenance vessels.

None identified

OpenHydro and SSE Renewables 2013, Aquatera 2017, ScottishPower Renewables 2010, Xodus Group 2019, Fox 2019, Brims Tidal Array, Tocardo InToTidal at EMEC, Sound of Islay Demonstration Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.

Marine Mammals
Design feature

Site selection to avoid sensitive routes/areas.

Minimizes risk of development acting as a barrier to movement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

None identified

ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Fox 2019, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.

Marine Mammals
Design feature

Array/mooring configuration designed to avoid migratory routes or other important sites

Minimizes risk of development acting as a barrier to movement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites

May be inconsistent with optimal layout of the development for exploitation of the energy source.

Can be a costly measure when scaling up to larger arrays.

Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, Davison and Mallows 2005, Fox 2019, Oyster 800 at EMEC, Strangford Lough - MCT (SeaGen)
Wave, Tidal Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Decommissioning Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.

Marine Mammals

Adherence to vessel management plan.

Minimizes the potential interaction between animals and construction or maintenance vessels.

None identified

OpenHydro and SSE Renewables 2013, Aquatera 2017, ScottishPower Renewables 2010, Xodus Group 2019, Fox 2019, Brims Tidal Array, Tocardo InToTidal at EMEC, Sound of Islay Demonstration Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Decommissioning Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.

Marine Mammals

Monitoring of existing developments.

Reduces scientific uncertainty.

Can be complex and costly.

Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, GlaxoSmithKlineMontrose 2012, Orbital Marine Power 2014, Fox 2019, Oyster 800 at EMEC, GSK Montrose Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.

Design feature

Site selection to avoid sensitive routes/areas.

Minimizes risk of development acting as a barrier to movement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

None identified

Wave, Tidal Installation Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.

Design feature

Array/mooring configuration designed to avoid migratory routes or other important sites.

Minimizes risk of development acting as a barrier to movement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

May be inconsistent with optimal layout of the development for exploitation of the energy source.

Can be a costly measure when scaling up to larger arrays.

Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, Davison and Mallows 2005, Fox 2019, Oyster 800 at EMEC, Strangford Lough - MCT (SeaGen)
Wave, Tidal Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Decommissioning Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.


Adherence to vessel management plan.

Minimizes the potential interaction between animals and construction or maintenance vessels.

None identified

Xodus Group 2019, Fox 2019
Wave, Tidal Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Decommissioning Barrier to movement

Potential barrier to movement due to the physical presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures, cables and electrical equipment.


Monitoring of existing developments.

Reduces scientific uncertainty.

Can be complex and costly.

Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance Displacement

Potential displacement of essential activities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures.

Design feature

Site selection (taking into account cumulative impact of other developments).

Minimizes risk of development causing displacement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

None identified

Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance Displacement

Potential displacement of essential activities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures.

Design feature

Site selection (taking into account cumulative impact of other developments).

Minimizes risk of development causing displacement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

None identified

ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Fox 2019, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Decommissioning Displacement

Potential displacement of essential activities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures.


Timing of installation and decommissioning & marine operations to avoid times of particular sensitivity (e.g., breeding).

Minimizes risk of development causing displacement by avoiding works during sensitive times.

Can be disruptive and hence costly to developer.

OpenHydro and SSE Renewables 2013, Aquatera Ltd 2011, Foubister 2005, Royal Haskoning and Sea Generation (Kyle Rhea) Ltd. 2013, SSE Renewables 2011, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, McGrath 2013, Orbital Marine Power 2014, The Marine Institute 2016, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, THETIS Energy 2009, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Fox 2019, Brims Tidal Array, Wello Penguin at EMEC, EMEC Fall of Warness Grid-Connected Tidal Test Site, Kyle Rhea Tidal Stream Array Project, Westray South Tidal Project, Fair Head Tidal Array, Galway Bay Test Site, PacWave South Test Site, Torr Head Project, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Decommissioning Displacement

Potential displacement of essential activities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures.

Design feature

Array/mooring configuration designed to avoid migratory routes or other important sites.

Minimizes risk of development creating displacement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

May be inconsistent with optimal layout of the development for exploitation of the energy source.

Can be a costly measure when scaling up to larger arrays.

Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, Davison and Mallows 2005, Fox 2019, Oyster 800 at EMEC, Strangford Lough - MCT (SeaGen)
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance Displacement

Potential displacement of essential activities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures.

Design feature

Site selection (taking into account cumulative impact of other developments).

Minimizes risk of development causing displacement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

None identified

Argyll Tidal Limited 2013, Orbital Marine Power 2014, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Fox 2019, Argyll Tidal Demonstrator Project, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Decommissioning Displacement

Potential displacement of essential activities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures.


Timing of installation and decommissioning & marine operations to avoid times of particular sensitivity (e.g. breeding).

Minimizes risk of development causing displacement by avoiding works during sensitive times.

Can be disruptive to installation/decommissioning and hence costly to developer.

OpenHydro and SSE Renewables 2013, Aquatera Ltd 2011, Foubister 2005, Royal Haskoning and Sea Generation (Kyle Rhea) Ltd. 2013, SSE Renewables 2011, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, McGrath 2013, Orbital Marine Power 2014, The Marine Institute 2016, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, THETIS Energy 2009, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Fox 2019, Brims Tidal Array, Wello Penguin at EMEC, EMEC Fall of Warness Grid-Connected Tidal Test Site, Kyle Rhea Tidal Stream Array Project, Westray South Tidal Project, Fair Head Tidal Array, Galway Bay Test Site, PacWave South Test Site, Torr Head Project, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Decommissioning Displacement

Potential displacement of essential activities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures.

Design feature

Array/mooring configuration designed to avoid migratory routes or other important sites

Minimizes risk of development creating displacement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

May be inconsistent with optimal layout of the development for exploitation of the energy source.

Can be a costly measure when scaling up to larger arrays.

Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, Davison and Mallows 2005, Fox 2019, Oyster 800 at EMEC, Strangford Lough - MCT (SeaGen)
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance Displacement

Potential displacement of essential activities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures.

Elasmobranch, large fish
None identified

None identified.

None identified

None identified

Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance Displacement

Potential displacement of essential activities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures.

Design feature

Site selection (taking into account cumulative impact of other developments).

Minimizes risk of development causing displacement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

None identified

ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Fox 2019, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Decommissioning Displacement

Potential displacement of essential activities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures.


Timing of installation and decommissioning & marine operations to avoid times of particular sensitivity (e.g. breeding).

Minimizes risk of development causing displacement by avoiding works during sensitive times.

Can be disruptive and hence costly to developer.

OpenHydro and SSE Renewables 2013, Aquatera Ltd 2011, Foubister 2005, Royal Haskoning and Sea Generation (Kyle Rhea) Ltd. 2013, SSE Renewables 2011, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, McGrath 2013, Orbital Marine Power 2014, The Marine Institute 2016, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020, THETIS Energy 2009, ScottishPower Renewables 2012, Fox 2019, Brims Tidal Array, Wello Penguin at EMEC, EMEC Fall of Warness Grid-Connected Tidal Test Site, Kyle Rhea Tidal Stream Array Project, Westray South Tidal Project, Fair Head Tidal Array, Galway Bay Test Site, PacWave South Test Site, Torr Head Project, Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array
Wave, Tidal Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Decommissioning Displacement

Potential displacement of essential activities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures.

Design feature

Array/ mooring configuration designed to avoid migratory routes or other important sites.

Minimizes risk of development creating displacement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

May be inconsistent with optimal layout of the development for exploitation of the energy source.

Can be a costly measure when scaling up to larger arrays.

Aquamarine Power Ltd 2011, Davison and Mallows 2005, Fox 2019, Oyster 800 at EMEC, Strangford Lough - MCT (SeaGen)
Wave, Tidal Operation & Maintenance Displacement

Potential displacement of essential activities due to the presence of devices and associated moorings/support structures.

Design feature

Site selection (taking into account cumulative impact of other developments).

Minimizes s risk of development causing displacement by avoiding migratory routes or other important sites.

None identified

Minesto 2016, SSE Renewables 2011, Aquatera 2011, Fox 2019, Minesto Holyhead Deep - Non-grid connected DG500, Westray South Tidal Project, Farr Point Wave Array - Phase 1