Roberts, J.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 50
Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Site Investigation and Risk Evaluation Using the Spatial Environmental Assessment Toolkit Langton, S., Roberts, J., Jones, C. Conference Paper Marine Energy Human Dimensions
A Numerical Modeling Framework to Evaluate Effects of Offshore Wind Farms on California’s Coastal Upwelling Ecosystem Raghukumar, K., Nelson, T., Chang, G. Report Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind Changes in Flow Physical Environment
Modeling the acoustic noise from a wave energy converter farm and its impact on marine mammals at the PacWave South site, offshore Newport Oregon Harding, J., Preston, L., Johnson, E. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Noise Marine Mammals
Projected cross-shore changes in upwelling induced by offshore wind farm development along the California coast Raghukumar, K., Nelson, T., Jacox, M. Journal Article Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind Changes in Flow Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment
Rapidly Deployable Acoustic Monitoring and Localization System Based on a Low-Cost Wave Buoy Platform Raghukumar, K., Chang, G., Spada, F. Report Marine Energy, Wave Noise Human Dimensions
Implementation of the Spatial Environmental Assessment Toolkit McWilliams, S., Jones, C., Roberts, J. Presentation Marine Energy, Riverine, Tidal, Wave Habitat Change, Noise
Effect of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines on Atmospheric Circulation in California Raghukumar, K., Chartrand, C., Chang, G. Journal Article Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind Changes in Flow Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment
The Permitting, Licensing and Environmental Compliance Process: Lessons and Experiences within U.S. Marine Renewable Energy Barr, Z., Roberts, J., Peplinski, W. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions
Marine Energy Environmental Permitting and Compliance Costs Peplinski, W., Roberts, J., Klise, G. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions
Acoustic and Benthic Targeted Research Work Groups: Summary of Findings Roberts, J., Peplinski, W., Kramer, S. Report Marine Energy Habitat Change, Noise Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment
Validation of a Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport Modeling Framework for the Evaluation of Offshore Wind Farms Jones, C., Chang, G., Magalen, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Changes in Flow Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Water Quality
Environmental Permitting and Compliance Cost Reduction Strategies for the MHK Industry: Lessons Learned from Other Industries Kramer, S., Jones, C., Klise, G. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions
Simulating Current-Energy Converters: SNL-EFDC Model Development, Verification, and Parameter Estimation James, S., Johnson, E., Barco, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Changes in Flow Physical Environment
Wave Energy Converter Arrays: Optimizing Power Production While Minimizing Environmental Effects Raghukumar, K., McWilliams, S., Chang, G. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave
Rockall and Hatton: Resolving a Super Wicked Marine Governance Problem in the High Seas of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean Johnson, D., Froján, C., Neat, F. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Ocean sprawl facilitates dispersal and connectivity of protected species Henry, L., Mayorga-Adame, C., Fox, A. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Habitat Change Invertebrates
Spatial Environmental Assessment Tool (SEAT): A Modeling Tool to Evaluate Potential Environmental Risks Associated with Wave Energy Converter Deployments Jones, C., Chang, G., Raghukumar, K. Journal Article Wave, Marine Energy
Modeling underwater noise propagation from marine hydrokinetic power devices through a time-domain, velocity-pressure solution Halfa, E., Johnson, E., Johnson, C. Journal Article Marine Energy Noise
Offshore Wind Sediment Stability Evaluation Framework Jones, C., McWilliams, S., Engelmann, G. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Changes in Flow Physical Environment, Sediment Transport
Stakeholder requirements for commercially successful wave energy converter farms Babarit, A., Bull, D., Dykes, K. Journal Article Wave, Marine Energy Stakeholder Engagement, Human Dimensions
A Framework for Determining Improved Placement of Current Energy Converters Subject to Environmental Constraints Nelson, K., James, S., Roberts, J. Journal Article Marine Energy
Year-Round Spatiotemporal Distribution of Harbour Porpoises Within and Around the Maryland Wind Energy Area Wingfield, J., O'Brien, M., Lyubchich, V. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Marine Mammals
A Benthic Habitat Monitoring Approach for Marine and Hydrokinetic Sites Revelas, G., Sackmann, B., Jones, C. Research Study Marine Energy Habitat Change Invertebrates, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport
Integral NoiseSpotter Raghukumar, K., Chang, G., Spada, F. Research Study Marine Energy Noise Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment
Stochasticism in Noise Generated by an Array of Marine Hydrokinetic Devices Hafla, E., Johnson, E., Roberts, J. Journal Article Marine Energy Noise
Wave Energy Converter Array Environmental Evaluation Tools Jones, C., McWilliams, S., Chang, G. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave
Noise Generated from an Array of Current Energy Converters Halfa, E., Johnson, C., Johnson, E. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Ocean Current Noise
Numerical modeling of the effects of wave energy converter characteristics on nearshore wave conditions Chang, G., Ruehl, K., Jones, C. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Changes in Flow Physical Environment
Habitat-Based Cetacean Density Models for the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Roberts, J., Best, B., Mannocci, L. Journal Article Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
Velocity-Pressure Solution to Modeling 3D Noise Propagation from an Array of Current-Energy Converters Johnson, C., Roberts, J., Preston, L. Conference Paper Marine Energy Noise
Wave Energy Converter Effects on Nearshore Wave Propagation Roberts, J., Chang, G., Jones, C. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave Changes in Flow
Marine Renewable Energy Sediment Stability Evaluation Framework Roberts, J., Jones, C. Conference Paper Marine Energy Changes in Flow Physical Environment, Sediment Transport
Environmental Effects of Marine Energy Development on Physical Systems Roberts, J., Jones, C. Presentation Marine Energy Changes in Flow Physical Environment
Hydrodynamic Effects of Hydrokinetic Turbine Deployment in an Irrigation Canal Gunawan, B., Roberts, J., Neary, V. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Riverine Changes in Flow Physical Environment
Session 1 Presentation - Wave Energy Converter Effects on Wave, Current, and Sediment Circulation: A Coupled Wave and Hydrodynamic Model of Santa Cruz, Monterey Bay, CA Jones, C., Chang, G., Roberts, J. Presentation Marine Energy, Wave Changes in Flow Physical Environment, Sediment Transport
Wave Energy Converter Effects on Wave Fields: Evaluation of SNL-SWAN and Sensitivity Studies in Monterey Bay CA Roberts, J., Chang, G., Magalen, J. Report Marine Energy, Wave Changes in Flow Physical Environment
Field Measurement Test Plan to Determine Effects of Hydrokinetic Turbine Deployment on Canal Test Site in Yakima, WA, USA Gunawan, B., Neary, V., Roberts, J. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Riverine Changes in Flow Physical Environment
Wave Energy Converter (WEC) Array Effects on Wave, Current, and Sediment Circulation: Monterey Bay, CA Jones, C., Magalen, J., Roberts, J. Report Wave, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Sediment Transport, Physical Environment
Development of SNL-SWAN, A Validated Wave Energy Converter Array Modeling Tool Ruehl, K., Porter, A., Posner, A. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave
Further Investigation of Wave Energy Converter Effects on Wave Fields: A Subsequent Modeling Sensitivity Study in Monterey Bay, CA Magalen, J., Chang, G., Jones, C. Report Marine Energy, Wave Changes in Flow Physical Environment