O'Hagan, A.

Name: Anne Marie O'Hagan
Background: Researcher
Organization: University College Cork
Department: MaREI Centre, ERI
Interest: Ocean energy law and policy
Country: Ireland

About Me:

Environmental scientist and lawyer working on the law, policy and environmental aspects of ocean energy development in Ireland and elsewhere. Interested in how new industries are included in Maritime Spatial Planning and Integrated Coastal Management.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 40
Title Author Date Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Can Risk-Based Approaches benefit future Marine Renewable Energy deployment, planning and consenting processes? Verling, E., Menchaca, I., Machado, I. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning, Social & Economic Data
SafeWave Deliverable 5.2 Risk-Based Approaches and Adaptive Management Verling, E., O'Hagan, A. Report Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions
2020 State of the Science Report - Chapter 11: Marine Spatial Planning and Marine Renewable Energy O'Hagan, A. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Risk-Based Consenting of Offshore Renewable Energy Projects (RICORE) Bald, J., Menchaca, I., O'Hagan, A. Book Chapter Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions
Addressing the tangled web of governance mechanisms for land-sea interactions: Assessing implementation challenges across scales O'Hagan, A., Paterson, S., Le Tissier, M. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Challenges and Opportunities for Ecosystem-Based Management and Marine Spatial Planning in the Irish Sea O'Higgins, T., O'Higgins, L., O'Hagan, A. Book Chapter Marine Energy Marine Spatial Planning, Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions
Coastal Environments — Challenges for Integrated Management in Multi-use Settings O’Mahony, C., O'Hagan, A., Gault, J. Book Chapter Marine Energy
Shaping Blue Growth: Social Sciences at the Nexus Between Marine Renewables and Energy Policy Kerr, S., Watts, L., Brennan, R. Book Chapter Marine Energy Human Dimensions
Governance barriers to sustainable energy transitions - Assessing Ireland's capacity towards marine energy futures Lange, M., O'Hagan, A., Devoy, R. Journal Article Marine Energy
Ensuring the sustainable development of ocean energy technologies through environmental assessment laws and policies Wright, G., Willsteed, E., O'Hagan, A. Book Chapter Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Moving from Consultation to Participation: A Case Study of the Involvement of Fishermen in Decisions Relating to Marine Renewable Energy Projects on the Island of Ireland Reilly, K., O'Hagan, A., Dalton, G. Journal Article Marine Energy Stakeholder Engagement, Human Dimensions, Fisheries
Developing Benefit Schemes and Financial Compensation Measures for Fishermen Impacted by Marine Renewable Energy Projects Reilly, K., O'Hagan, A., Dalton, G. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Fisheries
Consenting Processes for Ocean Energy Updated on Barriers and Recommendations O'Hagan, A. Report Marine Energy Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions
Legal feasibility of implementing a risk-based approach to MRE consenting and compatibility with Natura 2000 network Le Lièvre, C., O'Hagan, A., Culloch, R. Report Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Environmental Impact Assessment: Gathering Experiences from Wave Energy Test Centres in Europe Greaves, D., Conley, D., Magagna, D. Journal Article Wave, Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Wave energy in Europe: Views on experiences and progress to date O'Hagan, A., Huertas, C., O'Callaghan, J. Journal Article Wave, Marine Energy Stakeholder Engagement, Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions
Annex IV 2016 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World Copping, A., Sather, N., Hanna, L. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave
Establishing a legal research agenda for ocean energy Wright, G., O'Hagan, A., Groot, J. Journal Article Marine Energy Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions
Exploring the winners and losers of marine environmental governance Flannery, W., Ellis, G., Nursery-Bray, M. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Legal and institutional review of national consenting processes Le Lièvre, C., O'Hagan, A. Report Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Attitudes and Perceptions of Fishermen on the Island of Ireland Towards the Development of Marine Renewable Energy Projects Reilly, K., O'Hagan, A., Dalton, G. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Social & Economic Data
Review of Consenting Processes for Ocean Energy in Selected European Union Member States Simas, T., O'Hagan, A., O'Callaghan, J. Journal Article Marine Energy Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions
Economic and Socio-Economic Assessment Methods for Ocean Renewable Energy: Public and Private Perspectives Dalton, G., Allan, G., Beaumont, N. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
RiCORE Project Gray, D., O'Hagan, A., Bald, J. Research Study Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy Human Dimensions
Environmental Impact Assessments for Wave Energy Developments - Learning from Existing Activities and Informing Future Research Priorities Leeney, R., Greaves, D., Conley, D. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Fish, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Analysis of Experience from Environmental Impact Assessments of Wave Energy Test Centres Conley, D., Magagna, D., Greaves, D. Presentation Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
The Attitudes of Fishermen on the Island of Ireland Towards the Development of Marine Renewable Energy in their Locality - Preliminary Survey Results Reilly, K., O'Hagan, A., Dalton, G. Presentation Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Social & Economic Data
SOWFIA Deliverable D.4.6 - Final Work Package Report: Consenting Procedures Review with Guidelines for Expansion to Larger Projects and Approval Process Streamlining, Incorporating the Findings of Interim Report and Feedback from Workshop D Simas, T., O'Hagan, A., Bailey, I. Report Wave, Marine Energy Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions
SOWFIA Deliverable 3.5 - Work Package 3 Final Report: Report on the Analysis of the Environmental Impact Assessment Experience for Wave Energy Conley, D., Magagna, D., Greaves, D. Report Wave, Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
SOWFIA Enabling Wave Power: Streamlining Processes for Progress Greaves, D., Collazo, C., Magagna, D. Report Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions
SOWFIA Deliverable 2.6 - Work Package 2 Final Report: Report on the Analysis of the Work Package 2 Findings Regarding Barriers and Accelerators of Wave Energy O'Callaghan, J., O'Hagan, A., Holmes, B. Report Wave, Marine Energy
Understanding the Role of Stakeholders in the Wave Energy Consenting Process: Engagement and Sensitivities Simas, T., Muñoz-Arjona, E., Huertas, C. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Stakeholder Engagement
SOWFIA Deliverable D.2.1: Catalogue of Wave Energy Test Centres Mora-Figueroa, V., Olivares, C., Holmes, B. Report Wave, Marine Energy Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions
How Experiences of the Offshore Wind Industry Can Aid Development of the Wave Energy Sector: Lessons Learnt From EIA Studies Magagna, D., Greaves, D., Conley, D. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Gathering the Perspectives and Experience from Test Sites and Device Developers for Environmental and Socio Economic Impact Assessment of Wave Energy Magagna, D., Greaves, D., Conley, D. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave
SOWFIA Deliverable D.2.4: Interim Report on Barriers, Accelerators and Lessons Learned from all Wave Energy Site Experiences Arjona, E., Olivares, C., Holmes, B. Report Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
The existing law and policy framework for ocean energy development in Ireland O'Hagan, A., Lewis, A. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
SOWFIA Deliverable D 3.1: Inventory of Environmental Impact Monitoring Activities at Wave & Tidal Energy Sites in Europe Final Report Conley, D., Leeney, R., Greaves, D. Report Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
SOWFIA: Learning from Impact Assessments of European wave energy developments O'Hagan, A., Leeney, R., Conley, D. Report Wave, Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Streamlining of Ocean Wave Farms Impact Assessment (SOWFIA) Conley, D., Hosegood, P., Bailey, I. Research Study Marine Energy, Wave Changes in Flow Human Dimensions