Short Science Summary: European Migratory Soaring Birds and Wind Energy Development

Common Kestrel

The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.

Title Author Date Sort descending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Environmental Effects of Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems (SWECS) Lawrence, K., Strojan, C. Book Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Attraction, Avoidance, Collision Birds
A Workshop on Raptors and Energy Development Howard, R., Gore, J. Workshop Article Wind Energy Birds, Raptors
Raptor Baseline Studies in Energy Development Kennedy, P. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds, Raptors
The possible impact of wind power generators on flying birds Mead, C. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds
Bird Movements and Collision Mortality at a Large Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Byrne, S. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Waterfowl, Raptors, Passerines, Birds
Environmental Aspects of Large-Scale Wind-Power Systems in the UK Robson, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Noise Birds, Human Dimensions, Visual Impacts
Cape Blanco Wind Farm Feasibility Study Technical Report No. 11: Terrestrial Ecology Portland General Electric Company Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds
Vogels en windturbines (Birds and windturbines) Winkelman, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Habitat Change Birds
Research Program Concerning the Social and Environmental Aspects Related to the Windfarm Project of SEP Lubbers, F. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds
Wind Farm Location and Environmental Impact Clarke, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Noise, Habitat Change Birds
An improved marine radar system for studies of bird migration Cooper, B., Day, R., Ritchie, R., Cranor, C. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Birds
Assessment of Avian Use and Mortality Related to Wind Turbine Operations, Altamont Pass, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California, September 1988 through August 1989, Final Report Howell, J., Didonato, J. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds, Raptors
Wind Turbine Effects on Avian Activity, Habitat Use, and Mortality in the Altamont Pass and Solano County Wind Resource Areas, 1989-1991 Orloff, S., Flannery, A. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds, Raptors
Wind Power and the Local Environment - No Free Lunches Plowden, B. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Habitat Change Bats, Birds
The Effects of Aero-Generators on Moorland Bird Populations in the Orkney Islands, Scotland Meek, E., Ribbands, J., Christer, W., Davy, P., Higginson, I. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Displacement, Collision Seabirds, Birds
Wind Power and Planning: The Environmental Impact of Windfarms in the UK Coles, R., Taylor, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions, Birds
Nocturnal Bird Migration in the Negev (Israel) - a Tracking Radar Study Bruderer, B. Journal Article Wind Energy Birds
The Birds of Blyth Harbour Still, D., Little, B., Lawrence, S., Carver, H. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Habitat Change Birds
Impact of Wind Turbines on Birds - Status of present Knowledge and Perspectives Clausager, I., Nohr, H. Report Wind Energy Birds
Co-Occurrence of Cetaceans and Seabirds in the Northeast Atlantic Skov, H., Durinck, J., Danielsen, F., Bloch, D. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Birds, Seabirds, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
Monitoring of Seasonal Bird Activity and Mortality on Unit 2 at the Buffalo Ridge Windplant, Minnesota Higgins, K., Dieter, C., Usgaard, R. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change, Collision Birds, Bats
Avian use of proposed KENETECH and CARES wind farm sites in Klickitat County, Washington: Technical report Jones & Stokes Associates Inc Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds, Raptors, Waterfowl
Whirly Birds Linn, A. Magazine Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Raptors, Birds
A Study of the Risk of Collision with Power Lines by Waterbirds in Winter at Shotton Steel Works, North Wales Balmer, D., Henderson, I., Clark, N. Report Wind Energy Collision, Avoidance Waterfowl, Birds
Proceedings of the National Avian - Wind Power Planning Meeting LGL Ltd Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds
A Pilot Golden Eagle Population Study in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area California Predatory Bird Research Group Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Displacement Birds, Raptors
Final Environmental Impact Statement: Kenetech/Pacificorp Windpower Project, Carbon County, Wyoming Mariah Associates Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds
Avian interactions with wind energy facilities: A summary Colson, E. Conference Paper Wind Energy Birds
Proceedings of the National Avian - Wind Power Planning Meeting II LGL Ltd Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds
A Review of the Impacts of Wind Farms and Other Aerial Structures Upon Birds Gill, J., Townsley, M., Mudge, G. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds
Bird Casualties Caused by a Wind Energy Project in an Estuary Musters, C., Noordervliet, M., terKeurs, W. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision Waterfowl, Shorebirds, Seabirds, Birds
A Continued Examination of Avian Mortality in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area Orloff, S., Flannery, A. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds, Raptors
Using a Collision Model to Design Safer Wind Turbine Rotors for Birds Tucker, V. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Raptors, Birds
A Mathematical Model of Bird Collisions With Wind Turbine Rotors Tucker, V. Journal Article Wind Energy Birds
Effects of Wind Turbines on Nesting Raptors at Buffalo Ridge in Southwestern Minnesota Usgaard, R., Naugle, D., Osborn, R., Higgins, K. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change Birds, Raptors
Windfarm Design in the Light of Previous Experience Lloyd, A. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds
Effect of Tunø Knob Windpark on Birds Guillemette, M., Larsen, J., Clausager, I. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Birds, Seabirds
Bird Mortality at Rotor Swept Area Equivalents, Altamont Pass and Montezuma Hills, California Howell, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds
Avian Mortality at Rotor Swept Area Equivalents, Altamont Pass and Montezuma Hills, California Howell, J. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds
Bird Disturbance: Improving the Quality and Utility of Disturbance Research Hill, D., Hockin, D., Price, D., Tucker, G., Morris, R., Treweek, J. Journal Article Wind Energy Habitat Change Birds