Short Science Summary: Benefits and Effects


The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.

Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Wave Energy Conversion Systems: Optimal Localization Procedure Benassai, G., Dattero, M., Maffucci, A. Journal Article Wave, Marine Energy
Hydrodynamic Effects of Kinetic Power Extraction by In-Stream Tidal Turbines Polagye, B. Thesis Marine Energy, Riverine, Tidal Changes in Flow Physical Environment
Aspects of Offshore Renewable Energy and the Alterations of Marine Habitats Wilhelmsson, D. Thesis Wind Energy, Wave, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Habitat Change Invertebrates, Fish
Baseline Data and Power Analysis for the OWET Dungeness Crab and Fish Baseline Study Terrill, S., Kramer, S., Nelson, P., Zajanc, D. Report Marine Energy, Wave Fish, Demersal Fish, Invertebrates
Wave Energy and the Marine Environment: Colonization Patterns and Habitat Dynamics Langhamer, O. Thesis Wave, Marine Energy Habitat Change Invertebrates, Fish
OCEANTEC: Sea Trials of a Quarter Scale Prototype Salcedo, F., Ruiz-Minguela, P., Rodriguez, R., Ricci, P., Santos, M. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave
Old and New Threats to Submerged Cultural Landscapes: Fishing, Farming and Energy Development Evans, A., Firth, A., Staniforth, M. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions
Concerning an Act on Offshore Renewable Energy Production (the Offshore Energy Act) Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy
Notice of Intent: Clarence Strait Tidal Energy Project, Northern Territory Franklyn, S. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Coastal environmental assessment and management by ecological simulation in Yeoja Bay, Korea Lee, D.I., Choi, J.M., Lee, M.O., Lee, W.C., Kim, J.K. Journal Article Marine Energy Physical Environment, Water Quality
Potential Impacts of, and Mitigation Strategies for, Small-Scale Tidal Generation Projects on Coastal Marine Ecosystems in the Bay of Fundy Fisheries and Oceans Canada Report Marine Energy, Tidal
Prioritized Research, Development, Deployment and Demonstration (RDD&D) Needs: Marine and Other Hydrokinetic Renewable Energy Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Report Marine Energy
Case Study - Wave Dragon Milford Haven Project Wave Dragon ApS Report Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions
Marine Renewable Energy Strategic Framework for Wales: Stage 1 Report Final Kazer, S., Golding, T. Report Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy
Tidal Flows in Te Aumiti (French Pass), South Island, New Zealand Stevens, C., Sutton, P., Smith, M., Dickson, R. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal
Science Review - Summary of Technical Conference Presentations, Priority Themes for the Future & Projects Commissioned under Round 3 of the ALSF Marine Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund Report Marine Energy
Limits To Tidal Current Power Garrett, C., Cummins, P. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Changes in Flow
Ramsey Sound Tidal Energy Limited Scoping Report Tidal Energy Ltd Report Marine Energy, Tidal Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Sub-Sea Power Cables And The Migration Behaviour Of The European Eel Langenfelt, I., Westerberg, H. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish
Colonization of an Artificial Hard Substrate by Mytilus edulis in the German Bight Joschko, T., Buck, B., Gutow, L., Schröder, A. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Attraction, Habitat Change Invertebrates
Wave Energy from the North Sea: Experiences from the Lysekil Research Site Leijon, M., Boström, C., Danielsson, O., Gustafsson, S., Haikonen, K., Langhamer, O., Strömstedt, E., Stalberg, M., Sundberg, J., Svensson, O., Tyrberg, S., Waters, R. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave
Distribution and Movement Patterns of Gray Whales Off Central Oregon: Shore-Based Observations from Yaquina During the 2007/2008 Migration Mate, B., Ortega-Ortiz, J. Report Marine Energy, Wave Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
River Current Energy Conversion Systems: Progress, Prospects and Challenges Khan, M., Iqbal, M., Quaicoe, J. Journal Article Riverine, Marine Energy Human Dimensions
Developing Wave Energy in Coastal California: Potential Socio-Economic and Environmental Effects Nelson, P., Behrens, D., Castle, J., Crawford, G., Gaddam, R., Hackett, S., Largier, J., Lohse, D., Mills, K., Raimondi, P., Robart, M., Thompson, S., Woo, S. Report Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Whale Entanglements With Submarine Telecommunication Cables Wood, M., Carter, L. Journal Article Marine Energy Entanglement Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
Environmental Assessment for Mississippi River Lock and Dam No. 2 Hydroelectric Project City of Hastings Report Riverine, Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Measurement and Assessment of Background Underwater Noise and its Comparison with Noise from Pin Pile Drilling Operations During Installation of the SeaGen Tidal Turbine Device, Strangford Lough Nedwell, J., Brooker, A. Report Tidal, Marine Energy Noise Marine Mammals, Fish
Ecological Effects of Wave Energy Development in the Pacific Northwest Boehlert, G., McMurray, G., Tortorici, C., Klure, J., Meyer, J. Workshop Article Marine Energy, Wave
Visual Censuses Around Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs): A New Approach For Assessing The Diversity Of Fish In Open-ocean Waters Gaertner, J., Taquet, M., Dagorn, L., Mérigot, B., Aumeeruddy, R., Sancho, G., Itano, D. Journal Article Marine Energy Fish, Pelagic Fish
Effect of large-scale kinetic power extraction on time-dependent estuaries Polagye, B., Malte, P., Kawase, M., Durran, D. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Changes in Flow Physical Environment
Concurrent and Legacy Economic and Environmental Impacts from Establishing a Marine Energy Sector in Scotland Allan, G., Bryden, I., McGregor, P., Stallard, T., Swales, J., Turner, K., Wallace, R. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Environmental Impact and Appraisal - Planning Consent for the South West of England Wave Hub Harrington, N., Andina-Pendas, I. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave
Environmental Management in Korea: Insights and Observations from the 2007 Australia-Korea Young Leaders Exchange Program Twyford, K. Report Marine Energy Social & Economic Data, Human Dimensions
The Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammals Boyd, I., Brownell, B., Cato, D., Clark, C., Costa, D., Evans, P., Gedamke, J., Gentry, R., Gisiner, R., Gordon, J., Jepson, P., Miller, P., Rendell, L., Tasker, M., Tyack, P., Vos, E., Whitehead, H., Wartzok, D., Zimmer, W. Report Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
Ocean Noise: Turn it down - A report on ocean noise pollution McKenna, C., International Fund for Animal Welfare Report Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise Fish, Marine Mammals
Moving Toward Spatial Solutions in Marine Conservation with Indigenous Communities Ban, N., Picard, N., Vincent, A. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning, Stakeholder Engagement
Maren, A Test Facility for the Bolgekraftverk Round - Review and Consequences Vattenfall Report Wave, Marine Energy
Atlas of UK Marine Renewable Energy Resources ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd (ABPmer) Website Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind
State of the Nation's de Facto Marine Protected Areas Grober-Dunsmore, R., Canny, D., D'Iorio, M., Wahle, C., Wenzel, L., Woodnick, L. Report Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
The Extractable Power From A Channel Linking A Bay To The Open Ocean Blanchfield, J., Garrett, C., Wild, P., Rowe, A. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy