Short Science Summary: Benefits and Effects


The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.

Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Homing of Pelagic Fish to Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs): The Role of Sensory Cues Dempster, T., Kingsford, M. Journal Article Marine Energy Habitat Change Fish, Pelagic Fish
The Environmental Effects of the Installation and Functioning of the Submarine SwePol Link HVDC Transmission Line: A Case Study of the Polish Marine Area of the Baltic Sea Andrulewicz, E., Napierska, D., Otremba, Z. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF Physical Environment, Invertebrates
Ecological effects of low toxicity oil-based mud drilling in the Beatrice oilfield Addy, J.M., Hartley, J.P., Tibbetts, P.J.C. Journal Article Marine Energy
Essential Fish and Habitat Source Document: Thorny Skate, Amblyraja Radiata, Life History and Habitat Characteristics Packer, D., Zetlin, C., Vitaliano, J. Report Marine Energy Fish
Sound Detection Mechanisms and Capabilities of Teleost Fishes Popper, A., Fay, R., Platt, C., Sand, O. Book Chapter Marine Energy EMF, Noise Fish
Wave Energy Centre Website Wave Energy Centre Website Wave, Marine Energy
European Marine Energy Centre European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Website Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave
Environmental Assessment for Proposed Wave Energy Technology Project in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii Office of Naval Research Report Marine Energy, Wave
Proposed Wave Energy Technology Project Environmental Assessment US Department of the Navy Report Marine Energy, Wave Physical Environment, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Navigation, Recreation & Tourism
Changes in a fish assemblage after a coral bleaching event Booth, D., Beretta, G. Journal Article Marine Energy Fish, Pelagic Fish
Renewable Energy from the Ocean Pelc, R., Fujita, R. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy
Evaluation of Fish-Injury Mechanisms During Exposure to a High-Velocity Jet Guensch, G., Mueller, R., Dauble, D. Report Marine Energy Collision Fish
Life-Cycle Assessment of Electricity Generation Options: The Status of Research in the Year 2001 Gagnon, L., Bélanger, C., Uchiyama, Y. Journal Article Marine Energy, Riverine, Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Human Dimensions, Life Cycle Assessment
Environmental Assessment Seabed Survey: Makah Bay Thales GeoSolutions, Inc. Report Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
A General Theory on Fish Aggregation to Floating Objects: An Alternative to the Meeting Point Hypothesis Castro, J., Santiago, J., Santana-Ortega, A. Journal Article Marine Energy Attraction, Habitat Change Ecosystem Processes, Fish
Technologies and their Influence on Future UK Marine Resource Development and Management Side, J., Jowitt, P. Journal Article Wind Energy, Wave, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Human Dimensions
Billia Croo Environmental Statement Carl Bro Group Report Marine Energy, Wave Birds, Seabirds, Shorebirds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Evaluating the Coastal Environment for Marine Birds Wanless, S., Bacon, P., Harris, M., Webb, A. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Habitat Change Birds, Physical Environment
Islay Limpet Wave Power Plant Report The Queen’s University of Belfast Report Marine Energy, Wave
Persistence of Antifouling Agents in the Marine Biosphere Ranke, J. Journal Article Marine Energy Chemicals Physical Environment
Evaluation of the Effects of Turbulence on the Behaviour of Migratory Fish Odeh, M., Noreika, J., Haro, A., Maynard, A., Castro-Santos, T., Cada, G. Report Riverine, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Fish
Wake Effects in Tidal Current Turbine Farms Macleod, A., Barnes, S., Rados, K., Bryden, I. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Tidal Changes in Flow Physical Environment
The Practice of Comprehensive Silt Proof Measures in Tide Power Stations Liu, X., Fagong, L. Report Tidal, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Sediment Transport, Physical Environment
Evaluation of Juvenile Salmon Behavior at Bonneville Dam, Columbia River, using a Multibeam Technique Johnson, R., Moursund, R. Journal Article Marine Energy, Riverine Fish, Pelagic Fish
Laboratory Studies on the Effects of Shear on Fish Nietzel, D., Richmond, M., Dauble, D., Mueller, R., Moursund, R., Abernethy, C., Guensch, G., Cada, G. Report Marine Energy, Riverine Changes in Flow Fish, Pelagic Fish
Risk assessment for fish passage through small, low-head turbines Turnpenny, A., Clough, S., Hanson, K., Ramsay, R., McEwan, D. Book Marine Energy Fish
The Role of Women in Sustainable Energy Development Cecelski, E. Report Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Environmental Justice, Social & Economic Data
Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) feeding on schooling herring (Clupea harengus) using underwater tail-slaps: Kinematic analyses of field observations Domenici, P., Batty, R., Simila, T., Ogam, E. Journal Article Marine Energy Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
Downstream Migration of Fish Through Dams of Hydroelectric Power Plants Pavlov, D., Lupandin, A., Kostin, V. Book Riverine, Marine Energy Collision Fish
Response properties and biological function of the skate electrosensory system during ontogeny Sisneros, J., Tricas, T., Luer, C. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF Fish, Demersal Fish
Habitat use by bottlenose dolphins: seasonal distribution and stratified movement patterns in the Moray Firth, Scotland Wilson, B., Thompson, P.M., Hammond, P.S. Journal Article Marine Energy Marine Mammals
The kinematics and performance of fish fast-start swimming Domenici, P., Blake, R. Journal Article Marine Energy Fish
Detection of magnetic field intensity by sea turtles Lohmann, C., Lohmann, K. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF Reptiles
Design considerations for ocean energy resource systems Bregman, R., Knapp, R., Takahashi, P. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Ocean Current, OTEC, Tidal, Wave Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Changes in Area, Geomorphology and Sediment Nature of Salt Marshes in the Oosterschelde Estuary (SW Netherlands) Due to Tidal Changes de Jong, D., de Jong, Z., Mulder, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Changes in Flow Physical Environment
An assessment of research and development leadership in ocean energy technologies Bruch, V. Report Marine Energy Human Dimensions
Renewable Energy From the Ocean: A Guide to OTEC Avery, W., Wu, C. Book OTEC, Marine Energy
Macrotidal Estuaries: A Region of Collision Between Migratory Marine Animals and Tidal Power Development Dadswell, M., Rulifson, R. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Collision Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish, Marine Mammals
Intertidal Ecology and Potential Power Impacts, Bay of Fundy, Canada Gordon, D. Jr. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Changes in Flow Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment
Tidal Power and the Aquatic Environment of La Rance Retiere, C. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Ecosystem Processes