Side, J.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 19
Title Author Date Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Predicted ecological consequences of wave energy extraction and climate-related changes in wave exposure on rocky shore communities Want, A., Waldman, S., Burrows, T. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Changes in Flow Invertebrates
Large Scale Three-Dimensional Modelling for Wave and Tidal Energy Resource and Environmental Impact: Methodologies for Quantifying Acceptable Thresholds for Sustainable Exploitation Gallego, A., Side, J., Baston, S. Journal Article Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Physical Environment
Developing Methodologies for Large Scale Wave and Tidal Stream Marine Renewable Energy Extraction and its Environmental Impact: An Overview of the TeraWatt Project Side, J., Gallego, A., James, M. Journal Article Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy Changes in Flow
EcoWatt2050 Project Summary Side, J. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Human Dimensions, Climate Change, Marine Spatial Planning
TeraWatt Position Papers: A "Toolbox" of Methods to Better Understand and Assess the Effects of Tidal and Wave Energy Arrays on the Marine Environment Murray, R., Maclver, R., Reddy, N. Report Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Water Quality, Sediment Transport, Physical Environment
Management of Sustainable Fisheries Alongside Marine Renewables: Modelling the Spatial Interactions Bell, M., Side, J., Walker, K. Presentation Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Fisheries
Littoral Characterisation of West Mainland Orkney: The Relationship between Wave Energy, Topography and the Biological Community Want, A., Side, J., Bell, M. Presentation Marine Energy, Wave Invertebrates
Baselines and Monitoring Methods for Detecting Impacts of Hydrodynamic Energy Extraction on Intertidal Communities of Rocky Shores Want, A., Beharie, R., Bell, M. Book Chapter Wave, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Invertebrates
Marine renewables and coastal communities—Experiences from the offshore oil industry in the 1970s and their relevance to marine renewables in the 2010s Johnson, K., Kerr, S., Side, J. Journal Article Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy Human Dimensions
Accommodating Wave and Tidal Energy - Control and Decision in Scotland Johnson, K., Kerr, S., Side, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Acoustic Environmental Monitoring - Wello Penguin Cooling System Noise Study Beharie, R., Side, J. Report Marine Energy, Wave Noise
Tidal Technologies: Key Issues Across Planning and Development for Environmental Regulators Bell, M., Side, J. Report Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy
Marine Renewable Energy: The Ecological Implications of Altering the Hydrodynamics of the Marine Environment Shields, M., Woolf, D., Grist, E. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Changes in Flow Physical Environment
SuperGen Research Helps to Answer Long Standing Problem of Shoreline 'Exposure' Beharie, R., Side, J. Presentation Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Physical Environment
The emergence of a new marine renewable energy industry – what are the implications for fisheries? Bell, M., Side, J., Kerr, S. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise Fish, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Fisheries
Structure of Turbulent Flow in EMEC's Tidal Energy Test Site Osalusi, E., Side, J., Harris, R. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Changes in Flow
Quantifying "Exposure" with Cost Effective Wave Resource Measurements Beharie, R., Side, J. Presentation Wave, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Physical Environment
Marine Renewable Energy Development in Scotland (MREDS) Side, J., Gibb, S., Stephen, K. Research Study Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy Seabirds, Marine Mammals, Invertebrates, Fish, Birds
Technologies and their Influence on Future UK Marine Resource Development and Management Side, J., Jowitt, P. Journal Article Wind Energy, Wave, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Human Dimensions