Jeffrey, H.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 17
Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Delivering Net Zero: the Role of Offshore Renewable Energy A COP28 Briefing note prepared by the Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy Hub Greaves, D., Chen, J., White, D. Report Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions
AN INTERNATIONAL EVALUATION AND GUIDANCE FRAMEWORK FOR OCEAN ENERGY TECHNOLOGY Hodges, J., Henderson, J., Ruedy, L Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Ocean Energy and Net Zero: Policy Support for the Cost Effective Delivery of 12GW Wave and Tidal Stream by 2050 Wong, P., Grattan, K., Jeffrey, H. Report Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy, Social & Economic Data
UK Ocean Energy Review 2022 University of Edinburgh, Jeffrey, H., Grattan, K. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave
An ecosystem-based natural capital evaluation framework that combines environmental and socio-economic implications of offshore renewable energy developments Trifonova, N., Scott, B., Griffin, R. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Ecosystem Processes, Human Dimensions, Climate Change, Fisheries, Legal & Policy, Marine Spatial Planning
Life cycle assessment of a point-absorber wave energy array Pennock, S., Vanegas-Cantarero, M., Bloise-Thomaz, T. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Life Cycle Assessment
UK Ocean Energy Review 2021 University of Edinburgh, Jeffrey, H., Grattan, K. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave
Life cycle assessment of floating offshore wind farms: An evaluation of operation and maintenance Garcia-Teruel, A., Rinaldi, G., Thies, P. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Life Cycle Assessment
What is the value of innovative offshore renewable energy deployment to the UK economy? Cochrane, C., Pennock, S., Jeffrey, H. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Delivering Net Zero: the role of Offshore Renewable Energy A COP26 Briefing note prepared by the Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy Hub Greaves, D., Richards, L., White, D. Report Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind
Wave Energy Position Paper Greaves, D., Jin, S., Jeffrey, H. Report Marine Energy, Wave
Energy and carbon audit of a tidal array equipped with an innovative power take-off Santos-Herran, M., Medina-López, E., Entwistle, L. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Tidal Human Dimensions, Life Cycle Assessment
Demonstration of a Socio-economic Cost of Energy Analysis of a Wave Energy Converter Array Crooks, D., de Andres, A., Medina-López, E. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Accelerating the development of marine energy: Exploring the prospects, benefits and challenges Jeffrey, H., Jay, B., Winksel, H. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Environmental Justice, Legal & Policy
ORECCA European Offshore Renewable Energy Roadmap Jeffrey, H., Sedgwick, J. Report Wind Energy, Wave, Tidal, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions
A Framework for an International Marine Energy Roadmap Mueller, M., Bailey, H., Palmer, J. Workshop Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
SuperGen Marine Energy Research Wallace, R., Ingram, D., Jeffrey, H. Research Study Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind Changes in Flow, Collision, Habitat Change Birds, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals