Webinars for Marine and Wind Energy and the Environment

Tethys hosts regular webinars pertaining to topics of environmental concern, as a means to effectively disseminate new information and research efforts to a large international audience of stakeholders. Anyone is welcome to attend these live webinars and participate in a live question and answer session with the presenters. Information for attending these live webinars is distributed to a public mailing list (separate lists for wind and water). Ongoing webinars on Tethys are sponsored by OES-EnvironmentalWREN, SEER, and other projects.

You can sign up to receive invitations to live webinars here.

Below is a list of past webinars, containing video/audio files of the presentations and Q&A sessions when available.

Sponsored By Title Date Sort ascending Description
Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar #5 Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Eagles: Permitting process and best practices for monitoring and mitigation September 29, 2020

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Defenders of Wildlife hosted a free, nine-part webinar series, Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Considerations for Monitoring and Managing Impacts, between August and November 2020. All webinars were recorded and are available on Tethys.

Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar #4 Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Bats - Methodologies and technologies used to study impacts of wind turbines on bats September 24, 2020

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Defenders of Wildlife hosted a free, nine-part webinar series, Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Considerations for Monitoring and Managing Impacts, between August and November 2020. All webinars were recorded and are available on Tethys.

Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar #3 Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Grouse - Considerations for developing wind energy in grouse habitat September 16, 2020

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Defenders of Wildlife hosted a free, nine-part webinar series, Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Considerations for Monitoring and Managing Impacts, between August and November 2020. All webinars were recorded and are available on Tethys.

Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar #2 Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Federal and State Perspectives on Environmental Review of Wind Energy and Wildlife September 1, 2020

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Defenders of Wildlife hosted a free, nine-part webinar series, Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Considerations for Monitoring and Managing Impacts, between August and November 2020. All webinars were recorded and are available on Tethys.

Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar #1 Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: History of wind energy and wildlife interactions and overview of the webinar series August 28, 2020

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Defenders of Wildlife hosted a free, nine-part webinar series, Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Considerations for Monitoring and Managing Impacts, between August and November 2020. All webinars were recorded and are available on Tethys.

NWCC Webinar #20 Preliminary Results of Research on Wind Operational Impact Minimization Technologies: DOE-Funded Technology Development and Innovation Projects August 20, 2020

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) researchers present preliminary results of two projects examining early-stage technologies aimed at minimizing the potential impacts of wind turbines on wildlife.

NWCC Webinar #19 Updated Wind Energy Development Scenarios in the U.S.: Tools to Understand Potential Wind-Wildlife Interaction August 18, 2020

NREL researchers present how intricate considerations are integrated into modeling and analysis to estimate the possible future of wind energy in the United States, and the relationship this has with wildlife.

WREN Webinar #17 Experiences from conducting environmental research at land-based and offshore wind energy facilities July 7, 2020

The American Wind Wildlife Institute hosted the 17th WREN (Working Together to Resolve Environmental Effects of Wind Energy) webinar entitled, Experiences from conducting environmental research at land-based and offshore wind energy facilities. 

POET Webinar #1 POET Webinar: Potential Effects of Offshore Renewable Energy - Knowledge and Resources (Part 1: Marine Renewables and Offshore Wind) April 15, 2020

The Pacific Ocean Energy Trust (POET) is pleased to launch a series of Marine Energy related webinars and has teamed up with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to host a webinar on April 15th from 10 to 11:30am PT featuring speakers from PNNL's Coastal Division.

NWCC Webinar #18 New Research on Smart Curtailment for Bats at Wind Energy Facilities Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy March 26, 2020

Presentations on smart curtailment strategies aimed at minimizing energy loss from curtailment while reducing impacts to bats at wind energy facilities.

NWCC Webinar #17 New Research on Deterrents and Monitoring for Bats at Wind Energy Facilities Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy March 17, 2020

Presentations on advancements of the commercial readiness of bat deterrent technologies used to minimize impacts to bats and reduce the need for curtailment at wind energy facilities, and on advancements in monitoring technologies.

NWCC Webinar #16 New Research on Wildlife Monitoring at Offshore Wind Energy Facilities Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy January 16, 2020

New and upcoming research supported by the U.S. Department of Energy on systems and technologies for monitoring wildlife, including birds, bats, and North Atlantic right whales, at offshore wind energy facilities.

NWCC Webinar #15 Updates on Research Presented at the 12th NWCC Wind Wildlife Research Meeting December 4, 2019

This webinar has presentations on progress and updates from research presented at the 12th NWCC Wind Wildlife Research Meeting.

NWCC Webinar #14 Wind 101: An Introduction to Wind Energy Siting and Development November 7, 2019

This webinar provides an introduction to wind energy for those working in a wind-wildlife or related field.

NWCC Webinar #13 Bats and Wind Energy Cooperative: Research Priorities to Address Bats and Wind Energy Issues April 12, 2019

This webinar will provide a summary of the issues related to bats and wind energy, a brief history of the Bats and Wind Energy Cooperative, and its current strategy to address bats and wind energy issues.

WREN Webinar #16 Multiple Uses for Offshore Space: Incorporating Wind Energy Development April 5, 2019

This webinar will discuss perspectives from both Europe, where wind energy development has existed since 1991, and North America, where development is relatively new, but with hopes of rapid expansion.

NWCC Webinar #12 Tools for Collecting, Archiving, and Visualizing Bat Monitoring Data March 22, 2019

NWCC held a webinar on two tools intended to help monitor, track, and document bat movements and populations across the continent.

WREN Webinar #15, NWCC Webinar #11 First Look at a New Generalized Fatality Estimator, GenEst August 23, 2018

This webinar will provide a first look at GenEst and how it can be used to estimate fatalities at wind facilities.

Tethys Webinar Tethys Wind Webinar June 25, 2018

This webinar will showcase the content and resources available on Tethys, from a wind energy perspective.

WREN Webinar #14 Reconstruction after Decommissioning - A Cross Industry Perspective May 4, 2018

The speakers will discuss reconstruction after decommissioning from both the offshore wind, land-based wind and adjacent industry perspectives.

NWCC Webinar #10 Status and Findings of Developing Technologies for Bat Detection and Deterrence at Wind Facilities March 14, 2018

This webinar provides updated on NWCC webinar #5 on bat detection and deterrence.

WREN Webinar #13 Smart Curtailment - A Global Perspective January 17, 2018

The speakers will discuss smart curtailment from both the European and North American perspective.

WREN Webinar #12 Upscaling Wind and Wildlife Individual Interactions to Population-Level Impacts September 20, 2017

This webinar covers a manuscript produced by the WREN collaborative on individual to population impacts and WEST’s development of a quantitative assessment of the direct effects of wind energy on small passerines and diurnal raptors in North America.

NWCC Webinar #9 Summary and Synthesis of the Latest Knowledge on Wind Energy and Wildlife July 18, 2017

This webinar presents a summary of wind energy and wildlife interactions, including raptors, bats, and grouse.

WREN Webinar #11 Research Programs to Understand the Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind, Part 2 June 20, 2017

This webinar is the second of a two-part series covering research programs designed to understand the environmental impacts of offshore wind.

NWCC Webinar #8 Upcoming Research on Eagle Impact Minimization Technologies Supported by the US Department of Energy May 19, 2017

This webinar features overviews of DOE selected research projects, including explorations into how to create more effective deterrents and testing and evaluation of existing and newly emerging detection and deterrent technologies.

WREN Webinar #10 BOEM Efforts to Collect and Analyze Offshore Wind Data in a Holistic Manner, as Demonstrated through the RODEO Study March 28, 2017

This webinar will cover The United States Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) Real-time Opportunity for Development Environmental Observations (RODEO) study.

WREN Webinar #9 Adaptive Management in the Wind Energy Industry November 16, 2016

A recent review of Adaptive Management (AM) has clarified fundamental differences in the definition of AM, and its application to projects or planning processes. This webinar sets out to explore these experiences and suggest the possibility of a common definition and framework for AM that is capable of supporting the needs of wind energy development where there are potential conflicts with wildlife. It will examine how AM has been applied to wind energy development around the world, with a focus on examples from the US and UK.

NWCC Webinar #7 Wind Energy and Greater Sage-Grouse Webinar: Sage-Grouse Research Collaborative Results November 9, 2016

This webinar presents results from two research projects overseen by the NWCC Sage-Grouse Research Collaborative.

WREN Webinar #8 Assessing Marine and Avian Wildlife Off the New York Coast July 21, 2016

In an effort to ensure that potential offshore wind development protects the environment and addresses the concerns of coastal communities, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) is conducting a multi-year aerial survey of wildlife in this area. This webinar will outline the planned scope of the survey project and provide insights in the technical aspects of image collection, processing, species identification and data presentation.

WREN Webinar #7 Wind Energy Development Impacts on Marine Environment June 28, 2016

This webinar will discuss noise monitoring research and mitigation to help protect marine life from the impacts of wind energy development-related sounds produced during the building phases and types of foundations.

WREN Webinar #6 Monitoring Bat Activity Offshore March 1, 2016

This webinar details techniques for monitoring bat activities offshore, in order to determine the impact that offshore wind may have on bat populations.

NWCC Webinar #6 Golden Eagles: Estimating Mitigation Credits from Voluntary Lead Abatement & Reducing Vehicle Collisions January 27, 2016

This webinar featured an in-depth presentation on AWWI’s Eagle Mitigation and Conservation Toolbox, which includes modeling tools that advance the science needed to facilitate wind energy development while conserving eagles.

NWCC Webinar #5 Developing Technologies for Bat Detection and Deterrence at Wind Facilities December 2, 2015

Multiple presentations in December 2015 address technologies for bat detection and deterrence.

WREN Webinar #5 Wildlife Monitoring and Wind Energy December 2, 2015

This webinar details monitoring tools and large-scale monitoring efforts related to offshore wind energy.

BRI Webinar Mid-Atlantic Baseline Study Webinar November 17, 2015

The goal of the Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies (MABS) Project was to provide comprehensive baseline ecological data and associated predictive models and maps to regulators, developers, and other stakeholders for offshore wind energy.

WREN Webinar #4 Avian Sensitivity Mapping and Wind Energy August 27, 2015

The speakers present on tools they have developed to assess the potential vulnerability of birds to wind energy development.

WREN Webinar #3 Understanding Avian Collision Rate Modeling and Discussing what this Means in a Population Context at Land-Based and Offshore Windfarms April 2, 2015

Wind farms can impact birds through collisions, barrier effects and displacement and habitat loss. Of these, collisions have attracted the most attention as the effects of direct mortality are considered to have the greatest potential to impact bird populations.

WREN Webinar #2 Attraction and Interaction of Marine Mammals and Seabirds to Offshore Wind Farms Webinar December 9, 2014

The presenters provide examples of research methodologies for the detection of animal populations in the vicinity of offshore wind farms, describe the technologies used to detect the animals, and, where available, discuss any existing mitigation measures or post installation/operation monitoring.

NWCC Webinar #4 Tools for Sharing Information and Mapping Biodiversity October 21, 2014

Presentations includee an Overview of Avian Knowledge Network by Katie Koch, USFWS and New Tools for Balancing Wind Energy and Biodiversity Conservation in New York State from the Nature Conservancy.

WREN Webinar #1 Bats and Wind Energy Webinar September 3, 2014

This webinar addressed the issue of reducing bat fatalities from land-based wind in the US and central Europe.

NWCC Webinar #3 Recent Syntheses of Research on Wind Energy, Bats, and Terrestrial and Marine Wildlife July 1, 2014

This webinar includes research presented by Jeffery Lovich, Ed Arnett, and Erin Baerwald on the terrestrial and marine impacts of wind energy development.

NWCC Webinar #2 Eagle Research and Mitigation March 5, 2014

Dr. Taber Allison of the American Wind Wildlife Institute presented on AWWI’s work on eagles, including the Eagle Research Framework.

DOE OSW Monitoring Webinar Wildlife Monitoring and Basline Studies for Offshore Wind Development April 24, 2013

This webinar focuses on presenting initial results of the first year of data collection for two large-scale studies in the US that establish baseline data to aid in the siting and permitting of future projects.