November 17, 2015 @ 16:00 - 17:00 UTC
The goal of the Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies (MABS) Project was to provide comprehensive baseline ecological data and associated predictive models and maps to regulators, developers, and other stakeholders for offshore wind energy. This knowledge on wildlife distributions, movements, and habitat use will help inform the siting and permitting of offshore wind facilities on the mid-Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf.
The final Mid-Atlantic Baseline Study Report can be accessed here.
Study Summary and Implications
This baseline assessment focused on understanding the potential exposure of wildlife to future offshore development. The results of this study offer insight to help address environmental permitting requirements for current and future projects. These data serve as a starting point for more site-specific studies, risk analyses, and evaluation of potential measures to avoid and minimize risks to wildlife from human activity in the offshore environment.
Speaker Presentation Materials
- Wildlife distributions and habitat use on the mid-Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (Kate Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute, US)
A video recording of the webinar has been posted below: