Wilding, T.

Name: Tom Wilding
Background: Researcher
Organization: Scottish Association for Marine Science
Department: Ecology
Interest: Benthic ecology, statistical modelling, experimental design.
Country: United Kingdom

About Me:

I'm an ecologist interested in the interactions between devices and their receiving environment and how these interactions should be assessed (methodology, scale (in space and time)). I'm interested in asking questions about the questions we ask of monitoring programmes.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 13
Title Author Date Sort descending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Evaluating artificial reef performance: approaches to pre- and post-deployment research Wilding, T., Sayer, M. Journal Article Habitat Change Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment
The Benthic Environment of the North and West of Scotland and the Northern and Western Isles: Sources of Information and Overview Wilding, T., Hughes, D., Black, K. Report Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Physical Environment, Invertebrates
The benthic impacts of the Loch Linnhe Artificial Reef Wilding, T. Journal Article Habitat Change Physical Environment, Invertebrates
Understanding Benthic Productivity on Artificial Structures: Maximising the Benefit of Marine Renewable Energy Devices Porter, J., Rouse, S., Wilding, T. Research Study Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Collision, Habitat Change Invertebrates
Interactive Marine Spatial Planning: Siting Tidal Energy Arrays around the Mull of Kintyre Alexander, K., Janssen, R., Arciniegas, G. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Habitat Change Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Attitudes of Scottish Fishers Towards Marine Renewable Energy Alexander, K., Wilding, T., Jacomina Heymans, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Social & Economic Data
Marine Renewable Energy and Scottish West Coast Fishers: Exploring Impacts, Opportunities and Potential Mitigation Alexander, K., Potts, T., Wilding, T. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Social & Economic Data
Effects of Man-Made Structures on Sedimentary Oxygenation: Extent, Seasonality and Implications for Offshore Renewables Wilding, T. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Physical Environment
Turning Off the DRIP ('Data-Rich, Information-Poor') - Rationalising Monitoring with a Focus on Marine Renewable Energy Developments and the Benthos Wilding, T., Gill, A., Boon, A. Journal Article Marine Energy Invertebrates, Ecosystem Processes
Benthic Conservation Features and Species Associated With Subsea Pipelines: Considerations for Decommissioning Rouse, S., Lacey, N., Hayes, P. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Attraction Invertebrates, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Artificial reef design affects benthic secondary productivity and provision of functional habitat Rouse, S., Porter, J., Wilding, T. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Attraction Invertebrates
Benthic effects of offshore renewables: identification of knowledge gaps and urgently needed research Dannheim, J., Bergström, L., Birchenough, S. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Invertebrates
To what extent can decommissioning options for marine artificial structures move us toward environmental targets? Knights, A., Lemasson, A., Firth, L. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy