Bender, A.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 11
Title Author Date Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
2024 State of the Science Report - Chapter 10: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy in Tropical and Subtropical Ecosystems Garavelli, L., Hemery, L., Farr, H. Report Marine Energy, OTEC, Tidal, Wave
Imaging-sonar observations of salmonid interactions with a vertical axis instream turbine Bender, A., Langhamer, O., Francisco, F. Journal Article Marine Energy, Riverine Attraction, Avoidance Fish
Use of multibeam imaging sonar for observation of marine mammals and fish on a marine renewable energy site Francisco, F., Bender, A., Sundberg, J. Journal Article Marine Energy Fish, Marine Mammals
Conceptualisation of multiple impacts interacting in the marine environment using marine infrastructure as an example Komyakova, V., Jaffrés, J., Strain, E. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Attraction Invertebrates
Environmental Effects from Wave Power: Artificial Reefs and Incidental No-take Zones Bender, A. Thesis Marine Energy, Wave Attraction, Habitat Change Fish, Invertebrates
Effects of a Wave Power Park with No-Take Zone on Decapod Abundance and Size Bender, A., Langhamer, O., Molis, M. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Invertebrates, Human Dimensions, Fisheries
Colonisation of wave power foundations by mobile mega- and macrofauna – a 12 year study Bender, A., Langhamer, O., Sundberg, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Attraction, Habitat Change Fish, Invertebrates
Effects from wave power generators on the distribution of two sea pen species on the Swedish west coast Bender, A., Sundberg, J. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave Habitat Change Invertebrates
Effects of Wave Energy Generators on Nephrops norvegicus Bender, A., Sunberg, J. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave Habitat Change Invertebrates
Deployment and Maintenance of Wave Energy Converters at the Lysekil Research Site: A Comparative Study on the Use of Divers and Remotely-Operated Vehicles Rémouit, F., Chatzigiannakou, M., Bender, A. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave
A Review of Methods and Models for Environmental Monitoring of Marine Renewable Energy Bender, A., Francisco, F., Sundberg, J. Conference Paper Marine Energy