Short Science Summary: European Migratory Soaring Birds and Wind Energy Development

Common Kestrel

The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.

Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Ornithological and Marine Fauna Aerial Digital Survey: First Semiannual Report Normandeau Associates Inc Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Displacement, Habitat Change Birds, Fish, Pelagic Fish, Marine Mammals, Reptiles, Sea Turtles
European offshore renewable energy, towards a sustainable future Soukissian, T., O’Hagan, A-M., Azzellino, A., Boero, F., Brito e Melo, A., Comiskey, P., Gao, Z., Howell, D., Le Boulluec, M., Maisondieu, C., Scott, B., Tedeschi, E., Maheri, A., Pennock, S. Report Marine Energy, Ocean Current, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision, EMF, Noise Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy, Social & Economic Data
Standardised and referenced acoustic monitoring reliably estimates bat fatalities at wind turbines: comments on 'Limitations of acoustic monitoring at wind turbines to evaluate fatality risk of bats' Behr, O., Barre, K., Bontadina, F., Brinkmann, R., Dietz, M., Disca, T., Froidevaux, J., Ghanem, S., Huemer, S., Hurst, J., Kaminsky, S., Kelm, V., Korner-Nievergelt, F., Lauper, M., Lintott, P., Newman, C., Peterson, T., Proksch, J., Roemer, C., Schorcht, W., Nagy, M. Journal Article Wind Energy Collision Bats, Birds
Windfarm collisions in medium-sized raptors: even increasing populations can suffer strong demographic impacts Duriez, O., Pilard, P., Saulnier, N., Boudarel, P., Besnard, A. Journal Article Wind Energy Collision Birds, Raptors, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
An ecological risk assessment for the impacts of offshore wind farms on birds in Australia Reid, K., Baker, G., Woehler, E. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision, Displacement Birds, Passerines, Seabirds
Bat and Bird monitoring guidance Skov, H. Guidance Wind Energy Bats, Birds
Monitoring Framework for Automated Radio Telemetry at Offshore Wind Projects in the U.S. Atlantic Loring, P., Carlson, E., Gobeille, D., Makenzie, S., Berrigan, L., Williams, K., Gilbert, A., Adams, E. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Bats, Birds
Monitoring of Marine Life During Offshore Wind Energy Development—Guidelines and Recommendations Kershaw, F., Jones, A., Folsom-O’Keefe, C., Johnson, E., Newman, B., Liner, J., Clarkson, C., Swanson, R., Fuller, E., Krakoff, N., Johnson, A., Kelly, K., Hislop, K., Frignoca, I., Sarthou, C., Donaghue, E., Haggerty, S., Ricci, H., Walsh, J., Humphries, E., Weiler, C., Felton, S., George, G., Haney, C., Lyons, D., Weinstein, A., Bibza, J., Hewett, A., Murphy, J., Muth, D., Renfro, A., Aylesworth, S., Chase, A., Davis, E., Trice, A., Stocker, M., Conley, M., Jedele, T., LoBue, C., Runnebaum, J., Feinberg, P. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Bats, Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Reptiles, Human Dimensions
A framework for improving treatment of uncertainty in offshore wind assessments for protected marine birds Searle, K., O'Brien, S., Jones, E., Cook, A., Trinder, M., McGregor, R., Donovan, C., McCluskie, A., Daunt, F., Butler, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision, Displacement Birds, Seabirds, Shorebirds
Resolving Key Uncertainties of Seabird Flight and Avoidance Behaviours at Offshore Wind Farms: Final Report for the study period 2020-2021 Tjørnløv, R., Skov, H., Armitage, M., Barker, M., Jørgensen, J., Mortensen, L., Thomas, K., Uhrenholdt, T. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Avoidance Birds, Seabirds
Wind turbines in managed forests partially displace common birds Rehling, F., Delius, A., Ellerbrok, J., Farwig, N., Peter, F. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Displacement Birds, Passerines, Raptors
Flight Type and Seasonal Movements Are Important Predictors for Avian Collisions in Wind Farms Puente, A., Balmori, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds
5th ScotMER Symposium: Ornithology 2 Marine Scotland Presentation Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Birds
Birds vs. wind power – significant bird impacts of wind turbines in Finnish environmental impact assessment reports Hagman, A. Thesis Wind Energy Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change Birds, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
SouthCoast Wind Draft Environmental Impact Statement BOEM Office of Renewable Energy Programs Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Bats, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Recreation & Tourism, Visual Impacts
EU Species Protection Law and Wind Energy: Current Challenges and Danish Experiences Anker, H., Olsen, B. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change Birds, Human Dimensions, Climate Change
Interdisciplinary analysis of wind energy - a focus on France Kinani, K., Meunier, S., Vido, L., Le Ballois, S. Journal Article Wind Energy Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change, Noise Bats, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Reptiles, Sea Turtles, Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Social & Economic Data, Visual Impacts
Institutional acceptance of wildlife mitigation technologies for wind energy: The case of Israel Cohen, A., Fischhendler, I., Katz, D. Journal Article Wind Energy Avoidance, Collision Bats, Birds
Offshore Wind Evidence and Change Programme: Annual Report 2022 The Crown Estate Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Birds, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Legal & Policy
5th ScotMER Symposium: Ornithology 1 Marine Scotland Presentation Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision, Displacement Birds
Effectiveness of an artificial intelligence-based system to curtail wind turbines to reduce eagle collisions Duerr, A., Parsons, A., Nagy, L., Kuehn, M., Bloom, P. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds, Raptors
The impact of onshore wind farms on ecological corridors in Ningbo, China Guan, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change Birds, Physical Environment
A utilization distribution for the global population of Cape Vultures (Gyps coprotheres) to guide wind energy development Cervantes, F., Murgatroyd, M., Allan, D., Farwig, N., Kemp, R., Kruger, S., Maude, G., Mendelsohn, J., Rösner, S., Schabo, D., Tate, G., Wolter, K., Amar, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds, Raptors
Reconciling climate action with the need for biodiversity protection, restoration and rehabilitation Gorman, C., Torsney, A., Gaughran, A., McKeon, C., Farrell, C., White, C., Donohue, I., Stout, J., Buckley, Y. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision, Habitat Change Birds, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Climate Change, Legal & Policy
The transmission ramifications of social and environmental siting considerations on wind energy deployment Bennett, J., Ogland-Hand, J., Middleton, E., Eidbo, J., Prorok, M., Ross, B., Yaw, S., Middleton, R. Journal Article Wind Energy Birds, Human Dimensions, Climate Change, Environmental Justice
Distributing transmitters to maximize population-level representativeness in automated radio telemetry studies of animal movement Lamb, J., Loring, P., Paton, P. Journal Article Wind Energy Birds, Seabirds, Shorebirds
Game bird carcasses are less persistent than raptor carcasses, but can predict raptor persistence dynamics Hallingstad, E., Riser-Espinoza, D., Brown, S., Rabie, P., Haddock, J., Kosciuch, K. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds
Wind energy expansion and birds: Identifying priority areas for impact avoidance at a national level Balotari-Chiebao, F., Santangeli, A., Piirainen, S., Byholm, P. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Avoidance, Habitat Change Birds, Ecosystem Processes
Large soaring raptors vs wind turbines development in the Swiss Alps Vignali, S., Braunisch, V., Arlettaz, R. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Displacement Birds, Raptors
Offshore Wind Evidence and Change Programme: Annual Report 2023 The Crown Estate Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Birds, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Legal & Policy
Biological Effects of Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields from 0 to 100 MHz on Fauna and Flora: Workshop Report Pophof, B., Henschenmacher, B., Kattnig, D., Kuhne, J., Vian, A., Ziegelberger, G. Journal Article Wind Energy EMF Birds, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals
Environmental assessment of proposed areas for offshore wind farms off southern Brazil based on ecological niche modeling and a species richness index for albatrosses and petrels Lemos, C., Hernandez, M., Vilardo, C., Phillips, R., Bugoni, L., Sousa-Pinto, I. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Displacement, Habitat Change Birds, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Bird carcass detection from integrated trials at multiple wind farms Kitano, M., Smallwood, K. Shawn, Fukaya, K. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds
The negative impact of wind turbines on wildlife in South Africa Docrat, N. Thesis Wind Energy Habitat Change Birds, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Legal & Policy
SAINT-NAZAIRE Bilan environnemental annuel 2022 Parc eolien en mer de St Nazaire Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms in the Belgian Part of the North Sea: Getting ready for offshore wind farm expansion in the North Sea Degraer, S., Brabant, R., Rumes, B., Vigin, L. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision, Habitat Change, Noise Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Sunrise Wind Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Bats, Birds, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Reptiles, Human Dimensions, Fisheries
Decoding Golden Eagle Movement Behavior from High-Resolution, Variable-Rate Telemetry Data Through Bayesian Filtering Sandhu, R., Tripp, C., Quon, E., Thedin, R., Brandes, D., Braham, M., Miller, T., Duerr, A., Farmer, C. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds, Raptors
A review to inform the assessment of the risk of collision and displacement in petrels and shearwaters from offshore wind developments in Scotland Deakin, Z., Cook, A., Daunt, F., McCluskie, A., Morley, N., Witcutt, E., Wright, L., Bolton, M. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Collision, Displacement Birds, Fish