Taylor, K.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 7
Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Wind-energy development alters pronghorn migration at multiple scales Milliganm M., Johnston, A., Beck, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Avoidance, Displacement Terrestrial Mammals
Pronghorn Winter Resource Selection Before and After Wind Energy Development in South-Central Wyoming Smith, K., Taylor, K., Albeke, S. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Avoidance Terrestrial Mammals
Landscape design: Integrating ecological, social, and economic considerations into conservation planning Bartuszevige, A., Taylor, K., Daniels, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions
Predicting Eagle Fatalities at Wind Facilities Bay, K., Nasman, K., Erickson, W. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Raptors, Birds
Factors Influencing Winter Mortality Risk for Pronghorn Exposed to Wind Energy Development Taylor, K., Beck, J., Huzurbazar, S. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Terrestrial Mammals
Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) Response to Wind Energy Development on Winter Range in South-Central, Wyoming Taylor, K. Thesis Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Hermosa West Wind Energy Project Draft EIS - Appendix F: Bat Acoustical Studies Taylor, K., Solick, D., Bay, K. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Noise Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Bats