Hale, A.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 23
Title Author Date Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Experimental trials of species-specific bat flight responses to an ultrasonic deterrent Fritts, S., Guest, E., Weaver, S. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats
Understanding fatality patterns and sex ratios of Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) at wind energy facilities in western California and Texas LiCari, S., Hale, A., Weaver, S. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats
Counterfactuals to Assess Effects to Species and Systems from Renewable Energy Development Katzner, T., Allison, T., Diffendorfer, J. Journal Article Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Climate Change
An Updated Review of Hypotheses Regarding Bat Attraction to Wind Turbines Guest, E., Stamps, B., Durish, N. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Attraction, Collision, Noise Bats
Acoustic and Genetic Data Can Reduce Uncertainty Regarding Populations of Migratory Tree-Roosting Bats Impacted by Wind Energy Hale, A., Hein, C., Straw, B. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats
Acoustic and Genetic Approaches for Informing Population Status and Trends of Migratory Tree Bats Hein, C., Hale, A., Straw, B. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Bats
Genetic Approaches Are Necessary to Accurately Understand Bat-Wind Turbine Impacts Chipps, A., Hale, A., Weaver, S. Journal Article Wind Energy Collision Bats
Impacts to Wildlife of Wind Energy Siting and Operation in the United States Allison, T., Diffendorfer, J., Baerwald, E. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Fixed Offshore Wind Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change Bats, Birds
Resource Availability May Not Be a Useful Predictor of Migratory Bat Fatalities or Activity at Wind Turbines Bennett, V., Hale, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Attraction Bats
Increasing Evidence that Bats Actively Forage at Wind Turbines Hale, A., Bennett, V., Korstian, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Bats
When the Excrement Hits the Fan: Fecal Surveys Reveal Species-Specific Bat Activity at Wind Turbines Bennett, V., Hale, A., Williams, D. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Attraction, Collision Bats
Interpreting failure to reject the null hypothesis of displacement from wind turbines in three species of grassland birds: Response to Johnson (2016) Hale, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Displacement Passerines, Birds
Wind Energy Development: Methods for Assessing Risks to Birds and Bats Pre-Construction Katzner, T., Bennett, V., Miller, T. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Habitat Change Bats, Birds
Using DNA barcoding to improve bat carcass identification at wind farms in the United States Korstian, J., Hale, A., Bennett, V. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats
Genetic diversity, historic population size, and population structure in 2 North American tree bats Korstian, J., Hale, A., Williams, D. Journal Article Bats
Effect of Wind Turbine Proximity on Nesting Success in Shrub-nesting Birds Bennett, V., Hale, A., Karsten, K. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change Birds
No Evidence of Displacement due to Wind Turbines in Breeding Grassland Songbirds Hale, A., Hatchett, E., Meyer, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Displacement Birds
No evidence of displacement due to wind turbines in breeding grassland birds Hale, A., Hatchett, E., Meyer, J. Journal Article Wind Energy Collision, Displacement Birds, Passerines, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Red Aviation Lights on Wind Turbines do not Increase Bat-Turbine Collisions Hale, A., Bennett, V. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Lighting, Collision Bats
Wind Turbines do Not Negatively Affect Nest Success in the Dickcissel (Spiza americana) Hatchett, W., Hale, A., Bennett, V. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change Birds
An Analysis of Displacement from Wind Turbines in a Wintering Grassland Bird Community Stevens, T., Hale, A., Karsten, K. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Displacement, Habitat Change Birds
Advances in Sex Determination in Bats and its Utility in Wind-Wildlife Studies Korstian, J., Hale, A., Bennett, V. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Bats
Nesting Success of Scissor-Tailed Flycatchers (Tyrannus forficatus) at a Wind Farm in Northern Texas Rubenstahl, T., Hale, A., Karsten, K. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change Passerines, Birds