Analysis of the effects on harbour porpoises from the underwater sound during the construction of the Borssele and Gemini offshore wind farms |
de Jong, C., Lam, F., von Benda-Beckmann, A. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Avoidance, Noise |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
Framework for Assessing Ecological and Cumulative Effects 2021(KEC 4.0) – marine mammals |
Heinis, F., de Jong, C., von Benda-Beckmann, A. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
Ecological Risk Assessment of Underwater Sounds from Dredging Operations |
McQueen, A., Suedel, B., de Jong, C. |
Journal Article |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Fish, Marine Mammals |
Effect of Pile-Driving Playback Sound Level on Fish-Catching Efficiency in Harbor Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) |
Kastelein, R., Huijser, L., Cornelisse, S. |
Journal Article |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
Framework for Assessing Ecological and Cumulative Effects - 2018 Cumulative effects of offshore wind farm construction on harbour porpoises |
Heinis, F., de Jong, C., von Benda-Beckmann, S. |
Report |
Wind Energy |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
Hearing Thresholds of a Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for Playbacks of Seal Scarer Signals, and Effects of the Signals on Behavior |
Kastelein, R., Hoek, L., Gransier, R. |
Journal Article |
Noise |
Marine Mammals |
Hearing Thresholds of Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) for Playbacks of Seal Scarer Signals, and Effects of the Signals on Behavior |
Kastelein, R., Helder-Hoek, L., Gransier, R. |
Journal Article |
Noise |
Pinnipeds, Marine Mammals |
SORIANT VUM - final report |
von Benda-Beckmann, A., de Jong, C., Binnerts, B. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Marine Mammals |
The Underwater Sound Field from Impact Pile Driving and Its Potential Effects on Marine Life |
Dahl, P., de Jong, C., Popper, A. |
Magazine Article |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Fish |
Framework for Assessing Ecological and Cumulative Effects of Offshore Wind Farms: Cumulative Effects of Impulsive Underwater Sound on Marine Mammals |
Heinis, F., de Jong, C. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
Effect of pile-driving sound on the survival of fish larvae |
Bolle, L., de Jong, C., Blom, E. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Pelagic Fish, Fish |
Hearing thresholds of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for playbacks of multiple pile driving strike sounds |
Kastelein, R., Hoek, L., Gransier, R. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Marine Mammals |
Validation of Finite Element Computations for the Quantitative Prediction of Underwater Noise from Impact Pile Driving |
Zampolli, M., Nijhof, M., de Jong, C. |
Journal Article |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Experimental assessment of the insertion loss of an underwater noise mitigation screen for marine pile driving |
Janßen, H., de Jong, C., Jung, B. |
Conference Paper |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Marine Mammals |
Common Sole Larvae Survive High Levels of Pile-Driving Sound in Controlled Exposure Experiments |
Bolle, L., de Jong, C., Bierman, S. |
Journal Article |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Fish, Demersal Fish |
What is the Source Level of Pile-Driving Noise in Water? |
Ainslie, M., de Jong, C., Robinson, S. |
Book Chapter |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Standard for Measurement and Monitoring of Underwater Noise, Part II: Procedures for Measuring Underwater Noise in Connection with Offshore Wind Farm Licensing |
de Jong, C., Ainslie, M., Blacquière, G. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Temporary hearing threshold shifts and recovery in a harbor porpoise and two harbor seals after exposure to continuous noise and playbacks of pile driving sounds |
Kastelein, A., Hoek, L., Gransier, R. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Pinnipeds |
Shortlist Masterplan Wind - Effect of Piling Noise on Survival of Fish Larvae (pilot study) |
Bolle, L., de Jong, C., Bierman, S. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Fish, Demersal Fish |
The Effect of Signal Duration on the Underwater Hearing Thresholds of Two Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) for Single Tonal Signals Between 0.2 and 40 kHz |
Kastelein, R., Hoek, L., Wensveen, P. |
Journal Article |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
Underwater Radiated Noise Due to the Piling for the Q7 Offshore Wind Park |
de Jong, C., Ainslie, M. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Marine Mammals |