Cada, G.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 15
Title Author Date Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Behavior of Largemouth Bass and Pallid Sturgeon in an Experimental Pond Setting Bevelhimer, M., Cada, G., Scherelis, C. Report EMF Fish, Demersal Fish
Evaluation of Behavior and Survival of Fish Exposed to an Axial-Flow Hydrokinetic Turbine Amaral, S., Bevelhimer, M., Cada, G. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Collision, Avoidance Pelagic Fish, Fish, Demersal Fish
Behavioral Responses of Representative Freshwater Fish Species to Electromagnetic Fields Bevelhimer, M., Cada, G., Fortner, A. Journal Article EMF Fish, Demersal Fish
Laboratory Experiments on the Effects of Blade Strike from Hydrokinetic Energy Technologies on Larval and Juvenile Freshwater Fishes Schweizer, P., Cada, G., Bevelhimer, M. Report Riverine, Marine Energy Collision Fish
Effects on Freshwater Organisms of Magnetic Fields Associated with Hydrokinetic Turbines Cada, G., Bevelhimer, M., Riemer, K. Report Riverine, Marine Energy EMF Invertebrates, Fish
Attraction To and Avoidance of Instream Hydrokinetic Turbines by Freshwater Aquatic Organisms Cada, G., Bevelhimer, M. Report Riverine, Marine Energy Habitat Change, Avoidance, Attraction Fish, Demersal Fish
Estimation of the Risks of Collision or Strike to Freshwater Aquatic Organisms Resulting from Operation of Instream Hydrokinetic Turbines Schweizer, P., Cada, G., Bevelhimer, M. Report Riverine, Marine Energy Collision, Avoidance, Attraction Fish
Accelerating Ocean Energy to the Marketplace: Environmental Research at the U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories Copping, A., Cada, G., Roberts, J. Conference Paper Marine Energy
Potential Impacts Of Hydrokinetic And Wave Energy Conversion Technologies On Aquatic Environments Cada, G., Ahlgrimm, J., Bahleda, M. Journal Article Marine Energy, Riverine, Wave
Efforts to Reduce Mortality to Hydroelectric Turbine-Passed Fish: Locating and Quantifying Damaging Shear Stresses Cada, G., Loar, J., Garrison, L. Journal Article Marine Energy, Riverine Collision Fish
Use of Pressure-Sensitive Film to Quantify Sources of Injury to Fish Cada, G., Smith, J., Busey, J. Journal Article Riverine, Marine Energy Collision Fish
Survival Estimates for Juvenile Fish Subjected to a Laboratory-Generated Shear Environment Neitzel, D., Dauble, D., Cada, G. Journal Article Marine Energy Changes in Flow, Collision Fish, Pelagic Fish
Evaluation of the Effects of Turbulence on the Behaviour of Migratory Fish Odeh, M., Noreika, J., Haro, A. Report Riverine, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Fish
Laboratory Studies on the Effects of Shear on Fish Nietzel, D., Richmond, M., Dauble, D. Report Marine Energy, Riverine Changes in Flow Fish, Pelagic Fish
A Review of Studies Related to the Effects of Propeller-Type Turbine Passage on Fish Early Life Stages Cada, G. Journal Article Marine Energy, Riverine Collision Fish