Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Behavior of Largemouth Bass and Pallid Sturgeon in an Experimental Pond Setting |
Bevelhimer, M., Cada, G., Scherelis, C. |
Report |
Fish, Demersal Fish |
Evaluation of Behavior and Survival of Fish Exposed to an Axial-Flow Hydrokinetic Turbine |
Amaral, S., Bevelhimer, M., Cada, G. |
Journal Article |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Collision, Avoidance |
Pelagic Fish, Fish, Demersal Fish |
Behavioral Responses of Representative Freshwater Fish Species to Electromagnetic Fields |
Bevelhimer, M., Cada, G., Fortner, A. |
Journal Article |
Fish, Demersal Fish |
Laboratory Experiments on the Effects of Blade Strike from Hydrokinetic Energy Technologies on Larval and Juvenile Freshwater Fishes |
Schweizer, P., Cada, G., Bevelhimer, M. |
Report |
Riverine, Marine Energy |
Collision |
Fish |
Effects on Freshwater Organisms of Magnetic Fields Associated with Hydrokinetic Turbines |
Cada, G., Bevelhimer, M., Riemer, K. |
Report |
Riverine, Marine Energy |
Invertebrates, Fish |
Attraction To and Avoidance of Instream Hydrokinetic Turbines by Freshwater Aquatic Organisms |
Cada, G., Bevelhimer, M. |
Report |
Riverine, Marine Energy |
Habitat Change, Avoidance, Attraction |
Fish, Demersal Fish |
Estimation of the Risks of Collision or Strike to Freshwater Aquatic Organisms Resulting from Operation of Instream Hydrokinetic Turbines |
Schweizer, P., Cada, G., Bevelhimer, M. |
Report |
Riverine, Marine Energy |
Collision, Avoidance, Attraction |
Fish |
Accelerating Ocean Energy to the Marketplace: Environmental Research at the U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories |
Copping, A., Cada, G., Roberts, J. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy |
Potential Impacts Of Hydrokinetic And Wave Energy Conversion Technologies On Aquatic Environments |
Cada, G., Ahlgrimm, J., Bahleda, M. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Riverine, Wave |
Efforts to Reduce Mortality to Hydroelectric Turbine-Passed Fish: Locating and Quantifying Damaging Shear Stresses |
Cada, G., Loar, J., Garrison, L. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Riverine |
Collision |
Fish |
Use of Pressure-Sensitive Film to Quantify Sources of Injury to Fish |
Cada, G., Smith, J., Busey, J. |
Journal Article |
Riverine, Marine Energy |
Collision |
Fish |
Survival Estimates for Juvenile Fish Subjected to a Laboratory-Generated Shear Environment |
Neitzel, D., Dauble, D., Cada, G. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy |
Changes in Flow, Collision |
Fish, Pelagic Fish |
Evaluation of the Effects of Turbulence on the Behaviour of Migratory Fish |
Odeh, M., Noreika, J., Haro, A. |
Report |
Riverine, Marine Energy |
Changes in Flow |
Fish |
Laboratory Studies on the Effects of Shear on Fish |
Nietzel, D., Richmond, M., Dauble, D. |
Report |
Marine Energy, Riverine |
Changes in Flow |
Fish, Pelagic Fish |
A Review of Studies Related to the Effects of Propeller-Type Turbine Passage on Fish Early Life Stages |
Cada, G. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Riverine |
Collision |
Fish |