Short Science Summary: Benefits and Effects


The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.

Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Aquamarine Power Environmental Monitoring Plan Tipler, P. Report Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Impact of Tidal Stream Turbines on Sand Bank Dynamics Neill, S., Jordan, J., Couch, S. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Tidal Changes in Flow Physical Environment, Sediment Transport
A participatory approach to sustainable energy strategy development in a carbon-intensive jurisdiction: The case of Nova Scotia Adams, M., Wheeler, D., Woolston, G. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy, Stakeholder Engagement
Estimates of Water Turbine Noise Levels Guerra, J. Thesis Marine Energy Noise
Attraction To and Avoidance of Instream Hydrokinetic Turbines by Freshwater Aquatic Organisms Cada, G., Bevelhimer, M. Report Riverine, Marine Energy Habitat Change, Avoidance, Attraction Fish, Demersal Fish
Estimation of the Risks of Collision or Strike to Freshwater Aquatic Organisms Resulting from Operation of Instream Hydrokinetic Turbines Schweizer, P., Cada, G., Bevelhimer, M. Report Riverine, Marine Energy Collision, Avoidance, Attraction Fish
Land-Based Infrared Imagery for Marine Mammal Detection Graber, J. Thesis Tidal, Marine Energy Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
Annex IV Project - Ocean Energy Systems Implementing Agreement Battey, H., Copping, A. Presentation Marine Energy
China Funds Development Of New Tidal Current Energy Devices Yanbo, G., Yan, L., Changlei, M. Magazine Article Tidal, Marine Energy Human Dimensions
Scapa Flow Scale Site: Environmental Description European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Report Marine Energy, Wave
Making Marine Renewable Energy Mainstream Murray, M. Presentation Marine Energy, Wave Noise Birds, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Fisheries
Environmental Effects of Tidal Energy Development: Proceedings of a Scientific Workshop Polagye, B., Van Cleve, B., Copping, A., Kirkendall, K. Workshop Article Marine Energy, Tidal
Avian Radar Baseline Study: Final Survey Report for the Proposed Reedsport Ocean Power Technologies Wave Park Geo-Marine Inc Report Marine Energy, Wave Attraction, Collision Birds, Seabirds
SeaGen Tidal Turbine - An Exercise in Adaptive Management Ainsworth, D. Presentation Marine Energy, Tidal Birds, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions
Characterizing and monitoring marine nekton at Puget Sound’s renewable energy site Horne, J., Parker-Stetter, S., Polagye, B., Thomson, J., Fresh, K., Hanson, M. Journal Article Marine Energy Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals
Effective Monitoring Strategies Conley, D. Presentation Marine Energy, Wave Changes in Flow Birds, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Water Quality
Shapinsay Sound Scale Site: Environmental Description European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Report Marine Energy, Tidal
OES-IA Annex IV: Environmental Effects of Marine and Hydrokinetic Devices Copping, A., O'Toole, M. Workshop Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions
The Farr Point Wave Farm Development: Request for Scoping Opinion Aquatera Report Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Development of an Electrical Power Take Off System for a Sea-Test Scaled Offshore Wave Energy Device O’Sullivana, D., Griffiths, J., Egan, M., Lewis, A. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave
ICES SGWTE Report 2011: Report of the Study Group on Environmental Impacts of Wave and Tidal Energy International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Workshop Article Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave
Assessment of Risk to Marine Mammals from Underwater Marine Renewable Devices in Welsh Waters: Phase 2 - Studies of Marine Mammals in Welsh High Tidal Waters Gordon, J., Thompson, D., Leaper, R., Gillespie, D., Pierpoint, C., Calderan, S., Macaulay, J., Gordon, T. Report Tidal, Marine Energy Pinnipeds, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
Assessment of Risk to Marine Mammals from Underwater Marine Renewable Devices in Welsh Waters: Phase 1 - Desktop Review of Marine Mammals and Risks from Underwater Marine Renewable Devices in Welsh Waters Wilson, B., Gordon, J. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Attraction, Avoidance, Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement Marine Mammals
Environmental Effects and the Permitting Processes for a Deep Water Offshore Wind-Wave Hybrid Generator DeVault, G. Report Wind Energy, Wave, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy
Progress Denied: A Study on the Potential Economic Impact of Permitting Challenges Facing Proposed Energy Projects Pociask, S., Fuhr, J. Report Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Near Field Effects of Tidal Power Extraction on Extreme Events and Coastline Integrity in the Bay of Fundy Watanabe, R. Report Tidal, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Sediment Transport, Physical Environment
Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy (RITE) Environmental Assessment Project Adonizio, M., Smith, R. Report Tidal, Marine Energy Habitat Change, Collision Fish
A Benchmark for Life Cycle Air Emissions and Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Hydrokinetic Energy Extraction using Life Cycle Assessment Miller, V., Landis, A., Schaefer, L. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Life Cycle Assessment
Internationalization as a strategy to overcome industry barriers—An assessment of the marine energy industry Lovdal, N., Neumann, F. Journal Article Marine Energy
Deployment of Wello Oy’s wave energy converter at EMEC’s wave test facility in Orkney: Environmental Statement Aquatera Ltd Report Marine Energy, Wave
Tidal Technologies: Key Issues Across Planning and Development for Environmental Regulators Bell, M., Side, J. Report Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy
Marine Renewable Energy Strategic Framework: Approach to Sustainable Development RPS group Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave
Marine Renewable Energy Strategic Framework: Technical Addendum RPS group Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Marine Renewable Energy Strategic Framework: Review of the Policy Context for Sustainable Marine Renewable Development McGarry, T. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the National Marine Plan Baxter, J., Boyd, I., Cox, M., Donald, A., Malcolm, S., Miles, H., Miller, B., Moddat, C. Report Marine Energy
Assessment of Risk to Diving Birds from Underwater Marine Renewable Devices in Welsh Waters: Phase 2 - Field Methodologies and Site Assessments Robinson, C., Cook, G. Report Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy Collision, Avoidance, Attraction Waterfowl, Shorebirds, Seabirds, Birds
Assessment of Risk to Diving Birds from Underwater Marine Renewable Devices in Welsh Waters: Phase 1 - Desktop Review of Birds in Welsh Waters and Preliminary Risk Assessment Loughrey, J., Austin, M., Sweeney, J., Robinson, C., Dewar, R. Report Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy Collision Waterfowl, Shorebirds, Seabirds, Birds
AK-1000 Environmental Monitoring Programme SAE Renewables Report Marine Energy, Tidal
Effect of Tidal Stream Power Generation on the Region-Wide Circulation in a Shallow Sea Shapiro, G. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Changes in Flow Physical Environment
Sustainable Development for Welsh Seas: Our Approach to Marine Planning in Wales Welsh Assembly Government Report Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning