Short Science Summary: Benefits and Effects


The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.

Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Assessing Marine Mammal Presence in and Near the FORCE Lease Area During Winter and Early Spring - Addressing Baseline Data Gaps and Sensor Performance Redden, A., Porskamp, P. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Marine Mammals
Fish Interactions with a Commercial-Scale Tidal Energy Device in the Natural Environment Viehman, H., Zydlewski, G. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Pelagic Fish, Fish
Using Hydroacoustics to Understand Fish Presence and Vertical Distribution in a Tidally Dynamic Region Targeted for Energy Extraction Viehman, H., Zydlewski, G., McCleave, J., Staines, G. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Pelagic Fish, Fish
Consenting Guidance for Developers at the EMEC Fall of Warness Test Site European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Report Marine Energy, Tidal Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Modeling the Effects of Tidal Energy Extraction on Estuarine Hydrodynamics in a Stratified Estuary Yang, Z., Wang, T. Journal Article Marine Energy Changes in Flow Water Quality, Physical Environment
Modeling of Wave Energy Absorption: a Case Study for a Fishing Pier in Brazil Dalla Vecchia, L., Scharlau, C., D'Aquino, C., Antunes, V., Pfitscher, L. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Fisheries
Out in the Wash: Spatial Ecology of a Temperate Marine Shallow Rocky-Reef Species Derived using Acoustic Telemetry Stocks, J., Gray, C., Taylor, M. Journal Article Marine Energy Fish
Data collection, analysis and provision for the FaBTest site Ashton, I., Blundy, R. , Harnois, V., Whatley, A. , Morvan, A. , Johanning, L. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Human Dimensions
The Maine Tidal Power Initiative: Transdisciplinary Sustainability Science Research for the Responsible Development of Tidal Power Jansujwicz, J., Johnson, T. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Social & Economic Data, Human Dimensions
Deep Green Project Holyhead Deep: Benthic Technical Report Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies Ltd (CMACS) Report Marine Energy, Tidal Habitat Change Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Evaluating biological characteristics of marine renewable energy sites for environmental monitoring Wiesebron, L. Thesis Tidal, Marine Energy
Tidal Power Development in Maine: Stakeholder Identification and Perceptions of Engagement Johnson, T., Jansujwicz, J., Zydlewski, G. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Stakeholder Engagement, Human Dimensions
Examining the Impacts of Tidal Energy Capture from an Ecosystem Services Perspective Leslie, H., Palmer, M. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Social & Economic Data, Human Dimensions
Understanding and Informing Permitting Decisions for Tidal Energy Development Using an Adaptive Management Framework Jansujwicz, J., Johnson, T. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions
Environmental Risk Evaluation System - An Approach to Ranking Risk of Ocean Energy Development on Coastal and Estuarine Environments Copping, A., Hanna, L., Van Cleve, B., Blake, K., Anderson, R. Journal Article Wind Energy, Wave, Tidal, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Habitat Change, Displacement, Collision, Chemicals, Changes in Flow, Avoidance, Attraction Marine Mammals, Fish, Birds
Depth use and migratory behaviour of homing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Scottish coastal waters Godfrey, J., Stewart, D., Middlemas, S., Armstrong, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Fish
Special Issue: Renewable Ocean Energy Development and the Environment Zydlewski, G., Copping, A., Redden, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Ecosystem Processes
Depth use and movements of homing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Scottish coastal waters in relation to marine renewable energy development Godfrey, J., Stewart, D., Middlemas, S., Armstrong, J. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Fish, Pelagic Fish
Power and Perspective: Fisheries and the Ocean Commons Beset by Demands of Development Pomeroy, C., Hall-Arber, M., Conway, F. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Social & Economic Data
Resolving Issues with Environmental Impact Assessment of Marine Renewable Energy Installations Maclean, I., Inger, R., Benson, D., Booth, C., Embling, C., Grecian, W., Heymans, J., Plummer, K., Shackshaft, M., Sparling, C., Wilson, B., Wright, L., Bradbury, G., Christen, N., Godley, B., Jackson, A., McCluskie, A., Nicholls-Lee, R., Bearhop, S. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Legal & Policy
Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy Spellman, F. Book Wind Energy, Marine Energy
Survey and Analysis of the Surficial Geology and Geophysics in the Pacific Marine Energy Center - South Energy Test Site area and Associated Cable Routes in the Vicinity of Seal Rock, Oregon Goldfinger, C., Romsos, C., Black, B. Report Marine Energy, Wave Physical Environment
Best Practices for Monitoring Environmental Effects of Marine Energy Devices Copping, A., Hanna, L., Hutchison, I. Report Marine Energy
Assessment of Fish and Wildlife Presence Near Two River Instream Energy Conversion Devices in the Kvichak River, Alaska in 2014 Nemeth, M., Priest, J., Patterson, H. Report Marine Energy, Riverine Birds, Fish, Pelagic Fish, Terrestrial Mammals
Investigating the Co-Existence of Fisheries and Offshore Renewable Energy in the UK: Identification of a Mitigation Agenda for Fishing Effort Displacement de Groot, J., Campbell, M., Ashley, M., Rodwell, L. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Fisheries
Economic Impact of Large-Scale Deployment of Offshore Marine and Hydrokinetic Technology in Oregon Jimenez, T., Tegen, S. Report Marine Energy Social & Economic Data, Human Dimensions
Impact of Tidal-Stream Arrays in Relation to the Natural Variability of Sedimentary Processes Robins, P., Neill, S., Lewis, M. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Changes in Flow Physical Environment, Sediment Transport
Developing regional locational guidance for wave and tidal energy in the Shetland Islands Tweddle, J., Marengo, I., Gray, L., Kelly, C., Shucksmith, R. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning, Stakeholder Engagement
Environmental and ecological effects of Lake Shihwa reclamation project in South Korea: A review Lee, C., Lee, B. , Chang, W., Hong, S., Song, S., Park, J., Kwon, B. , Khim, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Riverine, Tidal Human Dimensions
Environmental impact assessment for tidal energy schemes: an exemplar case study of the Strait of Messina El-Geziry, T. , Bryden, G. , Couch, S. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Investigation of the Vertical Distribution, Movement and Abundance of Fish in the Vicinity of Proposed Tidal Power Energy Conversion Devices Melvin, G., Cocjhrane, N. Report Marine Energy Fish
An Evaluation of the Use of Shore-Based Surveys for Estimating Spatial Overlap between Deep-Diving Seabirds and Tidal Stream Turbines Waggitt, J., Bell, P., Scott, B. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Birds
Maritime Infrastructure Development Priorities to Support Ireland’s Future Ocean Energy Industry Marine Renewables Industry Association (MRIA) Report Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre: Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary Royal Haskoning DHV Report Marine Energy, Tidal
Maps of SPA breeding seabird foraging ranges Scottish Natural Heritage Presentation Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Birds, Seabirds
Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon Adaptive Environmental Management Plan Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay Plc Report Marine Energy, Tidal Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Study of Hydrokinetic Turbine Arrays with Large Eddy Simulation Sale, D., Aliseda, A. Conference Paper Marine Energy Changes in Flow Physical Environment
Tidal Generation Limited Appropriate Assessment Holland, G. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Human Dimensions
Aquamarine Power Appropriate Assessment Aquamarine Power Ltd Report Marine Energy, Wave Birds, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
D4.05 Non-Intrusive Wave Field Measurement Bourdier, S., Dampney, K., Fernandez, H., Lopez, G., Richon, J. Report Marine Energy, Wave