Short Science Summary: Benefits and Effects


The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.

Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Eelgrass, Zostera marina, as essential fish habitat for young-of-the-year winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum, 1792) in Maine estuaries Lazzari, M. Journal Article Marine Energy Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment, Fish
MeyGen Tidal Energy Project Phase 1 Electromagnetic Fields Best Practice Report Rollings, E. Report Tidal, Marine Energy EMF
A Probabilistic Model for Hydrokinetic Turbine Collision Risks: Exploring Impacts on Fish Hammar, L., Eggertsen, L., Andersson, S., Ehnberg, J., Arvidsson, R., Gullström, M., Molander, S. Journal Article Marine Energy Avoidance, Changes in Flow, Collision Fish, Pelagic Fish
Hydrokinetic energy conversion systems: A technology status review Yuce, M., Muratoglu, A. Journal Article Marine Energy
Attitudes towards Marine Energy: Understanding the Values de Groot, J. Thesis Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Optimising Array Form for Energy Extraction and Environmental Benefit (EBAO) Smith, H. Report Marine Energy Noise Ecosystem Processes
Coastal Defence using Wave Farms: The Role of Farm-to-Coast Distance Abanades, J., Greaves, D., Iglesias, G. Journal Article Wave, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Sediment Transport, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions
Public Perceptions and Externalities in Tidal Stream Energy: A Valuation for Policy Making Vazquez, A., Iglesias, G. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Social & Economic Data, Human Dimensions
Project to Assess Potential Impacts of the Reedsport Ocean Power Technologies Wave Energy Generation Facility on Migration and Habitat use of Green Sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) Payne, J., Erickson, D., Donnellan, M., Lindley, S. Report Marine Energy, Wave Fish, Demersal Fish
Economic Impact from Large-Scale Deployment of Offshore Marine and Hydrokinetic Technology in Oregon Coastal Counties Jimenez, T., Tegen, S., Beiter, P. Report Marine Energy Social & Economic Data, Human Dimensions
Evaluation of a Passive Acoustic Monitoring Network for Harbor Porpoise in California Jacobson, E., Forney, K., Harvey, J. Report Marine Energy Marine Mammals
The Challenging Life of Wave Energy Devices at Sea: A Few Points to Consider Tiron, R., Mallon, F., Dias, F., Reynaud, E. Journal Article Wave, Marine Energy
Development of Marine Mammal Observation Methods for Vantage Point Surveys in Ramsey Sound Nuuttila, H., Mendzil, A. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Marine Mammals
Environmental Impact Assessment Tool for Wave Energy Conversion Beyene, A., Wilson, J., Garoma, T., Stiber, B. Report Marine Energy, Wave
Wave farm impact on beach modal state Abanades, J., Greaves, D., Iglesias, G. Journal Article Wave, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Sediment Transport, Physical Environment
Scotland's National Marine Plan - A Single Framework for Managing Our Seas Marine Scotland Science Report Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy, Marine Spatial Planning
Numerical Modeling of the Effect of Tidal Stream Turbines on the Hydrodynamics and the Sediment Transport - Application to the Alderney Race (Raz Blanchard), France Thiébot, J., de Bois, P., Guillou, S. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Changes in Flow Physical Environment, Sediment Transport
Renewable Energy Technologies and Migratory Species: Guidelines for sustainable deployment van der Winden, J., van Vliet, F., Patterson, A., Lane, B. Report Wind Energy, Marine Energy
Building the Blue Economy: The Role of Marine Spatial Planning in Facilitating Offshore Renewable Energy Development Young, M. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Marine Spatial Planning, Human Dimensions
Evaluation of Behavior and Survival of Fish Exposed to an Axial-Flow Hydrokinetic Turbine Amaral, S., Bevelhimer, M., Cada, G., Giza, D., Jacobson, P., McMahon, B., Pracheil, B. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Collision, Avoidance Pelagic Fish, Fish, Demersal Fish
PMEC-NETS Annual Operations and Monitoring Report 2014 Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center (NNMREC) Report Marine Energy, Wave Habitat Change Invertebrates, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Benthos distribution modelling and its relevance for marine ecosystem management Reiss, H., Birchenough, S., Borja, A., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Craeymeersch, J., Dannheim, J., Darr, A., Galparsoro, I., Gogina, M., Neumann, H., Populus, J., Rengstorf, A., Valle, M., Hoey, G., Zettler, M., Degraer, S. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Invertebrates
Regional Employment Impacts of Marine Energy in the Scottish Economy: A General Equilibrium Approach Gilmartin, M., Allan, G. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Marine governance in an industrialised ocean: A case study of the emerging marine renewable energy industry Wright, G. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions
Rights and Ownership in Sea Country: Implications of Marine Renewable Energy for Indigenous and Local Communities Kerr, S., Colton, J., Johnson, K., Wright, G. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Environmental Justice, Social & Economic Data
Ecological Value of Submerged Breakwaters for Habitat Enhancement on a Residential Scale Scyphers, S., Powers, S., Heck, K. Journal Article Wave, Marine Energy Pelagic Fish, Invertebrates, Fish, Demersal Fish
Consenting Processes for Ocean Energy on OES Member Countries WavEC Offshore Renewables Report Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Session 1 Presentation - Wave Energy Converter Effects on Wave, Current, and Sediment Circulation: A Coupled Wave and Hydrodynamic Model of Santa Cruz, Monterey Bay, CA Jones, C., Chang, G., Roberts, J. Presentation Marine Energy, Wave Changes in Flow Physical Environment, Sediment Transport
Marine Renewable Energy - The Essential Legal Considerations Chang, T. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Variability in the Florida Current: Implications for Power Generation Hanson, H., Smentek-Duerr, A., VanZwieten Jr., J. Report Marine Energy, Ocean Current Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions
Economic and Socio-Economic Assessment Methods for Ocean Renewable Energy: Public and Private Perspectives Dalton, G., Allan, G., Beaumont, N., Georgakiki, A., Hacking, N., Hooper, T., Kerr, S., O'Hagan, A., Reilly, K., Ricci, P., Sheng, W., Stallard, T. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Depth use and migratory behaviour of homing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Scottish coastal waters Godfrey, J., Stewart, D., Middlemas, S., Armstrong, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Fish
Modeling the Effects of Tidal Energy Extraction on Estuarine Hydrodynamics in a Stratified Estuary Yang, Z., Wang, T. Journal Article Marine Energy Changes in Flow Water Quality, Physical Environment
Modeling of Wave Energy Absorption: a Case Study for a Fishing Pier in Brazil Dalla Vecchia, L., Scharlau, C., D'Aquino, C., Antunes, V., Pfitscher, L. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Fisheries
Out in the Wash: Spatial Ecology of a Temperate Marine Shallow Rocky-Reef Species Derived using Acoustic Telemetry Stocks, J., Gray, C., Taylor, M. Journal Article Marine Energy Fish
The Maine Tidal Power Initiative: Transdisciplinary Sustainability Science Research for the Responsible Development of Tidal Power Jansujwicz, J., Johnson, T. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Social & Economic Data, Human Dimensions
Tidal Power Development in Maine: Stakeholder Identification and Perceptions of Engagement Johnson, T., Jansujwicz, J., Zydlewski, G. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Stakeholder Engagement, Human Dimensions
Examining the Impacts of Tidal Energy Capture from an Ecosystem Services Perspective Leslie, H., Palmer, M. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Social & Economic Data, Human Dimensions
Churchill Barriers - Wave Overtopping and Tidal Flow Energy Capture: Screening Request Harrison, J., Tobin, F., Revill, D., Drabble, R., Ortigosa, S. Report Marine Energy, Tidal
Understanding and Informing Permitting Decisions for Tidal Energy Development Using an Adaptive Management Framework Jansujwicz, J., Johnson, T. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions