Short Science Summary: Benefits and Effects


The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.

Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Guidance to Inform Marine Mammal Site Characterisation Requirements at Wave and Tidal Stream Energy Sites in Wales Sparling, C., Smith, K., Benjamins, S., Wilson, B., Gordon, J., Stringell, T., Morris, C., Hastie, G., Thompson, D., Pomeroy, P. Report Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy Marine Mammals
Integrated Environmental Mapping and Monitoring, a Methodological Approach to Optimise Knowledge Gathering and Sampling Strategy Nilssen, I., Ødegård, Ø., Sørensen, A., Johnsen, G., Moline, M., Berge, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy
Bluemull Sound Tidal Array Navigational Risk Assessment McPherson, G. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Human Dimensions, Navigation
Underwater Noise from a Wave Energy Converter Is Unlikely to Affect Marine Mammals Tougaard, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Noise Marine Mammals
Hydrokinetic Turbine Models in Complex Channel Topography: Local Scour, Sediment Transport and Device Performance Hill, C., Kozarek, J., Sotiropoulos, F., Guala, M. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Tidal Changes in Flow Physical Environment, Sediment Transport
MR7.2.2 Collision Risk and Impact Study: Examination of Models for Estimating the Risk of Collisions Between Seals and Tidal Turbines Lonergan, M., Thompson, D. Report Tidal, Marine Energy Collision Pinnipeds, Marine Mammals
Temporal Variation in Environmental Conditions and the Structure of Fish Assemblages around an Offshore Oil Platform in the North Sea Fujii, T. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Habitat Change Pelagic Fish, Fish, Demersal Fish
MR6.2 Definition of 'Range' in the Context of Marine Renewable Energy Development and Marine Mammal Conservation Northridge, S. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
Marine and Coastal Tourism and Recreation in the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters: A Case Study Aquatera Report Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning, Recreation & Tourism
ORJIP Ocean Energy: The Forward Look; an Ocean Energy Environmental Research Strategy for the UK [2015] ORJIP Report Marine Energy Human Dimensions
MR1 & MR2 Current State of Knowledge of the Effects of Offshore Renewable Energy Generation Devices on Marine Mammals and Research Requirements: Update, September 2014 Thompson, D., Hall, A., McConnell, B., Northridge, S., Sparling, C. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Marine Mammals
MR7.2.3 Collision Risk and Impact Study: Field Tests of Turbine Blade-Seal Carcass Collisions Thompson, D., Brownlow, A., Onoufriou, J., Moss, S. Report Tidal, Marine Energy Collision Pinnipeds, Marine Mammals
Sustainable Seas Ko ngā moana whakauka: National Science Challenge Hall, J., Thrush, S., Ellis, J., Jackson, A., Schiel, D., Lundquist, C. Presentation Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind
Review of Cetacean Monitoring Guidelines for Welsh Wave and Tidal Energy Developments Nuuttila, H. Report Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
MR7.2.1 Collision Risk: A Brief Review of Available Information on Behaviour of Mammals and Birds in High Tidal Energy Areas Onoufriou, J., Thompson, D. Report Tidal, Marine Energy Collision Marine Mammals, Birds
Corridors for aliens but not for natives: effects of marine urban sprawl at a regional scale Airoldi, L., Turon, X., Perkol-Finkel, S., Rius, M. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Habitat Change Invertebrates
Use of Anthropogenic Sea Floor Structures by Australian Fur Seals: Potential Positive Ecological Impacts of Marine Industrial Development? Arnould, J., Monk, J., Lerodiaconou, D., Hindell, M., Semmens, J., Hoskins, A., Costa, D., Abernathy, K., Marshall, G. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Habitat Change Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds
MR6.1 Review of Methodology and Main Results of the JCP Analysis of Cetacean Densities in the Context of Marine Renewable Development Lonergan, M., Hammond, P. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
Deep Green Project Holyhead Deep: Habitat Assessment Report Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies Ltd (CMACS) Report Marine Energy, Tidal Habitat Change Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Social and Ecological Impacts of Marine Energy Development Bonar, P., Bryden, I., Borthwick, A. Journal Article Marine Energy Stakeholder Engagement, Social & Economic Data, Human Dimensions
Scottish Government Good Practice Principles for Community Benefits from Offshore Renewable Energy Developments Natural Scotland Report Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Modelling the Response of Sandbank Dynamics to Tidal Energy Extraction Chatzirodou, A., Karunarathna, H., Reeve, D. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Tidal Changes in Flow Physical Environment, Sediment Transport
Surface Debris Characterization and Mitigation Strategies and Their Impact on the Operation of River Energy Conversion Devices on the Tanana River at Nenana, Alaska Johnson, J., Kasper, J., Schmid, J., Duvoy, P., Kulchitsky, A., Mueller-Stoffels, M., Konefal, N., Seitz, A. Report Riverine, Marine Energy
Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan - Socio-economic Baseline Review Marine Scotland Science Report Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Navigation, Recreation & Tourism
Software Analysis Tools for Wave Sensors Morrison, J., Christie, D., Greenwood, C., Maciver, R., Volger, A. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave
Effects of submarine power transmission cables on a glass sponge reef and associated megafaunal community Dunham, A., Pegg, J., Carolsfeld, W., Davies, S., Murfitt, I., Boutillier, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Habitat Change Invertebrates
Mapping the vulnerability of animal community to pressure in marine systems: disentangling pressure types and integrating their impact from the individual to the community level Certain, G., Jorgensen, L.L., Christel, I., Planque, B., Bretagnolle, V. Journal Article Marine Energy Seabirds
Benthic Community Composition on Submerged Reefs in the Central Great Barrier Reef Roberts, T., Moloney, J., Sweatman, H., Bridge, T. Journal Article Marine Energy Invertebrates
Evaluating the Renewable Energy Sources in Malaysia Saeed, K. Thesis Marine Energy, Wave, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
LCRI 2015 Overview of LCRI Research 2008 to 2015 Jones, P., Irvine, S., Guwy, A., Masters, I., Bowen, P. Report Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Climate Change
The Simulation of Oscillating Wave Surge Converters using a Boussinesq Model: Wave Disturbances around an Array Greenwood, C., Christie, D. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave
The assessment of extactable tidal energy and the effect of tidal energy turbine deployment on the hydrodynamics in Zhoushan Hou, F., Bao, X., Li, B., Liu, Q. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Water Quality, Physical Environment
Boosting Blue Growth in a Mild Sea: Analysis of the Synergies Produced by a Multi-Purpose Offshore Installation in the Northern Adriatic, Italy Zanuttigh, B., Angelelli, E., Bellotti, G., Romano, A., Krontira, Y., Troianos, D., Suffredini, R., Franceschi, G., Cantu, M., Airoldi, L., Zagonari, F., Taramelli, A., Filipponi, F., Jimenez, C., Evriviadou, M., Broszeit, S. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
D7.1: Requirements and Criteria for the Design and Planning of Ocean Energy Farms DTOcean Report Marine Energy
Social structure and abundance of coastal bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in the Normano-Breton Gulf, English Channel Louis, M., Gally, F., Barbraud, C., Béesau, J., Tixier, P., Simon-Bouhet, B., Le Rest, K., Guinet, C. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
Coastal impact of a hybrid marine farm operating close to the Sardinia Island Onea, F., Rusu, L. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave, Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind Changes in Flow
Acoustic emission health monitoring of marine renewables: Illustration with a wave energy converter in Falmouth Bay (UK) Walsh, J., Bashir, I., Thies, P., Johanning, L., Blondel, P. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave Noise
A Regional Ecological Risk Assessment of the Kaipara Harbour, New Zealand, Using a Relative Risk Model Kanwar, P., Bowden, W., Greenhalgh, S. Journal Article Marine Energy Stakeholder Engagement, Social & Economic Data, Human Dimensions
Sustainable deployment of Marine Current Energy in Indonesia Ramachandran, R., Takagi, K. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Ocean Current Human Dimensions, Stakeholder Engagement
Evaluating the Potential for Marine and Hydrokinetic Devices to Act as Artificial Reefs or Fish Aggregating Devices, Based on Analysis of Surrogates in Tropical, Subtropical, and Temperate U.S. West Coast and Hawaiian Coastal Waters Kramer, S., Hamilton, C., Spencer, G., Ogston, H. Report Marine Energy Habitat Change Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish