Webinars for Marine and Wind Energy and the Environment

Tethys hosts regular webinars pertaining to topics of environmental concern, as a means to effectively disseminate new information and research efforts to a large international audience of stakeholders. Anyone is welcome to attend these live webinars and participate in a live question and answer session with the presenters. Information for attending these live webinars is distributed to a public mailing list (separate lists for wind and water). Ongoing webinars on Tethys are sponsored by OES-EnvironmentalWREN, SEER, and other projects.

You can sign up to receive invitations to live webinars here.

Below is a list of past webinars, containing video/audio files of the presentations and Q&A sessions when available.

Sponsored By Title Date Description Sort ascending
OES Annex IV Webinar #16 Optimizing Permitting/Consenting for Marine Renewable Energy through Data Transferability September 25, 2018

This webinar will detail Annex IV’s framework, best management practices, and implementation plan for data transferability and collection consistency. The webinar will also present on how the MRE community has been engaged throughout this process and aims to gather additional feedback from the larger MRE community.

Triton Talks Triton Talk: Introducing the Triton Initiative and the Triton Field Trials February 17, 2022

You are invited to participate in Triton Talks, an interactive webinar series presented by the Triton Initiative that features a behind-the-scenes look at our extensive environmental monitoring field trials campaign conducted in 2020 and 2021. The series will kick off the first webinar by featuring speakers Samantha Eaves, Joe Haxel, and Alicia Amerson.

Triton Talks Triton Talk: Environmental Monitoring around Marine Energy July 27, 2022

You are invited to participate in session 6 of Triton Talks, a webinar series discussing the US DOE Water Power Technologies Office Triton Initiative’s research on environmental monitoring technologies and methods used to evaluate environmental stressors linked to marine energy devices.

On July 27th, join Joe Haxel, Alicia Amerson and Morgan Pattison to learn about Triton’s research on the environmental effects of underwater noise and anthropogenic light associated with marine energy.

Triton Talks Triton Talk: Electromagnetic Fields with Molly Grear May 19, 2022

You are invited to participate in Session 4 of Triton Talks, a webinar series discussing the US DOE Water Power Technologies Office Triton Initiative’s research on environmental monitoring technologies and methods used to evaluate environmental stressors linked to marine energy devices.

Triton Talks Triton Talk: Science Communication with Cailene Gunn April 21, 2022

You are invited to participate in Session 3 of Triton Talks, an engaging presentation all about science communication! This webinar series discusses the US DOE Water Power Technologies Office Triton Initiative’s research on environmental monitoring technologies and methods used to evaluate environmental stressors linked to marine energy devices.

Triton Talks Triton Talk: Predictive Modeling with Kate Buenau March 17, 2022

You are invited to participate in Session 2 of Triton Talks, a webinar series discussing environmental monitoring technologies and methods used to evaluate various environmental stressors linked to marine energy devices. The recommendations discussed in this series are based on an extensive environmental monitoring field trials campaign conducted in 2020 and 2021.

NWCC Webinar #2 Eagle Research and Mitigation March 5, 2014

Dr. Taber Allison of the American Wind Wildlife Institute presented on AWWI’s work on eagles, including the Eagle Research Framework.

NWCC Webinar #13 Bats and Wind Energy Cooperative: Research Priorities to Address Bats and Wind Energy Issues April 12, 2019

This webinar will provide a summary of the issues related to bats and wind energy, a brief history of the Bats and Wind Energy Cooperative, and its current strategy to address bats and wind energy issues.

PNNL S&T Seminar Series PNNL Community Science & Technology Seminar Series: Got it all? Assessing the spatiotemporal variability of fish species in a tidal channel from water samples only August 9, 2023

Using a novel approach called environmental DNA (eDNA), aquatic species can be identified in water samples from the genetic material contained in discarded tissue (e.g., fish scales, mucus). This approach provides a non-invasive, cost effective, and reliable method for monitoring the presence and distribution of fish in water bodies. Current fish monitoring approaches are often challenging (e.g., cost, safety) to implement in the high energy environments targeted for tidal energy development and eDNA can provide a reliable alternative.

NWCC Webinar #3 Recent Syntheses of Research on Wind Energy, Bats, and Terrestrial and Marine Wildlife July 1, 2014

This webinar includes research presented by Jeffery Lovich, Ed Arnett, and Erin Baerwald on the terrestrial and marine impacts of wind energy development.

PRIMRE Wave Hindcast Webinar: High-resolution regional hindcast datasets for wave energy resource characterization in US coastal waters September 27, 2022

To support nearshore wave climate research and wave energy development in the U.S., long-term, high-resolution, regional wave hindcast datasets were generated using unstructured-grid Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) models for the U.S. coastal waters, including those bordering U.S. territory islands. This large effort was funded by the US Department of Energy, Water Power Technologies Office and carried out by a joint research team of Pacific Northwest National Laboratories (PNNL), Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

OES-Environmental Webinar #20 OES-Environmental Public Webinar: Guidance Documents for Risk Retirement August 31, 2021

This public webinar provided an overview of the risk retirement process, including data transferability, and an update that will focus on introducing the new guidance documents for risk retirement. The guidance documents aim to bridge between scientific evidence and application for consenting/permitting processes.

ETIP Ocean Resources and Tools for Faster Permitting of Ocean Energy June 5, 2023

To accelerate the roll-out of renewables, the EU aims to significantly shorten renewable energy permitting processes, in some cases to one year. To hit that one-year mark, guidance and information must be readily available. These will help regulators to set up appropriate requirements for applicants and developers to provide quality applications.

REWI/NREL Compensatory Mitigation Webinar Series Compensatory Mitigation Webinar 2: Funding Mechanisms October 2, 2023

This webinar will introduce two of the more common methods for instituting compensatory mitigation: mitigation banks and in lieu fee programs. Speakers will provide backgrounds on how each of these mechanisms work and provide case studies under which these programs have been used to conserve wildlife affected by wind energy development.

Moderator: Cris Hein, NREL


NWCC Webinar #1 Recently-Released Research on Wind Energy and Grassland Birds & Ducks November 20, 2013

This webinar presents research on interactions between wind energy and grassland birds and ducks.

OES-Environmental 2020 State of the Science Chapters Webinars #2 OES-Environmental State of the Science 2020: Collision Risk and Environmental Monitoring June 22, 2020

This public webinar shares the information from several chapters in the 2020 State of the Science Report.

OES-Environmental 2020 State of the Science Chapters Webinars #1 OES-Environmental State of the Science 2020: Underwater Noise, EMF, Habitat, Oceanographic Systems, and Mooring Entanglements June 17, 2020

This public webinar shares the information from several chapters in the OES-Environmental 2020 State of the Science Report.

NWCC Webinar #10 Status and Findings of Developing Technologies for Bat Detection and Deterrence at Wind Facilities March 14, 2018

This webinar provides updated on NWCC webinar #5 on bat detection and deterrence.

SEER Recent Advances in Autonomous Environmental Monitoring Technologies to Support Offshore Wind Energy Development July 6, 2023

The U.S. Offshore Wind Synthesis of Environmental Effects Research (SEER) project is hosting a free, public webinar series to share the latest research on the potential environmental effects of offshore wind energy development, including minimization and monitoring strategies. Each webinar will feature brief presentations from experts, a panel discussion, and an audience Q&A period.

SEER Emerging Technologies and Infrastructure for Monitoring Bats and Birds Offshore July 12, 2023

The U.S. Offshore Wind Synthesis of Environmental Effects Research (SEER) project is hosting a free, public webinar series to share the latest research on the potential environmental effects of offshore wind energy development, including minimization and monitoring strategies. Each webinar will feature brief presentations from experts, a panel discussion, and an audience Q&A period.

SEER Environmental Considerations for Nearshore Ecosystems from Cable Landfall, Navigation, and Port Development for Offshore Wind Energy September 13, 2023

The U.S. Offshore Wind Synthesis of Environmental Effects Research (SEER) project is hosting a free, public webinar series to share the latest research on the potential environmental effects of offshore wind energy development, including minimization and monitoring strategies. Each webinar will feature brief presentations from experts, a panel discussion, and an audience Q&A period.

OES-Environmental Workshop OES-Environmental Workshop: Monitoring Datasets Discoverability Matrix July 21, 2020

The monitoring datasets discoverability matrix (matrix) is an interactive tool that classifies monitoring datasets from already consented (or permitted) projects for six key environmental stressors.

NWCC Webinar #8 Upcoming Research on Eagle Impact Minimization Technologies Supported by the US Department of Energy May 19, 2017

This webinar features overviews of DOE selected research projects, including explorations into how to create more effective deterrents and testing and evaluation of existing and newly emerging detection and deterrent technologies.

NWCC Webinar #17 New Research on Deterrents and Monitoring for Bats at Wind Energy Facilities Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy March 17, 2020

Presentations on advancements of the commercial readiness of bat deterrent technologies used to minimize impacts to bats and reduce the need for curtailment at wind energy facilities, and on advancements in monitoring technologies.

PRIMRE A Demonstration of the MODAQ, Marine Energy Data Pipeline, and MHKiT Workflow August 23, 2023

The Portal and Repository for Information on Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMRE) hosted a public webinar on 23 August 2023 from 10:00-11:00am MDT (4:00-5:00pm UTC).

PRIMRE Introducing Telesto: PRIMRE’s Knowledge Hub for Marine Energy Development Resources and Guidance November 28, 2023

The Portal and Repository for Information on Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMRE) team recently launched a new and improved version of Telesto, which is home to open-source wiki pages, structured databases, and tools that provide information about the development life cycle of marine energy.

POET Webinar #1 POET Webinar: Potential Effects of Offshore Renewable Energy - Knowledge and Resources (Part 1: Marine Renewables and Offshore Wind) April 15, 2020

The Pacific Ocean Energy Trust (POET) is pleased to launch a series of Marine Energy related webinars and has teamed up with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to host a webinar on April 15th from 10 to 11:30am PT featuring speakers from PNNL's Coastal Division.

NWCC Webinar #16 New Research on Wildlife Monitoring at Offshore Wind Energy Facilities Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy January 16, 2020

New and upcoming research supported by the U.S. Department of Energy on systems and technologies for monitoring wildlife, including birds, bats, and North Atlantic right whales, at offshore wind energy facilities.

NWCC Webinar #14 Wind 101: An Introduction to Wind Energy Siting and Development November 7, 2019

This webinar provides an introduction to wind energy for those working in a wind-wildlife or related field.

PRIMRE Marine and Hydrokinetic Toolkit (MHKiT) Updates and Demonstration March 31, 2022

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory hosted a webinar on March 31st from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET to share new developments in the Marine and Hydrokinetic Toolkit (MHKiT), an open-source software package developed in Python and Matlab that includes modules for ingesting, quality controlling, processing, visualizing, and managing marine energy data. The webinar introduced new functionality in the package, and included demonstrations in Python.

ECO Wind Webinar ECO-Wind Webinar: The State of Knowledge on Bat Populations October 25, 2022

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Enabling Coexistence Options for Wind Energy and Wildlife (ECO Wind) program is hosting a webinar on the state of knowledge on bat populations from 9:00-10:30 AM PT (4:00-5:30 PM UTC) on 25 October 2022. 

ECO Wind Webinar Perspectives on Wind-Wildlife Constraints to Buildout Webinar 1: Siting June 21, 2024

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Enabling Coexistence Options for Wind Energy and Wildlife (ECO Wind) project is pleased to announce a multi-part webinar series, “Perspectives on Wind-Wildlife Constraints to Buildout”, which will feature experts from diverse fields related to, but outside of, the wind-wildlife domain. Over the three-part series, experts will address three major constraints to wind energy buildout: siting, operations, and technology.

ECO Wind Webinar Perspectives on Wind-Wildlife Constraints to Buildout Webinar 2: Operations September 3, 2024

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) Enabling Coexistence Options for Wind Energy and Wildlife (ECO Wind) project is hosting a multi-part webinar series, “Perspectives on Wind-Wildlife Constraints to Buildout”, which will feature experts from diverse fields related to, but outside of, the wind-wildlife domain. Over the three-part series, experts will address three major constraints to wind energy buildout: siting, operations, and technology.

Technology and Innovation in Wind Energy and Wildlife Webinar #4 Wind Wildlife Research Meeting Technology & Innovation Discussions Continued February 16, 2023

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute are hosting a Technology and Innovation in Wind Energy and Wildlife webinar series to explore the evolution of turbine technology. The third webinar, "Wind Wildlife Research Meeting Technology & Innovation Discussions Continued ", will take place from 2:00-3:00pm EST (7:00-8:00pm UTC) on 16 February 2023.

Technology and Innovation in Wind Energy and Wildlife Webinar #3 Technology Acceptance Workshop Results: Acceptance February 9, 2023

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute are hosting a Technology and Innovation in Wind Energy and Wildlife webinar series to explore the evolution of turbine technology. The third webinar, "Technology Acceptance Workshop Results: Acceptance", will take place from 1:00-2:00pm EST (6:00-7:00pm UTC) on 9 February 2023.

Technology and Innovation in Wind Energy and Wildlife Webinar #2 Technology Acceptance Workshop Results: From the Bench to the Field January 31, 2023

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute are hosting a Technology and Innovation in Wind Energy and Wildlife webinar series to explore the evolution of turbine technology. The second webinar, "Technology Acceptance Workshop Results: From the Bench to the Field", will take place from 3:00-4:00pm EST (8:00-9:00pm UTC) on 31 January 2023.

Technology and Innovation in Wind Energy and Wildlife Webinar #1 The Future of Wind Energy Technology and Wildlife Considerations January 26, 2023

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute are hosting a Technology and Innovation in Wind Energy and Wildlife webinar series to explore the evolution of turbine technology. The first webinar, "The Future of Wind Energy Technology and Wildlife Considerations", will take place from 3:00-4:00pm EST (8:00-9:00pm UTC) on 26 January 2023.

ECO-Wind Webinar ECO-Wind Webinar: Understanding Bat Interactions with Wind Turbines August 30, 2022

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is hosting a webinar, ‘Understanding Bat Interactions with Wind Turbines’, on 30 August 2022 from 12:00pm–1:00pm (EDT). The webinar will introduce three projects, led by Bowman, the Electric Power Research Institute, and Stantec Consulting Services, focused on using thermal video cameras to monitor bat behavior at wind turbines.

WREN/Tethys WREN/Tethys Webinar February 9, 2021

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) held a webinar on 9 February 2021 to discuss international efforts to address environmental issues associated with commercial development of land-based and offshore wind energy projects.

Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar #1 Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: History of wind energy and wildlife interactions and overview of the webinar series August 28, 2020

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Defenders of Wildlife hosted a free, nine-part webinar series, Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Considerations for Monitoring and Managing Impacts, between August and November 2020. All webinars were recorded and are available on Tethys.

Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar #2 Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Federal and State Perspectives on Environmental Review of Wind Energy and Wildlife September 1, 2020

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Defenders of Wildlife hosted a free, nine-part webinar series, Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Considerations for Monitoring and Managing Impacts, between August and November 2020. All webinars were recorded and are available on Tethys.

Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar #3 Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Grouse - Considerations for developing wind energy in grouse habitat September 16, 2020

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Defenders of Wildlife hosted a free, nine-part webinar series, Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Considerations for Monitoring and Managing Impacts, between August and November 2020. All webinars were recorded and are available on Tethys.

Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar #4 Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Bats - Methodologies and technologies used to study impacts of wind turbines on bats September 24, 2020

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Defenders of Wildlife hosted a free, nine-part webinar series, Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Considerations for Monitoring and Managing Impacts, between August and November 2020. All webinars were recorded and are available on Tethys.

Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar #6 Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Communicating Results: How to identify and produce robust monitoring reports October 15, 2020

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Defenders of Wildlife hosted a free, nine-part webinar series, Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Considerations for Monitoring and Managing Impacts, between August and November 2020. All webinars were recorded and are available on Tethys.

Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar #7 Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Impact Reduction Strategies for Eagles and Bats October 22, 2020

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Defenders of Wildlife hosted a free, nine-part webinar series, Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Considerations for Monitoring and Managing Impacts, between August and November 2020. All webinars were recorded and are available on Tethys.

Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar #5 Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Eagles: Permitting process and best practices for monitoring and mitigation September 29, 2020

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Defenders of Wildlife hosted a free, nine-part webinar series, Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Considerations for Monitoring and Managing Impacts, between August and November 2020. All webinars were recorded and are available on Tethys.

Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar #8 Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Economics of Wind Energy: Understanding wildlife minimization in the context of development and financing November 10, 2020

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Defenders of Wildlife hosted a free, nine-part webinar series, Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Considerations for Monitoring and Managing Impacts, between August and November 2020. All webinars were recorded and are available on Tethys.

Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar #9 Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Future Priorities for Wildlife & Wind Energy - Multi-stakeholder perspectives on challenges and opportunities December 8, 2020

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Defenders of Wildlife hosted a free, nine-part webinar series, Wildlife & Wind Energy Webinar Series: Considerations for Monitoring and Managing Impacts, between August and November 2020. All webinars were recorded and are available on Tethys.

PRIMRE Marine Energy Data Pipeline Updates June 14, 2022

The Marine Energy Data Pipeline effort, led by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), has released the latest version of the data ingestion pipeline, Tsdat.

Tsdat is built to help users read, process, run quality control, and convert raw data to standard formats, with the goal of reducing the time spent on data wrangling while producing high-quality standardized datasets. It is a template-based, open-source Python framework that can be used both in a local environment and on commercial cloud pipelines.

WREN Webinar #24 Wind Energy and Terrestrial Mammals February 5, 2024

The International Energy Agency Wind Task 34, Working Together to Resolve Environmental Effects of Wind Energy (WREN), hosted a webinar, "Wind Energy and Terrestrial Mammals", on 5 February 2024 from 11:00am-12:00pm EST (4:00-5:00pm UTC). During the webinar, presenters from Brazil, Portugal, and the United States discussed how jaguars and pumas, wolves, and pronghorn antelope interact with wind energy facilities.