Smallwood, K.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 28
Title Author Date Content Type Sort descending Technology Stressor Receptor
The Challenges of Addressing Wildlife Impacts When Repowering Wind Energy Projects Smallwood, K. Book Chapter Wind Energy Displacement, Collision, Avoidance, Attraction Birds
Effects of Wind Turbine Curtailment on Bird and Bat Fatalities Smallwood, K., Bell, D. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats, Birds
Bird Mortality in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area, California Smallwood, K., Thelander, C. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Raptors, Birds
Burrowing Owl Mortality in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area Smallwood, K., Thelander, C., Morrison, M. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Raptors, Birds
Breeding Density and Collision Mortality of Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area Smallwood, K., Smallwood, N. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change Birds
Wind Power Company Compliance with Mitigation Plans in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area Smallwood, K. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change, Collision Birds, Bats
Estimating Wind Turbine Caused Bird Mortality Smallwood, K. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds
Introduction: Wind-Energy Development and Wildlife Conservation Smallwood, K. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds
Long Search Intervals Underestimate Bird and Bat Fatalities Caused by Wind Turbines Smallwood, K. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds, Bats
Response to Huso and Erickson's Comments on Novel Scavenger Removal Trials Smallwood, K., Bell, D., Karas, B. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds
Avian Fatalities at Wind Energy Facilities in North America: A Comparison of Recent Approaches Johnson, D., Loss, S., Smallwood, K. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds
Novel Scavenger Removal Trials Increase Wind Turbine - Caused Avian Fatality Estimates Smallwood, K., Bell, D., Snyder, S. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds
Influence of Behavior on Bird Mortality in Wind Energy Developments Smallwood, K., Rugge, L., Morrison, M. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Avoidance, Collision, Displacement Birds, Passerines, Raptors, Waterfowl
Relating Bat Passage Rates to Wind Turbine Fatalities Smallwood, K., Bell, D. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats
Avian and Bat Fatality Rates at Old-Generation and Repowered Wind Turbines in California Smallwood, K., Karas, B. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Raptors, Birds, Bats
USA Wind Energy-Caused Bat Fatalities Increase with Shorter Fatality Search Intervals Smallwood, K. Journal Article Wind Energy Collision Bats
Map-Based Repowering and Reorganization of a Wind Resource Area to Minimize Burrowing Owl and Other Bird Fatalities Smallwood, K., Neher, L., Bell, D. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Habitat Change Birds, Raptors
Dogs detect larger wind energy effects on bats and birds Smallwood, K., Bell, D., Standish, S. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats, Birds
Nesting Burrowing Owl Density and Abundance in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area, California Smallwood, K., Neher, L., Mount, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change Birds
Developing Methods To Reduce Bird Mortality In The Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area Smallwood, K., Thelander, C. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Displacement Birds, Raptors
Final 2012-2013 Annual Report Avian and Bat Monitoring Project Vasco Winds, LLC Brown, K., Smallwood, K., Karas, B. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats, Birds
Range Management Practices to Reduce Wind Turbine Impacts on Burrowing Owls and Other Raptors in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area, California Smallwood, K., Neher, L., Bell, D. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Repowering the APWRA: Forecasting and Minimizing Avian Mortality without Significant Loss of Power Generation Smallwood, K., Neher, L. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds, Raptors
Bird and Bat Impacts and Behaviors at Old Wind Turbines at Forebay, Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area Smallwood, K., Neher, L. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change Bats, Birds
Bird Mortality at the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area: March 1998 - September 2001 Smallwood, K., Thelander, C. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds
Bird Risk Behaviors and Fatalities at the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area: Period of Performance: March 1998 - December 2000 Thelander, C., Smallwood, K., Rugge, L. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Avoidance, Attraction Raptors, Birds
Biological Effects of Repowering a Portion of the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area, California: The Diablo Winds Energy Project Smallwood, K. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds, Raptors
Map-Based Repowering of the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area Based on Burrowing Owl Burrows, Raptor Flights, and Collisions with Wind Turbines Smallwood, K., Neher, L. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds, Raptors