Scott, B.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 56
Title Author Date Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Confusion Reigns? A Review of Marine Megafauna Interactions with Tidal-Stream Environments Benjamins, S., Dale, A., Hastie, G. Book Chapter Tidal, Marine Energy Marine Mammals, Birds
Quantifying Change and Impact Thresholds for Biological Monitoring at Marine Renewable Energy Sites Wiesebron, L., Horne, J., Hendrix, N. Conference Paper Marine Energy
An Evaluation of the Use of Shore-Based Surveys for Estimating Spatial Overlap between Deep-Diving Seabirds and Tidal Stream Turbines Waggitt, J., Bell, P., Scott, B. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Birds
Modelling Foraging Movements of Diving Predators: A Theoretical Study Exploring the Effect of Heterogeneous Landscapes on Foraging Efficiency Chimienti, M., Bartoń, K., Scott, B. Journal Article Habitat Change Birds
What's Next and Why? A Look Ahead at Strategic Ecological Research Direction Scott, B. Presentation Ecosystem Processes
Flow and Benthic Ecology 4D - FLOWBEC - An Overview Bell, P., McCann, D., Scott, B. Presentation Marine Energy Invertebrates
A Combination of Empirical and Modelled Datasets Reveals Associations between Deep Diving Seabirds and Oceanographical Processes at Fine Spatiotemporal Scales in a High Energy Habitat Waggitt, J., Bell, P., Cazenave, P. Presentation Birds
Using the FLOWBEC Seabed Frame to Understand Underwater Interactions between Diving Seabirds, Prey, Hydrodynamics and Tidal and Wave Energy Structures Williamson, B., Scott, B., Waggitt, J. Presentation Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Birds, Seabirds
New Perspectives on Fisheries: Combining the Distribution of Inshore and Offshore Commercial Fisheries in Scotland Kafas, A., Davies, I., McLay, A. Presentation Human Dimensions, Fisheries
Seabirds and Marine Renewables: Are we Asking the Right Questions? Scott, B., Langton, R., Philpott, E. Book Chapter Marine Energy Birds, Seabirds
Using a Spatial Overlap Approach to Estimate the Risk of Collisions between Deep Diving Seabirds and Tidal Stream Turbines: A Review of Potential Methods and Approaches Waggitt, J., Scott, B. Journal Article Tidal, Marine Energy Collision Birds
Modelling Foraging Strategies in High Energy Environments (FORSITE) Chimienti, M., Bartoń, K., Scott, B. Research Study Marine Energy, Tidal Collision, Habitat Change Birds
Quantifying Benefits and Impacts of Fishing Exclusion Zones on Bio-Resources around Marine Renewable Energy Installations (QBEX) Blondel, P., Bryden, I., Conley, D. Research Study Marine Energy, Ocean Current, Tidal, Wave Collision, Habitat Change Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals
Seabird Conservation and Tidal Stream and Wave Power Generation: Information Needs for Predicting and Managing Potential Impacts Langton, R., Davies, I., Scott, B. Journal Article Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy Habitat Change Seabirds, Birds
Understanding How Marine Renewable Device Operations Influence Fine Scale Habitat Use & Behaviour of Marine Vertebrates (RESPONSE) Thompson, D., Wilson, B., Lepper, P. Research Study Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Habitat Change Marine Mammals
Flow, Water Column & Benthic Ecology 4D (FLOWBEC) Blondel, P., Bryden, I., Conley, D. Research Study Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Changes in Flow Birds, Fish, Invertebrates