Short Science Summary: Benefits and Effects


The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.

Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Population Trends of Breeding Seabird Colonies in Scottish SPAs Malcolm, F., Lye, G., Lewis, M. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Birds, Seabirds
BOEM / FERC Guidelines on Regulation of Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Projects on the OCS Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Guidance Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Decommissioning Programme Low, D. Report Marine Energy, Tidal
Marine Renewable Energy: Legal and Policy Challenges to Integrating an Emerging Renewable Energy Source Wright, G. Presentation Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Annex I: Movements and Diving Behaviour of Juvenile Grey Seals in Areas of High Tidal Energy Thompson, D. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Collision Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds
Potential Interactions between Diadromous Fishes of U.K. Conservation Importance and the Electromagnetic Fields and Subsea Noise from Marine Renewable Energy Developments Gill, A., Bartlett, M., Thomsen, F. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF, Noise Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish
Building Capacity for Marine Hydrokinetic Energy: Atlas of Potential Synergistic and Conflicting Environmental, Ecological, and Human Use Considerations Dubbs, L., Voss, C., Von Korff, B., Morton, J., Peterson, C., Fegley, S., Piehler, M. Report Marine Energy, Ocean Current, Tidal, Wave Chemicals, Collision, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Reptiles, Human Dimensions
Threshold for Onset of Injury in Chinook Salmon from Exposure to Impulsive Pile Driving Sounds Halvorsen, M., Casper, B., Woodley, C., Carlson, T., Popper, A. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise Fish, Pelagic Fish
Final Report on the Acoustic, Marine Mammal and Bird Monitoring Studies During Phase 1 Pile Driving Activities ORPC Maine Report Tidal, Marine Energy Noise Pinnipeds, Marine Mammals, Birds
How Experiences of the Offshore Wind Industry Can Aid Development of the Wave Energy Sector: Lessons Learnt From EIA Studies Magagna, D., Greaves, D., Conley, D., O'Hagan, A., Holmes, B., Witt, M., Simas, T., Olivares, C., Mouslim, H., Torre-Enciso, Y., Sundberg, J., Rousseau, N. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Assessing the Far Field Effects of Tidal Power Extraction on the Bay of Fundy, Gulf of Maine and Scotian Shelf Sheng, J., Thompson, K., Hill, P., Greenberg, D. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Changes in Flow Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Water Quality
Executive Summary of the IWC Scientific Committee Workshop on Interactions Between Marine Renewable Projects and Cetaceans Worldwide International Whaling Commission Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
Assessment of the Potential for Conflict between Existing Ocean Space Use and Renewable Energy Development off the Coast of Oregon Sullivan, C. Thesis Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning, Social & Economic Data
Offshore Wave Energy Generation Devices: Impacts on Ocean Bio-Environment Lin, L., Yu, H. Journal Article Wave, Marine Energy
SOWFIA Deliverable D5.2: Reports of Interactive Meetings with Policy Makers Magagna, D., Rousseau, N. Report Wave, Marine Energy Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions
2011 Water Power Technologies Peer Review Report Murphy, M., Zayas, J., Reed, M. Report Marine Energy
First Specific Biodiversity Assessment in the Portuguese Pilot Zone for Marine Renewables Coelho, H., Rodrigues, S., Ferriera, R., De Silva, R., Pendlebury, C., Walls, R., Mascarenhas, M., Costa, H. Conference Paper Marine Energy Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Marine Mammals
Evidence that ship noise increases stress in right whales Rolland, R., Parks, S., Hunt, K., Castellote, M., Corkeron, P., Nowacek, D., Wasser, S., Kraus, S. Journal Article Marine Energy Noise
Appropriateness of Existing Monitoring Studies for the Fundy Tidal Energy Project and Considerations for Monitoring Commercial Scale Scenarios Fisheries and Oceans Canada Report Marine Energy, Tidal Fish, Physical Environment
Modelling the economic impacts of 500 MW of wave power in Ireland Deane, J., Dalton, G., Gallachoir, B. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Biofouling: lessons from nature Bixler, G., Bhushan, B. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Attraction Invertebrates
ReNews Global Marine 2012 Report Westbrook, T., Kennedy, S., Wachtmeister, W. Magazine Article Marine Energy
ICES SGWTE Report 2012: Report of the Study Group on Environmental Impacts of Wave and Tidal Energy International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind
Guidelines for Data Acquisition to Support Marine Environmental Assessments of Offshore Renewable Energy Projects Judd, A. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy
Fish in a Tidally Dynamic Region in Maine: Hydroacoustic Assessments in Relation to Tidal Power Development Viehman, H. Thesis Tidal, Marine Energy Noise Fish
Fisheries and marine renewable energy interactions: A summary report on a scoping workshop for the Marine Renewable Energy Knowledge Exchange Programme Rodwell, L., Campbell, M., de Groot, J., Ashley, M. Report Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Fisheries
Costa Head Wave Farm: Scoping Report Offshore Project Infrastructure Xodus Group Report Marine Energy, Wave
Voith Hydro ML Appropriate Assessment Main, R. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
SeaGen, Strangford Lough - an adaptive management approach to environmental management, monitoring and mitigation Fortune, F. Presentation Marine Energy, Tidal Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Effects of Displacement from Marine Renewable Development on Seabirds Breeding at SPAs: A Proof of Concept Model of Common Guillemots Breeding on the Isle of May McDonald, C., Searle, K., Wanless, S., Daunt, F. Report Marine Energy Displacement Seabirds, Birds
Phase 2 - Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia including the Outer Bay of Fundy Tidal Energy Project Site - Mi’kmaq Ecological Knowledge Study Moore, D., Hodder, C. Report Wind Energy, Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Gathering the Perspectives and Experience from Test Sites and Device Developers for Environmental and Socio Economic Impact Assessment of Wave Energy Magagna, D., Greaves, D., Conley, D., O'Hagan, A., Holmes, B., Witt, M., Simas, T., Olivares, C., Leitão, J., Mouslim, H., Torre-Enciso, Y., Sundberg, J., Rousseau, N. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave
Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Fish and Invertebrates Task 2.1.3: Effects on Aquatic Organisms Fiscal Year 2011 Progress Report Woodruff, D., Schultz, I., Marshall, K., Ward, J., Cullinan, V. Report Marine Energy EMF Fish, Invertebrates
Marine Renewable Energy and Public Rights Todd, P. Journal Article Marine Energy Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions
National Policy Framework for Marine Renewable Energy within the United Kingdom Vantoch-Wood, A., de Groot, J., Connor, P., Bailey, I., Whitehead, I., Hamlyn, V., Xu, J. Report Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Understanding socioeconomic issues and opportunities of an emerging tidal energy industry in Nova Scotia Drake, C. Thesis Marine Energy, Tidal Human Dimensions
Sounds of Western North Atlantic Fishes- Data Rescue Rountree, R., Perkins, P., Kenny, R., Hinga, K. Journal Article Marine Energy Avoidance, Noise Fish
Marine Bird Distribution Along the Oregon Coast Suryan, R., Phillips, E., So, K., Zamon, J., Lowe, R., Stephensen, S. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy Habitat Change Seabirds, Birds
The Assessment of Lethal Propeller Strike Injuries in Sea Mammals Byard, R., Winskog, C., Machado, A., Boardman, W. Journal Article Marine Energy Collision Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds
Further Analysis Of Change In Nearshore Wave Climate Due To An Offshore Wave Farm: An Enhanced Case Study For The Wave Hub Site Smith, H., Pearce, C., Millar, D. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Changes in Flow Physical Environment