Ornithological and Marine Fauna Aerial Survey of Lease Area OCSA 0512 Monthly Report: May 2018 |
Jervis, L., Warford, S., Wilmott, J. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind |
Marine Mammals, Reptiles, Sea Turtles |
Ornithological and Marine Fauna Aerial Survey Results of Lease Area OCS-A 0512 Equinor Quarterly Report: February 2018 to April 2018 |
Jervis, L., Warford, S., Willmott, J. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind |
Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Sea Turtles |
Ornithological and Marine Fauna Aerial Survey of Lease Area OCSA 0512 Monthly Report: April 2018 |
Jervis, L., Warford, S., Goddard, B. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind |
Marine Mammals, Reptiles, Sea Turtles |
Ornithological and Marine Fauna Aerial Survey of Lease Area OCSA 0512 Monthly Report: March 2018 |
Jervis, L., Warford, S., Goddard, B. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind |
Marine Mammals, Reptiles, Sea Turtles |
Ornithological and Marine Fauna Aerial Survey of Lease Area OCSA 0512 Monthly Report: February 2018 |
Jervis, L., Warford, S., Goulding, A. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind |
Marine Mammals, Reptiles, Sea Turtles |
Ornithological and Marine Fauna Aerial Survey of Lease Area OCSA 0512 Monthly Report: December 2017 |
Jervis, L., Warford, S., Willmott, J. |
Report |
Marine Mammals, Reptiles, Sea Turtles |
Ornithological and Marine Fauna Aerial Survey of Lease Area OCSA 0512 Monthly Report: January 2018 |
Jervis, L., Warford, S., Willmott, J. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind |
Marine Mammals, Reptiles, Sea Turtles |
Ornithological and Marine Fauna Aerial Survey Results of Lease Area OCS-A 0512 Equinor Quarterly Report: November 2017 to January 2018 |
Jervis, L., Warford, S., Wilmott, J. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind |
Bats, Fish, Marine Mammals, Reptiles, Sea Turtles |
Ornithological and Marine Fauna Aerial Survey of Empire Wind Monthly Report: November 2017 |
Jervis, L., Warford, S., Wilmott, J. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind |
Marine Mammals, Reptiles, Sea Turtles |
Feasibility Study for Meta-Analysis of Red-Throated Diver Displacement |
Dirksen, S., Coppack, T., Searle, K. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Displacement |
Birds, Waterfowl |
Developing a Habitat Loss Method for Assessing Displacement Impacts from Offshore Wind Farms |
Busch, M., Buisson, R., Barrett, Z. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Displacement |
Seabirds, Birds |
Assessing Northern Gannet Avoidance of Offshore Windfarms |
Rehfisch, M., Barrett, Z., Brown, L. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Avoidance |
Seabirds, Birds |
COWRIE Workshop on the Cumulative Impact of Offshore Windfarms on Birds |
Norman, T., Buisson, R., Askew, N. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Birds |