Short Science Summary: Marine Spatial Planning


The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.

Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Potential Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development—The State of the Science Copping, A., Hemery, L., Overhus, D., Garavelli, L., Freeman, M., Whiting, J., Gorton, A., Farr, H., Rose, D., Tugade, L. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning, Social & Economic Data
OES-Environmental 2020 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World Copping, A., Hemery, L. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Attraction, Avoidance, Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise Birds, Seabirds, Shorebirds, Waterfowl, Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Pinnipeds, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Reptiles, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy, Marine Spatial Planning, Social & Economic Data
2020 State of the Science Report - Chapter 11: Marine Spatial Planning and Marine Renewable Energy O'Hagan, A. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Cumulative impact assessment for ecosystem-based marine spatial planning Hammar, L., Molander, S., Palsson, J., Crona, J., Carneiro, G., Johansson, T., Hume, D., Kagesten, G., Mattsson, M., Bergström, U., Perry, D., Caldow, C., Andersen, J. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
INFOMAR data supports offshore energy development and marine spatial planning in the Irish offshore via the EMODnet Geology portal Guinan, J., McKeon, C., O'Keeffe, E., Monteys, X., Sacchetti, F., Coughlan, M., Nic Aounghusa, C. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
A review of multi-criteria decision making applications for renewable energy site selection Shao, M., Han, Z., Sun, J., Xiao, C., Zhang, S., Zhao, Y. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Transferable, predictive models of benthic communities informs marine spatial planning in a remote and data‐poor region Bridge, T., Huang, Z., Przeslawski, R., Tran, M., Siwabessy, J., Picard, K., Reside, A., Logan, M., Nichol, S., Caley, M. Journal Article Marine Energy Invertebrates, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Integrating stakeholder knowledge through modular cooperative participatory processes for marine spatial planning outcomes (CORPORATES) Slater, A., Irvine, K., Byg, A., Davies, I., Gubbins, M., Kafas, A., Kenter, J., MacDonald, A., Murray, R., Potts, T., Tweddle, J., Wright, K., Scott, B. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning, Stakeholder Engagement
Transposition of the directive establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning into the Polish legal order (main aspects and key solutions) Bakowski, T., Nawrot, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy, Marine Spatial Planning
Exploring uses of maritime surveillance data for marine spatial planning: A review of scientific literature Dupont, C., Gourmelon, F., Meur-Ferec, C., Herpers, F., Le Visage, C. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Evaluating differences in marine spatial data resolution and robustness: A North Sea case study Posen, P., Hyder, K., Alves, M., Taylor, N., Lynam, C. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Using stated preference valuation in the offshore environment to support marine planning Börger, T., Hooper, T., Austen, M., Marcone, O., Rendon, O. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Birds, Seabirds, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Guidelines for Submission of Spatial Data for Atlantic Offshore Renewable Energy Development Site Characterization Surveys BOEM Office of Renewable Energy Programs Guidance Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy, Marine Spatial Planning
Pilot Study of Integration of Wildlife Impact Analysis into Spatial Environmental Assessment Tool for Marine Hydrokinetic Energy Coates, S., Lockhart, G., Courbis, S., Raghukumar, K., McWilliams, S., Jones, C. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Mapping cumulative impacts to coastal ecosystem services in British Columbia Singh, G., Eddy, I., Halpern, B., Neslo, R., Satterfield, T., Chan, K. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Blue energy and marine spatial planning in Southern Europe García, P., Ruiz, J., Sanabria, J. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Mapping the future: Pressures and impacts in the Portuguese maritime spatial planning Fernandes, M., Sousa, L., Quintela, A., Marques, M., Reis, J., Simao, A., Castro, A., Marqués, J., Alves, F. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Participatory Processes as Twenty-First-Century Social Knowledge Technology Heron, E., Heron, R., Logie, J., Greenaway, A., Allen, W., Blackett, P., Davies, K., Glavovic, B., Hikuroa, D. Book Chapter Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning, Stakeholder Engagement
Reinventing marine spatial planning: a critical review of initiatives worldwide Trouillet, B. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Using ecosystem service assessments to support participatory marine spatial planning Friedrich, L., Glegg, G., Fletcher, S., Dodds, W., Philippe, M., Bailly, D. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning, Stakeholder Engagement
Aligning biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services in spatial planning: Focus on ecosystem processes Van der Biest, K., Meire, P., Schellekens, T., D'hondt, B., Bonte, D., Vanagt, T., Ysebaert, T. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
A novel approach for cumulative impacts assessment for marine spatial planning Lonsdale, J., Nicholson, R., Judd, A., Elliot, M., Clarke, C. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
A structured indicator pool to operationalize expert-based ecosystem service assessments for marine spatial planning von Thenen, M., Frederiksen, P., Hansen, H., Schiele, K. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Marine spatial planning on the Caribbean island of Montserrat: Lessons for data‐limited small islands Flower, J., Ramdeen, R., Estep, A., Thomas, L., Francis, S., Goldberg, G., Johnson, A., McClintock, W., Mendes, S., Mengerink, K., O'Garro, M., Rogers, L., Zischka, U., Lester, S. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Marine spatial planning in Barbuda: A social, ecological, geographic, and legal case study Johnson, A., McClintock, W., Burton, O., Burton, W., Estep, A., Mengerink, K., Porter, R., Tate, S. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
A Hybrid Multi-Objective Evolutionary-Based and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach for Cooperative Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) Basirati, M., Billot, R., Meyer, P., Mohammadi, M. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Effective integration and integrative capacity in marine spatial planning Vince, J., Day, J. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Relative impacts of multiple human stressors in estuaries and coastal waters in the North Sea–Baltic Sea transition zone Andersen, J., Al-Hamdani, Z., Harvey, E., Kallenbach, E., Murray, C., Stock, A. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Can multi-use of the sea be safe? A framework for risk assessment of multi-use at sea van Hoof, L., van den Burg, S., Banach, J., Rockmann, C., Goossen, M. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Multiple values for the management and sustainable use of coastal and marine ecosystem services Chakraborty, S., Gasparatos, A., Blasiak, R. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
An integrated approach for the design of a marine protected area network applied to mainland Portugal Timonet, D., Abecasis, D. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Militarized marine protected areas in overseas territories: Conserving biodiversity, geopolitical positioning, and securing resources in the 21st century De Santo, E. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Addressing the tangled web of governance mechanisms for land-sea interactions: Assessing implementation challenges across scales O'Hagan, A., Paterson, S., Le Tissier, M. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Early conservation benefits of a de facto marine protected area at San Clemente Island, California Esgro, M., Lindholm, J., Nickols, K., Bredvik, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Ecosystem Processes, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Social network analysis as a tool for marine spatial planning: Impacts of decommissioning on connectivity in the North Sea Tidbury, H., Taylor, N., van der Molen, J., Garcia, L., Posen, P., Gill, A., Lincoln, S., Judd, A., Hyder, K. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Habitat Change Invertebrates, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Evolving Ocean Energy Technologies and their Influence on Marine Spatial Planning Ames, F. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Is Demonstrating the Concept of Multi-Use Too Soon for the North Sea? Barriers and Opportunities from a Stakeholder Perspective Onyango, V., Papaioannou, E., Schupp, M., Zaucha, J., Przedzymirska, J., Lukic, I., Varona, M., Schultz-Zehden, A., Giannelos, I., Lakamp, R., van de Velde, I. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Assessing marine ecosystem services richness and exposure to anthropogenic threats in small sea areas: A case study for the Lithuanian sea space Depellegrin, D., Menegon, S., Gusatu, L., Roy, S., Misiune, I. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Mapping the Policy Interventions on Marine Social-Ecological Systems: Case Study of Sekisei Lagoon, Southwest Japan Makino, M., Hori, M., Nanami, A., Hori, J., Tajima, H. Book Chapter Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
An integrated seafloor habitat map to inform marine spatial planning and management: a case study from Long Island Sound (Northwest Atlantic) Zajac, R., Stefaniak, L., Babb, I., Conroy, C., Penna, S., Chadi, D., Auster, P. Book Chapter Marine Energy Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning