Short Science Summary: Benefits and Effects


The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.

Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Using acoustic telemetry for high-resolution sablefish movement informing potential interactions with a tidal turbine Staines, G., Deng, Z., Li, X., Martinez, J., Kohn, N., Harker-Klimes, G. Conference Paper Marine Energy Avoidance, Collision Fish
Life Cycle Assessment of Electricity Generation from an Array of Subsea Tidal Kite Prototypes Kaddoura, M., Tivander, J., Molander, S. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Human Dimensions, Life Cycle Assessment
Early conservation benefits of a de facto marine protected area at San Clemente Island, California Esgro, M., Lindholm, J., Nickols, K., Bredvik, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Ecosystem Processes, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Impacts of climate change on seabirds, relevant to the coastal and marine environment around the UK Mitchell, I., Daunt, F., Frederiksen, M., Wade, K. Report Marine Energy Birds, Seabirds
Stakeholder Perspectives on Opportunities and Challenges in Achieving Sustainable Growth of the Blue Economy in a Changing Climate Hoerterer, C., Schupp, M., Benkens, A., Nickiewicz, D., Krause, G., Buck, B. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Stakeholder Engagement
Social network analysis as a tool for marine spatial planning: Impacts of decommissioning on connectivity in the North Sea Tidbury, H., Taylor, N., van der Molen, J., Garcia, L., Posen, P., Gill, A., Lincoln, S., Judd, A., Hyder, K. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Habitat Change Invertebrates, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Identifying important at-sea areas for seabirds using species distribution models and hotspot mapping Cleasby, I., Owen, E., Wilson, L., Wakefield, E., O'Connell, P., Bolton, M. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Birds, Seabirds
Community perceptions, beliefs and acceptability of renewable energies projects: A systematic mapping study Colmenares-Quintero, R., Benavides-Castillo, J., Rojas, N., Stansfield, K., Hubert, M. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data, Stakeholder Engagement
Baseline assessment of underwater noise in the Ria Formosa Soares, C., Pacheco, A., Zabel, F., González-Goberña, E., Sequeira, C. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Noise
The European environmental regulation of marine renewable energies Soria‐Rodríguez, C. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Weather risk and energy consumption in Poland Mentel, G., Nakonieczny, J. Book Chapter Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Deep neural networks for automated detection of marine mammal species Shiu, Y., Palmer, K. , Roch, M. , Fleishman, E., Liu, X. , Nosal, E. , Helble, T. , Cholewiak, D., Gillespie, D., Klinck, H. Journal Article Marine Energy Marine Mammals
Life cycle assessment of electricity generation: a review of the characteristics of existing literature Barros, M., Salvador, R., Piekarski, C., de Francisco, A., Cereja, F., Freire, S. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Life Cycle Assessment
Is Demonstrating the Concept of Multi-Use Too Soon for the North Sea? Barriers and Opportunities from a Stakeholder Perspective Onyango, V., Papaioannou, E., Schupp, M., Zaucha, J., Przedzymirska, J., Lukic, I., Varona, M., Schultz-Zehden, A., Giannelos, I., Lakamp, R., van de Velde, I. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
International Law and Offshore Energy Production: Marine Environmental Protection through Normative Interactions Giannopoulos, N. Thesis Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Energy consumption and income distribution. International policies for mitigating social exclusion Genys, D. Book Chapter Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data, Stakeholder Engagement
Evolving Ocean Energy Technologies and their Influence on Marine Spatial Planning Ames, F. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Regional‐scale patterns of deep seafloor biodiversity for conservation assessment O'Hara, T., Williams, A., Althaus, F., Ross, A., Bax, N. Journal Article Marine Energy Habitat Change Ecosystem Processes
Mapping the Policy Interventions on Marine Social-Ecological Systems: Case Study of Sekisei Lagoon, Southwest Japan Makino, M., Hori, M., Nanami, A., Hori, J., Tajima, H. Book Chapter Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Building Marine Reserve Networks to Fit Multiple Needs: An Introduction to Marine Spatial Planning Using SeaSketch Gosnell, J., McClintock, W., Lee, M. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning, Stakeholder Engagement
Measurement methods of socioeconomic impacts of renewable energy projects Karytsas, S., Mendrinos, D., Karytsas, C. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data, Stakeholder Engagement
Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions against the background of Polish economic growth Brożyna, J. Book Chapter Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Climate Change, Social & Economic Data
Public perceptions of the marine environment and behavioral intentions to preserve it: The case of three coastal cities in Greece Gkargkavouzi, A., Paraskevopoulos, S., Matsiori, S. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy, Stakeholder Engagement
Promotion of renewable energy in Morocco Šimelytė, A. Book Chapter Marine Energy, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Wave Energy Position Paper Greaves, D., Jin, S., Jeffrey, H., Cochrane, C., Pennock, S., Richards, L. Report Marine Energy, Wave
An integrated seafloor habitat map to inform marine spatial planning and management: a case study from Long Island Sound (Northwest Atlantic) Zajac, R., Stefaniak, L., Babb, I., Conroy, C., Penna, S., Chadi, D., Auster, P. Book Chapter Marine Energy Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
What does energy security mean? Jakstas, T. Book Chapter Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Climate Change, Legal & Policy, Social & Economic Data
Diversity, abundance and size structure of fishes and invertebrates captured by an intertidal fishing weir at Bramber, Minas Basin, Nova Scotia Dadswell, M., Spares, A., Porter, E., Porter, D. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Fish
Ocean Energy and Coastal Protection A Novel Strategy for Coastal Management Under Climate Change Bergillos, R., Rodriguez-Delgado, C., Iglesias, G. Book Wave, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Human Dimensions, Climate Change
Offshore Renewable Energy Planning in French Law: towards an integrated process? Boillet. N. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Marine Heat as a Renewable Energy Source Suparta, W. Journal Article Marine Energy, OTEC Human Dimensions
Economies of the Barents Sea Region Kryukov, V., Poudel, D. Book Chapter Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Assessing marine ecosystem services richness and exposure to anthropogenic threats in small sea areas: A case study for the Lithuanian sea space Depellegrin, D., Menegon, S., Gusatu, L., Roy, S., Misiune, I. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Strategic planning and challenges to the deployment of renewable energy technologies in the world scenario: its impact on global sustainable development Yadav, A., Pal, N., Patra, J., Yadav, M. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Climate Change, Legal & Policy, Social & Economic Data
National growth and regional (under)development in Brazil: The case of Pará in the Brazilian Amazon Iorio, M., Monni, S. Book Chapter Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Energy Transformation Towards Sustainability Tvaronavičienė, M., Ślusarczyk, B. Book Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Governance and Management Systems in Mediterranean Marine and Coastal Biosphere Reserves Alfare, L., Ruoss, E., Boumaour, A. Book Chapter Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Modern energy conversion technologies Islam, M., Hasanuzzaman, M., Pandey, A., Rahim, N. Book Chapter Marine Energy, OTEC
Global energy consumption peculiarities and energy sources: Role of renewables Tvaronavičienė, M., Baublys, J., Raudeliūnienė, J., Jatautaitė, D. Book Chapter Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Behavioural responses in a congested sea: an observational study on a coastal nest-guarding fish Mascolino, S., Mariani, S., Benvenuto, C. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise Fish