Vanermen, N.

Name: Nicolas Vanermen
Background: Researcher
Organization: INBO
Interest: European seabirds at sea
Country: Belgium

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 7
Title Author Date Sort descending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Seabirds & Offshore Wind Farms Monitoring Results 2011 Vanermen, N., Stienen, E., Onkelinx, T. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Habitat Change, Collision Birds
Bird Monitoring at Offshore Wind Farms in the Belgian Part of the North Sea - Assessing Seabird Displacement Effects Vanermen, N., Stienen, E., Courtens, W. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Displacement Birds, Seabirds
Assessing Seabird Displacement at Offshore Wind Farms: Power Ranges of a Monitoring and Data Handling Protocol Vanermen, N., Onkelinx, T., Verschelde, P. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Displacement Seabirds, Birds
Towards a Cumulative Collision Risk Assessment of Local and Migrating Birds in North Sea Offshore Wind Farms Brabant, R., Vanermen, N., Steinen, E. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision Seabirds, Passerines, Birds
Seabird Avoidance and Attraction at an Offshore Wind Farm in the Belgian Part of the North Sea Vanermen, N., Onkelinx, T., Courtens, W. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Displacement, Avoidance, Attraction Seabirds, Birds
Attracted to the outside: a meso-scale response pattern of lesser black-backed gulls at an offshore wind farm revealed by GPS telemetry Vanermen, N., Courtens, W., Daelemans, R. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision Birds, Seabirds
An indicator for assessing the status of marine-bird habitats affected by multiple human activities: A novel statistical approach Mercker, M., Dierschke, V., Camphuysen, K. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Habitat Change Birds, Human Dimensions, Fisheries