The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.
Title | Author | Date Sort ascending | Content Type | Technology | Stressor | Receptor |
A deep learning model for detecting and classifying multiple marine mammal species from passive acoustic data | Hamard, Q., Pham, M-T., Cazau, D., Heerah, K. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | ||
Methodology for Combining Digital Aerial Survey Data and Passive Acoustic Baseline Data | Harris, D., Chudzinska, M., Jacobson, E., Brown, A., Burt, L., Macleod, K., Marques, T., Marshall, L., Oedekoven, C., Scott-Hayward, L., Thomas, L. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Attraction, Avoidance, Displacement | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Analysis of the effects on harbour porpoises from the underwater sound during the construction of the Borssele and Gemini offshore wind farms | de Jong, C., Lam, F., von Benda-Beckmann, A., Oud, T., Geelhoed, S., Vallina, T., Wilkes, T., Brinkkemper, J., Snoek, R. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Avoidance, Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Adapting the iPCoD Framework for Harbour Porpoises to Utilise a Dynamic Energy Budget Model in Modelling the Effects of Disturbance – Final Report | Harwood, J., Chudzinska, M., Hin, V., Wilder, F., Marwood, E., Booth, C. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Avoidance, Displacement, Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Harbour porpoise responses to the installation of XXL monopiles without noise abatement; implications for noise management in the Southern North Sea | Benhemma-Le Gall, A., Hastie, G., Brown, A., Booth, C., Graham, I.M., Fernandez-Betelu, O., Iorio-Merlo, V., Bashford, R., Swanson, H., Cheney, B.J., Abad Oliva, N., Thompson, P.M. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms in the Belgian Part of the North Sea: Progressive Insights in Changing Species Distribution Patterns Informing Marine Management | Degraer, S., Brabant, R., Rumes, B., Vigin, L. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change | Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Vessel noise prior to pile driving at offshore windfarm sites deters harbour porpoises from potential injury zones | Gall, A., Thompson, P., Merchant, N., Graham, I. | Journal Article | Wind Energy | Avoidance, Displacement, Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Further development of marine mammal dynamic energy budgets models for application to environmental assessments and integration into the iPCoD framework | Harwood, J., Chudzinska, M., Booth, C. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Marine Mammals | ||
Acoustic ecology of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) between two U.S. offshore wind energy areas | Holdman, A., Tregenza, N., Van Parijs, S., DeAngelis, A. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Displacement, Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Establishing baselines for predicting change in ambient sound metrics, marine mammal, and vessel occurrence within a US offshore wind energy area | Van Parijs, S., DeAngelis, A., Aldrich, T., Gordon, R., Holdman, A., McCordic, J., Mouy, X., Rowell, T., Tennant, S., Westell, A., Davis, G. | Journal Article | Wind Energy | Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning | |
Indo-Pacific finless porpoises presence in response to pile driving on the Jinwan Offshore Wind Farm, China | Fang, L., Li, M., Wang, X., Chen, Y., Chen, T. | Journal Article | Wind Energy | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment | ||
Offshore construction using gravity-base foundations indicates no long-term impacts on dolphins and harbour porpoise | Potlock, K., Temple, A., Berggren, P. | Journal Article | Wind Energy | Attraction | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Spatial Impact of Wind Farm Construction on Harbor Porpoise Detectability | van Geel, N., Benjamins, S., Marmo, B., Nabe-Nielsen, J., Wittich, A., Risch, D., Jameson, D., Todd, I., Cox, S., Wilson, B. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals | |
Characterisation of underwater operational noise of two types of floating offshore wind turbines | Risch, D., Favill, G., Marmo, B., van Geel, N., Benjamins, S., Thompson, P., Wittich, A., Wilson, B. | Report | Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals | |
Response of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) to different types of acoustic harassment devices and subsequent piling during the construction of offshore wind farms | Voß, J., Rose, A., Kosarev, V., Vilela, R., van Opzeeland, I., Diederichs, A. | Journal Article | Wind Energy | Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Directional hydrophone clusters reveal evasive responses of small cetaceans to disturbance during construction at offshore windfarms | Graham, I., Gillespie, D., Gkikopoulou, K., Hastie, G., Thompson, P. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Avoidance, Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms in the Belgian Part of the North Sea: Getting ready for offshore wind farm expansion in the North Sea | Degraer, S., Brabant, R., Rumes, B., Vigin, L. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Collision, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning | |
Literature Review on Barrier Effects, Ghost Fishing, and Electromagnetic Fields for Floating Windfarms | Williamson, L. | Report | Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind | Displacement, EMF, Entanglement | Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals | |
Reef effect of offshore structures on the occurrence and foraging activity of harbour porpoises | Fernandez-Betelu, O., Graham, I., Thompson, P. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Attraction, Habitat Change | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Comparing distribution of harbour porpoise using generalized additive models and hierarchical Bayesian models with integrated nested laplace approximation | Williamson, L., Scott, B., Laxton, M., Illian, J., Todd, V., Miller, P., Brookes, K. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | ||
Hywind Scotland Floating Offshore Wind Farm: Sound Source Characterisation of Operational Floating Turbines | Burns, R., Martin, S., Wood, M., Wilson, C., Lumsden, C., Pace, F. | Report | Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals | |
Behavioral Responses of a Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) Depend on the Frequency Content of Pile-Driving Sounds | Kastelein, R., Jong, C., Tougaard, J., Helder-Hoek, L., Defillet, L. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals | |
Framework for Assessing Ecological and Cumulative Effects 2021(KEC 4.0) – marine mammals | Heinis, F., de Jong, C., von Benda-Beckmann, A. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds | |
Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms in the Belgian Part of the North Sea: Attraction, avoidance and habitat use at various spatial scales | Degraer, S., Brabant, R., Rumes, B., Vigin, L. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Attraction, Avoidance, Displacement, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals | |
Bayesian network modelling provides spatial and temporal understanding of ecosystem dynamics within shallow shelf seas | Trifonova, N., Scott, B., De Dominicis, M., Waggitt, J., Wolf, J. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions | ||
Masking release at 4 kHz in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) associated with sinusoidal amplitude-modulated masking noise | Kastelein, R., Helder-Hoek, L., Covi, J., Terhune, J., Klump, G. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Underwater sound measurements During the installation of the Borssele OWF | Brinkkemper, J., Geelhoed, S., Berges, B., Noort, C., Nieuwendijk, D., Verdaat, J. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Modeling Small Scale Impacts of Multi-Purpose Platforms: An Ecosystem Approach | Serpetti, N., Benjamins, S., Brain, S., Collu, M., Harvey, B., Heymans, J., Hughes, A., Risch, D., Rosinski, S., Waggitt, J., Wilson, B. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind | Attraction, Avoidance, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Fisheries | |
Broad-Scale Responses of Harbor Porpoises to Pile-Driving and Vessel Activities During Offshore Windfarm Construction | Benhemma-Le Gall, A., Graham, I., Merchant, N., Thompson, P. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Human Dimensions | |
Construction Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme Fieldwork Report 2020 | Graham, I.M., Cheney, B.J., Hewitt, R.C., Barton, T.R., Thompson, P.M. | Report | Wind Energy | Marine Mammals | ||
Agent-based models to investigate sound impact on marine animals: bridging the gap between effects on individual behaviour and population level consequences | Mortensen, L., Chudzinska, M., Slabbekoorn, H., Thomsen, F. | Journal Article | Wind Energy | Noise | Fish, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Response of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena L., 1758) to the FaunaGuard and subsequent piling during the construction of offshore wind farms | Voß, J. | Thesis | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Review Of Demographic Parameters And Sensitivity Analysis To Inform Inputs And Outputs Of Population Consequences Of Disturbance Assessments For Marine Mammals | Sinclair, R., Sparling, C., Harwood, J. | Report | Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Pinnipeds | ||
Effects of multiple exposures to pile driving noise on harbor porpoise hearing during simulated flights—An evaluation tool | Schaffeld, T., Schnitzler, J., Ruser, A., Woelfing, B., Baltzer, J., Siebert, U. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Avoidance, Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) Reaction to a 3D Seismic Airgun Survey in the North Sea | Sarnocinska, J., Teilmann, J., Balle, J., van Beest, F., Delefosse, M., Tougaard, J. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
The use of seal scarers as a protective mitigation measure can induce hearing impairment in harbour porpoises | Schaffeld, T., Ruser, A., Woelfing, B., Baltzer, J., Kristensen, H., Larsson, J., Schnitzler, J., Siebert, U. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Effect of Pile-Driving Playback Sound Level on Fish-Catching Efficiency in Harbor Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) | Kastelein, R., Huijser, L., Cornelisse, S., Helder-Hoek, L., Jennings, N., de Jong, C. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Assessment of Effects of Offshore Wind Energy Facilities on the Marine Environment | Müller, A., Juretzek, C., Boethling, M. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Climate Change, Legal & Policy | |
Determining the impact of pile-driving activity on the spatio-temporal distribution of Harbour Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the Belgian Part of the North Sea | Piesinger, G. | Thesis | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals | |
Harbour porpoise responses to pile-driving diminish over time | Graham, I., Merchant, N., Farcas, A., Barton, T., Cheney, B., Bono, S., Thompson, P. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |