Short Science Summary: Benefits and Effects


The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.

Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Country-Specific Guidance Document: Japan OES-Environmental Report Marine Energy
Bourne Tidal Test Site Draft Pilot License Application Barrett, S. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
The rebirth and eco-friendly energy production of an artificial lake: A case study on the tidal power in South Korea Park, E., Lee, T. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment, Water Quality
Environmental Information for Siting and Operation of Floating Tidal Turbines in U.S. Waters Copping, A., Garavelli, L., Overhus, D., Tugade, L. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Marine Mammals
A new framework and tool for ecological risk assessment of wave energy converters projects Galparsoro, I., Korta, M., Subirana, I., Borja, A., Menchaca, I., Solaun, O., Muxika, I., Iglesias, G., Bald, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Reptiles, Human Dimensions
The challenges of engaging island communities: Lessons on renewable energy from a review of 17 case studies Kallis, G., Stephanides, P., Bailey, E., Devine-Wright, P., Chalvatzis, K., Bailey, I. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Stakeholder Engagement
Cost Efficiency of Environmental DNA as Compared to Conventional Methods for Biodiversity Monitoring Purposes at Marine Energy Sites Fu, M., Hemery, L., Sather, N. Report Marine Energy, Ocean Current, Tidal, Wave Habitat Change Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Renewable energy and biological conservation in a changing world Jager, H., Efroymson, R., McManamay, R. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Climate Change
A new seabed mobility index for the Irish Sea: Modelling seabed shear stress and classifying sediment mobilisation to help predict erosion, deposition, and sediment distribution Coughlan, M., Guerrini, M., Creane, S., O'Shea, M., Ward, S., Van Landeghem, K., Murphy, J., Doherty, P. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Changes in Flow Physical Environment, Sediment Transport
Environmental Impacts of Tidal and Wave Energy Converters Hutchison, Z., Lieber, L., Miller, R., Williamson, B. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment
Automatic Segregation of Pelagic Habitats Plonus, R-M., Vogl, S., Floeter, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Habitat Change Physical Environment, Human Dimensions
Life cycle assessment of salinity gradient energy recovery using reverse electrodialysis Mueller, K., Thomas, J., Johnson, J., DeCarolis, J., Call, D. Journal Article Marine Energy, Salinity Gradient Human Dimensions, Life Cycle Assessment
Bayesian network modelling provides spatial and temporal understanding of ecosystem dynamics within shallow shelf seas Trifonova, N., Scott, B., De Dominicis, M., Waggitt, J., Wolf, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions
Are fish in danger? A review of environmental effects of marine renewable energy on fishes Copping, A., Hemery, L., Viehman, H., Seitz, A., Staines, G., Hasselman, D. Journal Article Marine Energy, Riverine, Tidal, Wave Avoidance, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise Fish
Environmental Impact Assessment: Nuyakuk River Small Scale Hydroelectric Project Squire, R., Owen, A., Ngo-Ly, J., Sanderson, T. Report Marine Energy, Riverine Changes in Flow, Displacement, Habitat Change, Noise Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Water Quality, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Recreation & Tourism, Visual Impacts
International good practices for facilitating transboundary collaboration in Marine Spatial Planning Kull, M., Moodie, J., Thomas, H., Méndez-Roldán, S., Giacometti, A., Morf, A., Isaksson, I. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Renewable electricity generation for off grid remote communities; Life Cycle Assessment Study in Alaska, USA McCallum, C., Kumar, N., Curry, R., McBride, K., Doran, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Riverine Human Dimensions, Life Cycle Assessment
Innovation and legacy in energy knowledge infrastructures Hirsch, S., Ribes, D. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Satellite data for the offshore renewable energy sector: Synergies and innovation opportunities Medina-López, E., McMillan, D., Lazic, J., Hart, E., Zen, S., Angeloudis, A., Bannon, E., Browell, J., Dorling, S., Dorrell, R., Forster, R., Old, C., Payne, G., Porter, G., Rabaneda, A., Sellar, B., Tapoglou, E., Trifinova, N., Woodhouse, I., Zampollo, A. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions
Critical Interference Mechanisms for Marine Renewable Energy­powered Ocean Observing Platforms Cotter, E., McVey, J. Report Marine Energy Noise Marine Mammals
Shetland Tidal Array Monitoring Report: Subsea video monitoring Smith, K. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Noise Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Pelagic Fish, Marine Mammals
Country-Specific Guidance Document: Wales OES-Environmental Report Marine Energy
Communicating climate change in marine renewable energy Trueworthy, A., DuPont, B. Conference Paper Marine Energy Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Climate Change, Social & Economic Data
Moving from scientific research to consenting guidance for MRE environmental risk Copping, A., Rose, D., Freeman, M. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Changes in Flow, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Legal & Policy, Social & Economic Data, Stakeholder Engagement
Ocean Renewable Energy Test Centers Barclay, V., Culina, J., Neill, S. Book Chapter Marine Energy Human Dimensions
Retiring environmental risks of marine renewable energy devices: the “habitat change” case Hemery, L., Rose, D., Freeman, M., Copping, A. Conference Paper Marine Energy Habitat Change Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Stakeholder Engagement
Statistical power analysis of seabird monitoring methods in strong tidal streams Couto, A., Williamson, B., Long, C., Buck. E., Davies, I., Scott, B. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Tidal Birds, Seabirds
Shetland Tidal Array Monitoring Report: Vantage point surveys Smith, K., Date, H., Waggitt, J. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
What is the value of innovative offshore renewable energy deployment to the UK economy? Cochrane, C., Pennock, S., Jeffrey, H. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Understanding seabird and marine mammal occupancy of tidal stream environments at annual and seasonal scales Brown, K. Thesis Marine Energy, Tidal Displacement Birds, Marine Mammals
Assessment of marine energy-biotopes for Cozumel Island's reefs: A resource for tourism and renewable ocean energy Callejas-Jiménez, M., Alcérreca-Huerta, J., Carrillo, L. Journal Article Marine Energy Habitat Change Human Dimensions, Recreation & Tourism
SEA Wave D5.2 Recommended techniques for impact assessment: Recommendations for the use and development of tools and resources for marine energy consenting Fox, J. Report Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Fast & Flexible: streamlining a simulation- based approach to collision risk assessments Horne, N., Schmitt, P., Culloch, R., Wilson, B., Dale, A., Houghton, J., Kregting, L. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Tidal Collision Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Harbour porpoises exhibit localized evasion of a tidal turbine Gillespie, D., Palmer, L., Macaulay, J., Sparling, C., Hastie, G. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Avoidance, Collision Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
Country-Specific Guidance Document: United States OES-Environmental Report Marine Energy
A study into the potential economic value offered to Europe from the development and deployment of wave and tidal energy to 2050 University of Edinburgh Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Accelerating ocean-based renewable energy educational opportunities to achieve a clean energy future Constant, C., Kotarbinski, M., Stefek, J., Green, R., DeGeorge, E., Baring-Gould, I. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Clearing a Path to Commercialization of Marine Renewable Energy Technologies Through Public–Private Collaboration Chang, G., Harker-Klimes, G., Raghukumar, K., Polagye, B., Haxel, J., Joslin, J., Spada, F., Staines, G. Journal Article Marine Energy Noise
Marine Evidence packages ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd (ABPmer) Website Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Lighting, Noise Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment
Eco-efficiency assessment of wave energy conversion in Western Australia Burgess, C., Biswas, W. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Human Dimensions, Life Cycle Assessment, Social & Economic Data