Volume IV presents the fish and fisheries information for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Ocean/Wind Power Ecological Baseline Studies project. Project location, project goals, and project objectives related to fish and fisheries are presented in Volume I of this study report.
This volume is divided into 10 chapters. These chapters are: 1.0 Introduction, 2.0 Fish and Invertebrates, 3.0 Fisheries Resources, 4.0 New Jersey Independent Fisheries Monitoring Data, 5.0 Essential Fish Habitat Managed Species, 6.0 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Managed Species, 7.0 Federal and State Protected Species, 8.0 Climate Change, 9.0 Summary of Results, 10.0 Literature Cited, and 11.0 Websites Accessed. Acronyms and abbreviations and a list of metric to United States (U.S.) measurement conversions are provided in the Table of Contents.
This volume provides an overview of the ichthyofauna in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) and within the inshore/offshore environments encompassing the Study Area and the ancillary fishes observed during the onboard ship surveys. A description of the federal and state level fishery management is presented for commercial and recreational fisheries. Commercial fisheries include target species, top fishing gear types utilized, monetary values, landings, closed areas, fishing ports, and commercial fishing vessels observed during the onboard ship surveys in the study area. Recreational fisheries include the various popular fishing locations, fishing effort and catch characteristics, and active fishing tournaments. A statistical analysis was conducted on the data collected in the New Jersey Trawl Fisheries Independent Monitoring Program during the years 2003 to 2008 to evaluate spatial and temporal variability of fish of commercial and recreational importance. Information is also provided for fish species designated with essential fish habitat (EFH), managed by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, or protected by federal or state of New Jersey legislation. Climate change as it pertains to the fish and fisheries is addressed for the Northeastern U.S. Continental Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem. In-depth information for the various managed EFH species, a glossary of selected terms used within this volume, and a supplemental literature bibliography are provided in the fish and fisheries appendices.
- Volume 1: Overview, Summary, and Application
- Volume 2: Avian Studies
- Volume 3: Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Studies
- Volume 4: Fish and Fisheries Studies