“The Project” refers to the development of the proposed Hong Kong Offshore Wind Farm (HKOWF) in Southeastern Waters of the HKSAR. The Project will be capable of producing a maximum output of approximately 200MW of electricity. The annual production would be approximately 1% of HK’s total electricity needs. The turbines will be arranged in a grid, and each will be affixed to the seabed by a foundation consisting of a jacket structure with suction caissons. The turbines will be linked by collection cables to an offshore transformer platform from which electricity shall be transmitted to shore via two 132kV cables. A research mast will also be installed to collect data on the offshore environment. At its closest point, the Project would be approximately 9 km and 5km east of the Clearwater Bay peninsula and the main Ninepin Islands respectively. The Project will be constructed over approximately 2 years, and will be serviced using local port facilities over its anticipated life-span 20-25 years. Every year of operation it is estimated that the Project would offset approximately:
- 343,000 - 383,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
- 54 - 60 tonnes of Sulphur Dioxide.
- 394 - 440 tonnes of Nitrogen Oxides.
- 14 - 16 tonnes of particulate material.
Inspection and maintenance works will be conducted on an ongoing basis, and the wind farm will be decommissioned at the end of its working life. The energy required to build a wind farm is typically recovered in the first year of operation, thus bringing a net positive effect on greenhouse gas emissions. Tendering for Project construction is yet to take place, whilst the rapid pace of developments in offshore wind technology mean that Project details may be subject to minor modification. However, this EIA presents a reasonable worst case scenario for the assessment of potential environmental outcomes and impacts.