Webinars for Marine and Wind Energy and the Environment

Tethys hosts regular webinars pertaining to topics of environmental concern, as a means to effectively disseminate new information and research efforts to a large international audience of stakeholders. Anyone is welcome to attend these live webinars and participate in a live question and answer session with the presenters. Information for attending these live webinars is distributed to a public mailing list (separate lists for wind and water). Ongoing webinars on Tethys are sponsored by OES-EnvironmentalWREN, SEER, and other projects.

You can sign up to receive invitations to live webinars here.

Below is a list of past webinars, containing video/audio files of the presentations and Q&A sessions when available.

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PNNL & NREL Marine Energy Career Panel Two February 7, 2024

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) hosted an informational Marine Energy Career Panel on February 7, 2024. The panel featured National Laboratory staff from PNNL, NREL, and Sandia National Laboratories working to advance the marine energy industry.

PRIMRE Marine Energy Data Pipeline Updates June 14, 2022

The Marine Energy Data Pipeline effort, led by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), has released the latest version of the data ingestion pipeline, Tsdat.

Tsdat is built to help users read, process, run quality control, and convert raw data to standard formats, with the goal of reducing the time spent on data wrangling while producing high-quality standardized datasets. It is a template-based, open-source Python framework that can be used both in a local environment and on commercial cloud pipelines.

OES Annex IV Webinar #6 Marine Renewable Energy Test Centers and Environmental Effects Research Webinar July 21, 2015

This webinar discusses current environmental research efforts focused around marine renewable energy test centers and what is being planned for future test centers.

BRI Webinar Mid-Atlantic Baseline Study Webinar November 17, 2015

The goal of the Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies (MABS) Project was to provide comprehensive baseline ecological data and associated predictive models and maps to regulators, developers, and other stakeholders for offshore wind energy.

WREN Webinar #6 Monitoring Bat Activity Offshore March 1, 2016

This webinar details techniques for monitoring bat activities offshore, in order to determine the impact that offshore wind may have on bat populations.

DOE MHK Webinar #3 Monitoring Technologies and Strategies Webinar September 14, 2011

Topics of this webinar focused on developing methodologies for monitoring MHK devices post-deployment, including monitoring framework development and the use of passive and active acoustics to monitor aquatic animal behavior around MHK devices.

WREN Webinar #16 Multiple Uses for Offshore Space: Incorporating Wind Energy Development April 5, 2019

This webinar will discuss perspectives from both Europe, where wind energy development has existed since 1991, and North America, where development is relatively new, but with hopes of rapid expansion.

PRIMRE New PRIMRE Developments: Part 1 - New Sites and Tools October 7, 2020

Launched in 2019, the Portal and Repository for Information on Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMRE) was developed to serve as a centralized access point that enhances the accessibility and discoverability of information relevant to marine renewable energy (MRE) development and operations in the U.S. Part one of this two-part webinar series will highlight new sites and tools that have been developed within PRIMRE: the MRE Technology Database, MRE Software, and Telesto.

PRIMRE New PRIMRE Developments: Part 2 - New Features of Existing Knowledge Hubs October 28, 2020

Launched in 2019, the Portal and Repository for Information on Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMRE) was developed to serve as a centralized access point that enhances the accessibility and discoverability of information relevant to marine renewable energy (MRE) development and operations in the U.S. Part two of this two-part webinar series will highlight new features of existing PRIMRE Knowledge Hubs: Signature Projects, the Tethys Engineering Photo Library, and the PRIMRE aggregate search.

NWCC Webinar #17 New Research on Deterrents and Monitoring for Bats at Wind Energy Facilities Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy March 17, 2020

Presentations on advancements of the commercial readiness of bat deterrent technologies used to minimize impacts to bats and reduce the need for curtailment at wind energy facilities, and on advancements in monitoring technologies.

NWCC Webinar #18 New Research on Smart Curtailment for Bats at Wind Energy Facilities Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy March 26, 2020

Presentations on smart curtailment strategies aimed at minimizing energy loss from curtailment while reducing impacts to bats at wind energy facilities.

NWCC Webinar #16 New Research on Wildlife Monitoring at Offshore Wind Energy Facilities Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy January 16, 2020

New and upcoming research supported by the U.S. Department of Energy on systems and technologies for monitoring wildlife, including birds, bats, and North Atlantic right whales, at offshore wind energy facilities.

NYSERDA NYSERDA Webinar: A Panel on Nature Based Design Enhancements for Offshore Wind Farms February 9, 2022

Please join NYSERDA on Wednesday, February 9 at 1:00 p.m. ET for an offshore wind webinar as part of NYSERDA’s Learning from the Experts series. A panel of experts will be discussing considerations on nature based design enhancements for offshore wind farms. The panel includes Carl Lobe with The Nature Conservancy, Captain Dave Moni with No Fluke Fishing, Annie Murphy with Inspire Environmental Services, and Andrew Rella, with Eco-Concrete.

NYSERDA NYSERDA Webinar: Article VII Permitting Process for Offshore Wind April 28, 2021

Please join NYSERDA on Wednesday, April 28 at 1:00 p.m. ET for an offshore wind webinar as part of NYSERDA’s Learning from the Experts series. Bill Flynn from the Harris Beach law firm will discuss how Article VII of the New York State Public Service Law sets forth a review process for offshore wind projects seeking to deliver power to New York’s electricity grid. Bill, a former president of NYSERDA, is a partner at Harris Beach and is known for his experience in regulatory policies and legislation related to electricity, gas, water, cable television, and telecommunications services.

NYSERDA NYSERDA Webinar: Bird Monitoring Methodologies for Offshore Wind April 5, 2023

Speaker Pam Loring is a Wildlife Biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Migratory Birds and works on a range of projects related to the conservation and management of shorebirds and seabirds with a focus on offshore wind energy. She received a PhD in Environmental Conservation from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a MS in Biological and Environmental Sciences from the University of Rhode Island.

NYSERDA NYSERDA Webinar: Digital Aerial Surveys to Inform Offshore Wind Development June 9, 2021

In this webinar, Julia Robinson Willmott with Normandeau Associates will describe the technology behind digital aerial surveys and how they can inform offshore wind development. Julia works to design, test, and deploy innovative technology systems for remote monitoring of wildlife, and she has over 30 years of experience in 23 different countries assessing both offshore and onshore ecological impacts of anthropogenic and natural stressors on birds and other taxa.

NYSERDA NYSERDA Webinar: Movement Models & Offshore Wind November 9, 2022

In this webinar Henrik Skov, with DHI, will discuss movement models within the New York Bight and explore the concept of movement models within the broader context of offshore wind.

NYSERDA NYSERDA Webinar: Offshore Wind Flow Modeling September 21, 2022

In this webinar, Dr. Gregory S. Poulos, PHD (CEO and Principal Atmospheric Scientist ArcVera Renewables) discusses Offshore Wind Flow Modeling. Greg has developed detailed energy analysis for over 15,000-MW of operating wind since entering the technical-side of the renewable energy industry in 2007, and worked on over 35% of all installed wind energy projects in the US, and the first wind farms in several US states, and the countries El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala.

NYSERDA NYSERDA Webinar: Offshore Wind Stakeholder Engagement July 28, 2021

Please join NYSERDA on Wednesday, July 28 at 1:00 p.m. ET for an offshore wind webinar as part of NYSERDA’s Learning from the Experts series. Kris Ohleth with the Special Initiative on Offshore Wind will provide an overview of the roles of federal, state, and private entities in offshore wind stakeholder engagement and compare successful engagement approaches. Kris has worked in the offshore wind industry for over 15 years and has held senior positions with offshore wind developers, non-governmental organizations, and state agencies.

NYSERDA NYSERDA Webinar: Offshore Wind Technology 101 April 7, 2021

Please join NYSERDA on Wednesday, April 7 at 1:00 p.m. ET for an offshore wind webinar as part of NYSERDA’s Learning from the Experts series. Walt Musial with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) will provide an introduction to offshore wind technologies. Walt is a Principal Engineer and leads the offshore wind research platform at NREL, which focuses on a wide range of industry needs and critical technology challenges.

NYSERDA NYSERDA Webinar: Outer Continental Shelf Air Permitting for Offshore Wind October 26, 2022

In this webinar, Stacey Snow and Melanie Holtz, with Jacobs, discuss air quality compliance for offshore wind, including permitting requirements, pollutions controls, and environmental justice considerations.

NYSERDA NYSERDA Webinar: Regional Collaboration on Wildlife & Fisheries Research September 15, 2021

Please join NYSERDA on Wednesday, September 15 at 1:00 p.m. ET for an offshore wind webinar as part of NYSERDA’s Learning from the Experts series. Emily Shumchenia with the Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC), and Lyndie Hice-Dunton with the Responsible Offshore Science Alliance (ROSA) will discuss regional wildlife and fisheries research and upcoming regional wildlife science activities. Emily Shumchenia is an ocean data scientist and the Director of the Regional Wildlife Science Entity (RWSE).

NYSERDA NYSERDA Webinar: Siting and Leasing Offshore Wind Energy Areas March 24, 2021

Please join NYSERDA's Offshore Wind team on Wednesday, March 24 at 1:00 p.m. ET for the first webinar in this series and hear from Luke Feinberg of the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) as he discusses the federal process of siting and leasing offshore wind energy areas. Luke is an Energy Program Specialist in BOEM’s Office of Renewable Energy Programs and is currently working to coordinate all renewable activities offshore New York.

NYSERDA NYSERDA Webinar: Stakeholder Engagement & Offshore Wind June 22, 2022

In this webinar, Rebecca Karp and Andel Koester (Karp Strategies) will discuss stakeholder engagement and offshore wind. Karp Strategies has supported NYSERDA with the creation of a free, open source offshore wind curriculum aimed at teenagers and educators and developed the agency’s Guiding Principles for Stakeholder Engagement for developers; assessed the feasibility of port infrastructure for OSW; analyzed MWBE procurement in the supply chain in Maine; and supported Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind with their stakeholder engagement strategy.

NYSERDA NYSERDA Webinar: The Science of Visibility June 23, 2021

In this webinar, Gordon Perkins and Kiva VanDerGeest with Environmental Design & Research will discuss the environmental factors that affect visibility of wind farms from shore and methods for modeling visual impacts. Gordon is one of the leading expert consultants in visualization and visual impact assessment in the Northeast and has 20 years of professional experience. Kiva has over six years of professional experience in planning, design, geographic information systems, and visual impact assessments.

SEER Oceanographic Responses to Offshore Wind: From First Principles to Potential Effects July 23, 2024

The U.S. Offshore Wind Synthesis of Environmental Effects Research (SEER) effort, led by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) with support from the U.S.

OES-Environmental & ORJIP International Forum #1 OES-Environmental & ORJIP International Forum #1: Updates on Monitoring and Research Around Turbines April 21, 2020

OES-Environmental and ORJIP Ocean Energy invite you to join the first International Forum on MRE Environmental R&D that will present and review the latest in research and monitoring around marine renewable energy (MRE) sites. This forum consists of three different webinars, each running from 8am – 10am PT (3pm – 5pm UTC) on April 21, 22, and 23, 2020. The purpose of the forum is to share the most recent environmental research and monitoring results with a broad audience.

OES-Environmental & ORJIP International Forum #2 OES-Environmental & ORJIP International Forum #2: Design and Application of Integrated Monitoring Platforms for Monitoring Around MRE Devices April 22, 2020

OES-Environmental and ORJIP Ocean Energy invite you to join the first International Forum on MRE Environmental R&D that will present and review the latest in research and monitoring around marine renewable energy (MRE) sites. This forum consists of three different webinars, each running from 8am – 10am PT (3pm – 5pm UTC) on April 21, 22, and 23, 2020. The purpose of the forum is to share the most recent environmental research and monitoring results with a broad audience.

OES-Environmental & ORJIP International Forum #3 OES-Environmental & ORJIP International Forum #3: Updates on Monitoring and Research Around Wave Energy Devices April 23, 2020

OES-Environmental and ORJIP Ocean Energy invite you to join the first International Forum on MRE Environmental R&D that will present and review the latest in research and monitoring around marine renewable energy (MRE) sites. This forum consists of three different webinars, each running from 8am – 10am PT (3pm – 5pm UTC) on April 21, 22, and 23, 2020. The purpose of the forum is to share the most recent environmental research and monitoring results with a broad audience.

OES-Environmental Webinar #20 OES-Environmental Public Webinar: Guidance Documents for Risk Retirement August 31, 2021

This public webinar provided an overview of the risk retirement process, including data transferability, and an update that will focus on introducing the new guidance documents for risk retirement. The guidance documents aim to bridge between scientific evidence and application for consenting/permitting processes.

OES-Environmental 2020 State of the Science Chapters Webinars #2 OES-Environmental State of the Science 2020: Collision Risk and Environmental Monitoring June 22, 2020

This public webinar shares the information from several chapters in the 2020 State of the Science Report.

OES-Environmental 2020 State of the Science Public Release OES-Environmental State of the Science 2020: Public Release June 11, 2020

This webinar provides an overview of the information presented in the OES-Environmental 2020 State of the Science Report.

OES-Environmental 2020 State of the Science Chapters Webinars #1 OES-Environmental State of the Science 2020: Underwater Noise, EMF, Habitat, Oceanographic Systems, and Mooring Entanglements June 17, 2020

This public webinar shares the information from several chapters in the OES-Environmental 2020 State of the Science Report.

OES-Environmental Webinar #22 OES-Environmental Webinar: Planning Ahead to Address Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy January 19, 2023

OES-Environmental hosted a webinar on 19 January 2023, from 3:30 – 5:00pm UTC (7:30 – 9:00am PST) to share tools for designing and siting marine renewable energy (MRE; wave, tide, ocean current, salinity and temperature gradient) projects with environmental effects in mind. This webinar highlighted OES-Environmental's Management Measures Tool, AZTI's Wave Energy Converter - Environmental Risk Assessment (WEC-ERA) Tool, and the Marine Energy Environmental Toolkit for Permitting and Licensing developed by Kearns & West.

OES-Environmental Webinar #19 OES-Environmental Webinar: Risk Retirement September 24, 2020

This webinar provides an overview of the risk retirement process, its development, and several related tools, including the data transferability process and monitoring datasets discoverability matrix. OES-Environmental's outreach and engagement efforts in the development of the risk retirement and data transferability processes will also be highlighted, as well as the feedback received from the greater MRE community on risk retirement for underwater noise, electromagnetic effects, and habitat change. 

OES-Environmental Workshop OES-Environmental Workshop: Monitoring Datasets Discoverability Matrix July 21, 2020

The monitoring datasets discoverability matrix (matrix) is an interactive tool that classifies monitoring datasets from already consented (or permitted) projects for six key environmental stressors.

OES Annex IV Webinar #16 Optimizing Permitting/Consenting for Marine Renewable Energy through Data Transferability September 25, 2018

This webinar will detail Annex IV’s framework, best management practices, and implementation plan for data transferability and collection consistency. The webinar will also present on how the MRE community has been engaged throughout this process and aims to gather additional feedback from the larger MRE community.

ECO Wind Webinar Perspectives on Wind-Wildlife Constraints to Buildout Webinar 1: Siting June 21, 2024

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Enabling Coexistence Options for Wind Energy and Wildlife (ECO Wind) project is pleased to announce a multi-part webinar series, “Perspectives on Wind-Wildlife Constraints to Buildout”, which will feature experts from diverse fields related to, but outside of, the wind-wildlife domain. Over the three-part series, experts will address three major constraints to wind energy buildout: siting, operations, and technology.

ECO Wind Webinar Perspectives on Wind-Wildlife Constraints to Buildout Webinar 2: Operations September 3, 2024

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) Enabling Coexistence Options for Wind Energy and Wildlife (ECO Wind) project is hosting a multi-part webinar series, “Perspectives on Wind-Wildlife Constraints to Buildout”, which will feature experts from diverse fields related to, but outside of, the wind-wildlife domain. Over the three-part series, experts will address three major constraints to wind energy buildout: siting, operations, and technology.

PNNL S&T Seminar Series PNNL Community Science & Technology Seminar Series: Got it all? Assessing the spatiotemporal variability of fish species in a tidal channel from water samples only August 9, 2023

Using a novel approach called environmental DNA (eDNA), aquatic species can be identified in water samples from the genetic material contained in discarded tissue (e.g., fish scales, mucus). This approach provides a non-invasive, cost effective, and reliable method for monitoring the presence and distribution of fish in water bodies. Current fish monitoring approaches are often challenging (e.g., cost, safety) to implement in the high energy environments targeted for tidal energy development and eDNA can provide a reliable alternative.

POET Webinar #1 POET Webinar: Potential Effects of Offshore Renewable Energy - Knowledge and Resources (Part 1: Marine Renewables and Offshore Wind) April 15, 2020

The Pacific Ocean Energy Trust (POET) is pleased to launch a series of Marine Energy related webinars and has teamed up with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to host a webinar on April 15th from 10 to 11:30am PT featuring speakers from PNNL's Coastal Division.

NWCC Webinar #20 Preliminary Results of Research on Wind Operational Impact Minimization Technologies: DOE-Funded Technology Development and Innovation Projects August 20, 2020

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) researchers present preliminary results of two projects examining early-stage technologies aimed at minimizing the potential impacts of wind turbines on wildlife.

PRIMRE PRIMRE Webinar: Release of the New Marine Energy Projects Database September 20, 2022

The Portal and Repository for Information on Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMRE) recently developed a new Marine Energy Projects Database that provides a catalog of devices, projects, and test sites around the world. The database provides a history of past efforts so the industry may learn from past successes and failures, provides additional outreach for developers, and provides a broad overview of progress in the sector.

WREN Webinar #18 Raptor Behaviour and Physiology as it Relates to Wind Energy Development March 23, 2021

Raptor interactions with wind turbines are a concern for the wind energy and wildlife community. Raptors have relatively low reproductive rates and are often protected by local, national, and international laws. The webinar will share information regarding on-going research on raptor behaviour and physiology as it relates to interactions with wind turbines. The webinar is part of WREN’s priority activity to reduce uncertainty regarding risk for raptors at wind farms.

SEER Recent Advances in Autonomous Environmental Monitoring Technologies to Support Offshore Wind Energy Development July 6, 2023

The U.S. Offshore Wind Synthesis of Environmental Effects Research (SEER) project is hosting a free, public webinar series to share the latest research on the potential environmental effects of offshore wind energy development, including minimization and monitoring strategies. Each webinar will feature brief presentations from experts, a panel discussion, and an audience Q&A period.

OES Annex IV Webinar #11 Recent Research of Interest to the MRE Industry January 18, 2017

This webinar will feature two recent sets of research findings that will further elucidate the importance of EMF from cables and fish interaction with devices to the industry.

NWCC Webinar #3 Recent Syntheses of Research on Wind Energy, Bats, and Terrestrial and Marine Wildlife July 1, 2014

This webinar includes research presented by Jeffery Lovich, Ed Arnett, and Erin Baerwald on the terrestrial and marine impacts of wind energy development.

NWCC Webinar #1 Recently-Released Research on Wind Energy and Grassland Birds & Ducks November 20, 2013

This webinar presents research on interactions between wind energy and grassland birds and ducks.

WREN Webinar #14 Reconstruction after Decommissioning - A Cross Industry Perspective May 4, 2018

The speakers will discuss reconstruction after decommissioning from both the offshore wind, land-based wind and adjacent industry perspectives.

SEER Regional Surveys to Improve Understanding of Ecosystems and Relevance to Offshore Wind Energy Development May 31, 2023

The U.S. Offshore Wind Synthesis of Environmental Effects Research (SEER) project is hosting a free, public webinar series to share the latest research on the potential environmental effects of offshore wind energy development, including minimization and monitoring strategies. Each webinar will feature brief presentations from experts, a panel discussion, and an audience Q&A period.