Peschko, V.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 11
Title Author Date Content Type Sort descending Technology Stressor Receptor
Marine mammals and windfarms: Effects of alpha ventus on harbour porpoises Dähne, M., Peschko, V., Gilles, A. Book Chapter Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise, Avoidance Marine Mammals
Effects of offshore windfarms on seabird abundance: Strong effects in spring and in the breeding season Peschko, V., Mendel, B., Müller, S. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision, Habitat Change Birds, Seabirds
Large-scale effects of offshore wind farms on seabirds of high conservation concern Garthe, S., Schwemmer, H., Peschko, V. Journal Article Wind Energy Attraction, Avoidance, Habitat Change Birds, Seabirds, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Cumulative effects of offshore wind farms on common guillemots (Uria aalge) in the southern North Sea - climate versus biodiversity? Peschko, V., Schwemmer, H., Mercker, M. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Avoidance Birds, Seabirds
Effects of Pile-Driving on Harbour Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) at the First Offshore Wind Farm in Germany Dähne, M., Gilles, A., Lucke, K. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals
Trends of Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) Density in the Southern North Sea Peschko, V., Ronnenberg, K., Siebert, U. Journal Article Marine Mammals
Operational offshore wind farms and associated ship traffic cause profound changes in distribution patterns of Loons (Gavia spp.) Mendel, B., Schwemmer, P., Peschko, V. Journal Article Fixed Offshore Wind Birds
Seabirds as samplers of the marine environment - a case study of northern gannets Garthe, S., Peschko, V., Kubetzki, U. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Avoidance Seabirds, Birds
Telemetry reveals strong effects of offshore wind farms on behaviour and habitat use of common guillemots (Uria aalge) during the breeding season Peschko, V., Mercker, M., Garthe, S. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Attraction, Avoidance Birds, Seabirds
Northern gannets (Morus bassanus) are strongly affected by operating offshore wind farms during the breeding season Peschko, V., Mendel, B., Mercker, M. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Avoidance, Collision Birds, Seabirds
Harbour Porpoises in the Southern North Sea - Analysis of Potential Influences of Alpha Ventus in the Context of General Distribution Trends Gilles, A., Dähne, M., Peschko, V. Presentation Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Marine Mammals