Short Science Summary: Bat Interactions with Land-Based Wind Energy: A European and North American Perspective

Hoary Bat

The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.

Title Author Date Content Type Sort descending Technology Stressor Receptor
Wildlife and Wind Farms - Conflicts and Solutions, Volume 2. Onshore: Monitoring and Mitigation Perrow, M. Book Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats, Birds
Greening the Wind: Environmental and Social Considerations for Wind Power Development Ledec, G., Rapp, K., Aiello, R. Book Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Social & Economic Data, Human Dimensions, Ecosystem Processes, Birds, Bats
Wildlife and Wind Farms - Conflicts and Solutions, Volume 1. Onshore: Potential Effects Perrow, M. Book Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change, Noise Bats, Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment, Invertebrates, Reptiles, Terrestrial Mammals
Evidenzbasierter Fledermausschutz in Windkraftvorhaben Voigt, C. Book Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats
Biodiversity & Wind Energy: A Bird's and Bat's Perspective Mascarenhas, M., Bernardino, J., Paula, A., Costa, H., Bastos, C., Cordeiro, A., Marques, A., Marqués, J., Mesquita, S., Paula, J., Pereira, M., Peste, F., Ramalho, R., Rodrigues, S., Santos, J., Veira, J., Fonseca, C. Book Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
Problematic Wildlife: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach Angelici, F. Book Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change, Collision Birds, Bats
Comparing Field Methods Used to Determine Bird and Bat Fatalities Paula, J., Augusto, M., Neves, T., Bispo, R., Cardoso, P., Mascarenhas, M. Book Chapter Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Bats
Wind Industry in Portugal and Its Impacts on Wildlife: Special Focus on Spatial and Temporal Distribution on Bird and Bat Fatalities Marqués, J., Rodrigues, S., Ferriera, R., Mascarenhas, M. Book Chapter Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds, Bats
Fauna Collisions with Wind Turbines: Effects and Impacts, Individuals and Populations. What Are We Trying to Assess? Smales, I. Book Chapter Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats, Birds
Wind and Wildlife: Siting Issues and Challenges Walker, R., Swift, A. Book Chapter Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Land-Based Wind Terrestrial Mammals, Fish, Birds, Bats
Using Stakeholder Input to Develop a Comparative Risk Assessment for Wildlife from the Life Cycles of Six Electrical Generation Fuels Zillioux, E., Newman, J., Lampman, G., Watson, M., Newman, C. Book Chapter Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change, Collision Stakeholder Engagement, Life Cycle Assessment, Human Dimensions, Birds, Bats
GenEst Statistical Models — A Generalized Estimator of Mortality Dalthorp, D., Madsen, L., Huso, M., Rabie, P., Wolpert, R., Studyvin, J., Simonis, J., Mintz, J. Book Chapter Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats, Birds
Bats Flying at High Altitudes McCracken, G., Lee, Y., Gillam, E., Frick, W., Krauel, J. Book Chapter Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats
How Noise Affects Bats and What It Reveals About Their Biosonar Systems Smotherman, M., Simmons, A., Simmons, J. Book Chapter Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Noise Bats
Impacts to Birds and Bats Due to Collisions and Electrocutions from Some Tall Structures in the United States: Wires, Towers, Turbines, and Solar Arrays - State of the Art in Addressing the Problems Manville, A. Book Chapter Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change, Displacement, Collision, Avoidance, Attraction Birds, Bats
Observations from the Use of Dogs to Undertake Carcass Searches at Wind Facilities in Australia Bennett, E. Book Chapter Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats, Birds
Fuzzy Clustering in Avian Infrared Imagery Application Mirzaei, G., Ross, J., Jamali, M., Gorsevski, P., Bingman, V. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats, Birds
Proceedings of the Wind Wildlife Research Meeting VII Schwartz, S. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision, Habitat Change Bats, Birds
Wind Power and the Local Environment - No Free Lunches Plowden, B. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Habitat Change Bats, Birds
Warning Sounds and Color for Reducing Bird and Bat Mortality at Wind Turbines Khan, S. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats, Birds
Status of Avian Research at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Sinclair, K. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Habitat Change Bats, Birds
Report of the IWG on Wind Turbines and Bat Populations 2012 Rodrigues, L. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Habitat Change Bats
Bird and bat mortality at Portuguese wind farms Bernardino, J., Zina, H., Passos, I., Costa, H., Ramos-Pereira, M., Fonseca, C., Mascarenhas, M. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
Proceedings of the Wind-Wildlife Research Meeting IX PNWWRM IX Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision, Habitat Change Bats, Birds
Massive Bat Migration Across the Alps: Implications for Wind Energy Development Bontadina, F., Beck, A., Dietrich, A., Dobner, M., Eicher, C., Frey-Ehrenbold, A., Krainer, K., Loecher, F., Maerki, K., Mattei-Roesli, M., Mixanig, H., Plank, M., Vorauer, A., Wegleitner, S., Widerin, K., Wieser, D., Wimmer, B., Reiter, G. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats
Proceedings of the National Avian - Wind Power Planning Meeting IV NWCC Avian Subcommittee Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Habitat Change Bats, Birds, Raptors
Birds/bats movement tracking with IR camera for wind farm applications Wei, L., Mirzaei, G., Majid, M., Jamali, M., Ross, J., Gorsevski, P., Bingman, V. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change Bats, Birds
Ultrasonic noise emissions from wind turbines: Potential effects on bat species Long, C., Lepper, P., Flint, J. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Noise Bats
Wind and Wildlife Fauna Collisions with Wind Turbines: Effects and Impacts, Individuals and Populations. What Are We Trying to Assess? Smales, I. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats, Birds
Experimental and numerical aeroacoustic analysis of an ultrasound whistle Zeng, Z., Sharma, A. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Collision Bats
Avian detection & tracking algorithm using infrared imaging Mirzaei, G., Majid, M., Ross, J., Jamali, M., Gorsevski, P., Frizado, J., Bingman, V. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
Bat Monitoring System for Wind Farms Correia, R., Faneca, C., Vieira, J., Bastos, C., Mascarenhas, M., Costa, H., Bernardino, J., Fonseca, C., Ramos-Pereira, M. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Bats
Estimating the Likelihood of Bat Barotrauma using Computational Simulations and Analytical Calculations Lawson, M., Jenne, D., Thresher, R. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats
Proceedings of the Onshore Wildlife Interactions with Wind Developments: Research Meeting V Schwartz, S. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Habitat Change Bats, Birds
The BIO-acoustic feature extraction and classification of bat echolocation calls Mirzaei, G., Majid, M., Ross, J., Jamali, M., Gorsevski, P., Frizado, J., Bingman, V. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats
Proceedings of the NWCC Wildlife Workgroup Research Planning Meeting VI Schwartz, S. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision, Habitat Change Bats, Birds
Guidance document on wind energy developments and EU nature legislation European Commission Guidance Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise Bats, Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Land-Based Wind Energy Guidelines US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Guidance Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change Bats, Birds, Terrestrial Mammals, Human Dimensions
Guidelines for Lighting and Marking of Structures Supporting Renewable Energy Development Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Guidance Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Lighting Bats, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Reptiles
Review and guidance on use of “shutdown-on-demand” for wind turbines to conserve migrating soaring birds in the Rift Valley/Red Sea Flyway BirdLife International Guidance Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision Bats, Birds