The Knowledge Base provides access to documents and information about the environmental effects of marine renewable energy, supporting the OES-Environmental initiative. Relevant documents from around the world are compiled into a user-friendly table that displays all content available in Tethys. Results can be narrowed using the keyword filters on the right, or with search terms entered in the text box, including targeted searches (e.g., org:DOE, author:copping). Content may also be sorted alphabetically by clicking on column headers. Some entries will appear on the next page.
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Title | Author | Date Sort ascending | Content Type | Technology | Stressor | Receptor |
A Fuzzy Logic Technique for the Environmental Impact Assessment of Marine Renewable Energy Power Plants | Flores, P.; Mendoza, E. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Ocean Current, OTEC, Tidal, Wave | Attraction, Avoidance, Chemicals, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Water Quality, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Visual Impacts | |
Marine Fish Passage: Underappreciated Threats to Connectivity Within the Marine Environment | Lennox, R.; Birnie-Gauvin, K.; Bate, C.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Riverine, Tidal, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise | Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning | |
Wave and Tidal Energy: Evaluation of Feasibility, Costs, and Benefits Senate Bill 605 Report | Lee, S.; Strong, V.; Aspen Environmental Group | Report | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave | Avoidance, Changes in Flow, Collision, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy, Social & Economic Data | |
2024 State of the Science Report - Chapter 3: Marine Renewable Energy: Stressor-Receptor Interactions | Garavelli, L.; Hemery, L.; Rose, D.; et al. | Report | Marine Energy, OTEC, Tidal, Wave | Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Reptiles | |
OES-Environmental 2024 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World | OES-Environmental | Report | Marine Energy, OTEC, Tidal, Wave | Attraction, Avoidance, Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Reptiles, Sea Turtles, Terrestrial Mammals, Human Dimensions, Environmental Justice, Legal & Policy, Recreation & Tourism, Stakeholder Engagement | |
Recent Advances in Assessing Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Around the World | Copping, A.; Martinez, L.; Hemery, L.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Ocean Current, OTEC, Riverine, Salinity Gradient, Tidal, Wave | Attraction, Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment | |
Environmental impacts from large-scale offshore renewable-energy deployment | Ouro, P.; Fernandez, R.; Armstrong, A.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Investigating displacement of marine animals as a potential effect of marine renewable energy development | Hemery, L.; Garavelli, L.; Copping, A.; et al. | Conference Paper | Marine Energy | Displacement, Habitat Change, Noise | Fish, Marine Mammals | |
Anthropogenic underwater noise: A review on physiological and molecular responses of marine biota | El-Dairi, R.; Outinen, O.; Kankaanpää, H. | Journal Article | Noise | Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals | ||
Underwater acoustic propagation modeling and utilization for marine hydrokinetic devices | Hafla, E. | Thesis | Marine Energy, Ocean Current, Tidal, Wave | Noise | Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment | |
Towards assessing the impact of anthropogenic sound on fishes: Gaps, perspectives, and a case study of a large floating bridge | Zang, X.; Carlson, T.; Martinez, J.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Noise | Fish | |
Assessment of the impact of tidal power extraction from the Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier through the evaluation of a pilot plant | Fockert, A.; Bijlsma, A.; O'Mahoney, T.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Collision, Habitat Change, Noise | Fish | |
Marine energy converters: Potential acoustic effects on fishes and aquatic invertebrates | Popper, A.; Haxel, J.; Staines, G.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy | Noise | Fish, Invertebrates | |
European offshore renewable energy, towards a sustainable future | Soukissian, T.; O’Hagan, A-M.; Azzellino, A.; et al. | Report | Marine Energy, Ocean Current, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Collision, EMF, Noise | Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy, Social & Economic Data | |
Safe passage for fish: The case for in-stream turbines | Brown, E.; Sulaeman, S.; Quispe-Abad, R.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Riverine | Changes in Flow, Collision, Noise | Fish | |
Insights from the management of offshore energy resources: Toward an ecosystem-services based management approach for deep-ocean industries | Bravo, M.; Brandt, M.; van der Grient, J.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Avoidance, Changes in Flow, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise | Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Social & Economic Data | |
Developing Parametric Source Functions for Wave Energy Converters | Polagye, B.; Bassett, C.; Abadi, S.; et al. | Research Study | Marine Energy, Wave | Noise | Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Pinnipeds | |
Clean Energy from the Ocean: Measuring the Environmental Footprint of Devices | Rose, D.; Gunn, C.; Hemery, L. | Magazine Article | Marine Energy | Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions | |
Operation of a tidal turbine from a moored vessel in Agate Pass, WA | Bassett, C. | Presentation | Marine Energy, Tidal | Collision, Noise | Fish, Invertebrates, Human Dimensions | |
The Impact of Underwater Sound on Aquatic Animals – And Especially Fishes | Hawkins, A. | Journal Article | Noise | Fish | ||
Review of fish and fisheries research to inform ScotMER evidence gaps and future strategic research in the UK | Xoubanova, S.; Lawrence, Z. | Report | Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Attraction, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Noise | Fish, Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Stakeholder Engagement | |
Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) in the Tropics: An Overview of MRE Potential in Oaxaca, Mexico | Oman, J. | Report | Marine Energy, Ocean Current, OTEC, Wave | Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Pelagic Fish, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Legal & Policy, Recreation & Tourism, Social & Economic Data | |
Marine Renewable Energy: An Introduction to Environmental Effects | OES-Environmental | Summary | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave | Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions | |
ORJIP Ocean Energy Information Note: Underwater Noise | Offshore Renewables Joint Industry Programme (ORJIP) | Report | Marine Energy | Noise | Fish, Marine Mammals | |
Wave-Energy Devices Might Affect the Natural Environment: Scientists plan research to better understand effects | Oregon State University; Pacific Marine Energy Center (PMEC); Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center (NNMREC); et al. | Magazine Article | Marine Energy, Wave | EMF, Entanglement, Noise | Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Marine Mammals | |
Tidal GES - A transition to affordable and clean energy that can achieve ‘Good Environmental Status’ in coastal and marine waters | Power, A. ; Lambert, E. ; Hynes, S.; et al. | Research Study | Tidal | Collision, Displacement, Noise | Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data | |
Environmental Information for Siting and Operation of Floating Tidal Turbines in U.S. Waters | Copping, A.; Garavelli, L.; Overhus, D.; et al. | Report | Marine Energy, Tidal | Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Marine Mammals | |
Are fish in danger? A review of environmental effects of marine renewable energy on fishes | Copping, A.; Hemery, L.; Viehman, H.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Riverine, Tidal, Wave | Avoidance, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise | Fish | |
Environmental Impact Assessment: Nuyakuk River Small Scale Hydroelectric Project | Squire, R.; Owen, A.; Ngo-Ly, J.; et al. | Report | Marine Energy, Riverine | Changes in Flow, Displacement, Habitat Change, Noise | Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Water Quality, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Recreation & Tourism, Visual Impacts | |
Shetland Tidal Array Monitoring Report: Subsea video monitoring | Smith, K. | Report | Marine Energy, Tidal | Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Noise | Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Pelagic Fish, Marine Mammals | |
European Scalable Offshore Renewable Energy Source (EU-SCORES) | Francisco Correia da Fonseca | Research Study | Marine Energy, Wave, Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind | Attraction, Avoidance, Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise | Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Fisheries, Legal & Policy, Marine Spatial Planning | |
Marine Evidence packages | ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd (ABPmer) | Website | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave | Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Lighting, Noise | Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment | |
A systemic view of potential environmental impacts of ocean energy production | Martinez, M.; Vázquez, G.; Pérez-Maqueo O.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Ocean Current, OTEC, Salinity Gradient, Tidal, Wave | Collision, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Physical Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals | |
Agent-based models to investigate sound impact on marine animals: bridging the gap between effects on individual behaviour and population level consequences | Mortensen, L.; Chudzinska, M.; Slabbekoorn, H.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy | Noise | Fish, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | |
Substrate vibrations and their potential effects upon fishes and invertebrates | Hawkins, A.; Hazelwood, R.; Popper, A.; et al. | Journal Article | Noise | Fish, Invertebrates | ||
An Evaluation of the Potential Impact of Extracting Marine Renewable Energy in the Coastal Environment of the Black Sea | Zburlea, L.; Rusu, E. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment | |
The soundscape of the Anthropocene ocean | Duarte, C.; Chapuis, L.; Collin, S.; et al. | Journal Article | Noise | Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals | ||
Ocean energy and the environment: Research and strategic actions | ETIP Ocean | Report | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave | Collision, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise | Physical Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy, Marine Spatial Planning | |
Managing Impacts of Human-Generated Sound on Marine Life | McPherson, S. | Guidance | Marine Energy, Wind Energy | Noise | Fish, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Marine Spatial Planning, Recreation & Tourism | |
Above and below: Military Aircraft Noise in Air and under Water at Whidbey Island, Washington | Kuehne, L.; Erbe, C.; Ashe, E.; et al. | Journal Article | Noise | Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Pinnipeds | ||
Potential Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development—The State of the Science | Copping, A.; Hemery, L.; Overhus, D.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave | Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning, Social & Economic Data | |
A Review on Environmental and Social Impacts of Thermal Gradient and Tidal Currents Energy Conversion and Application to the Case of Chiapas, Mexico | Rivera, G.; Felix, A.; Mendoza, E. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, OTEC, Tidal | Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions | |
Effects of marine noise pollution on Mediterranean fishes and invertebrates: A review | Di Franco, E.; Pierson, P.; Di lorio, L.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Fish, Invertebrates | |
OES-Environmental 2020 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World | Copping, A.; Hemery, L. | Report | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave | Attraction, Avoidance, Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Seabirds, Shorebirds, Waterfowl, Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Pinnipeds, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Reptiles, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy, Marine Spatial Planning, Social & Economic Data | |
2020 State of the Science Report - Chapter 4: Risk to Marine Animals from Underwater Noise Generated by Marine Renewable Energy Devices | Polagye, B.; Bassett, C. | Report | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave | Noise | Fish, Marine Mammals | |
Taking the Animals' Perspective Regarding Anthropogenic Underwater Sound | Popper, A.; Hawkins, A.; Thomsen, F. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wind Energy | Noise | Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals | |
Assessing auditory masking for management of underwater anthropogenic noise | Pine, M.; Nikolich, K.; Martin, B.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy | Noise | Fish | |
Risk Retirement for Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy | Copping, A.; Freeman, M.; Overhus, D. | Report | Marine Energy | Attraction, Avoidance, Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise | Seabirds, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals | |
Initial Environmental Report for the ELEMENT Project | Gaborieau, H.; Thiébaut, M.; Quillienn, N.; et al. | Report | Marine Energy, Tidal | Collision, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals | |
Risk Retirement—Decreasing Uncertainty and Informing Consenting Processes for Marine Renewable Energy Development | Copping, A.; Freeman, M.; Gorton, A.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy | EMF, Noise | Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy |
Displaying 1 - 50 of 144