The Knowledge Base provides access to documents and information about the environmental effects of marine renewable energy, supporting the OES-Environmental initiative. Relevant documents from around the world are compiled into a user-friendly table that displays all content available in Tethys. Results can be narrowed using the keyword filters on the right, or with search terms entered in the text box, including targeted searches (e.g., org:DOE, author:copping). Content may also be sorted alphabetically by clicking on column headers. Some entries will appear on the next page.
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Title | Author | Date Sort ascending | Content Type | Technology | Stressor | Receptor |
Evaluation of the Hydrodynamic Impacts of Tidal Turbine Arrays in Jiaozhou Bay | Zhang, C.; Yang, X.; Jiang, Y.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
2024 State of the Science Report - Chapter 3: Marine Renewable Energy: Stressor-Receptor Interactions | Garavelli, L.; Hemery, L.; Rose, D.; et al. | Report | Marine Energy, OTEC, Tidal, Wave | Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Reptiles | |
OES-Environmental 2024 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World | OES-Environmental | Report | Marine Energy, OTEC, Tidal, Wave | Attraction, Avoidance, Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Reptiles, Sea Turtles, Terrestrial Mammals, Human Dimensions, Environmental Justice, Legal & Policy, Recreation & Tourism, Stakeholder Engagement | |
Recent Advances in Assessing Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Around the World | Copping, A.; Martinez, L.; Hemery, L.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Ocean Current, OTEC, Riverine, Salinity Gradient, Tidal, Wave | Attraction, Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment | |
In situ wake measurement behind a 25-kW freewheeling vertical axis hydrokinetic turbine in energetic riverine environment using acoustic Doppler current profiler and acoustic Doppler velocimeter | Dharamsi, A. | Thesis | Marine Energy, Riverine | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
Potential environmental impacts of floating solar photovoltaic systems | Benjamins, S.; Williamson, B.; Billing, S-L.; et al. | Journal Article | Attraction, Changes in Flow, Chemicals, EMF, Habitat Change | Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions | ||
Local and regional interactions between tidal stream turbines and coastal environment | Li, X.; Li, M.; Wolf, J.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow, Habitat Change | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Impact of Wave Energy Converters and Port Layout on Coastal Dynamics: Case Study of Astara Port | Moradi, M.; Ilinca, A. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wave | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Environmental impacts from large-scale offshore renewable-energy deployment | Ouro, P.; Fernandez, R.; Armstrong, A.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Field observations of the wake from a full-scale tidal turbine array | Guerra, M.; Hay, A. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
Localized Tidal Energy Extraction in Puget Sound Can Adjust Estuary Reflection and Friction, Modifying Barotropic Tides System-Wide | Spicer, P.; MacCready, P.; Yang, Z. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
The power of wave energy converters arrays to mitigate coastal erosion | Berrio, Y.; Rivillas-Ospina, G.; Arango-Manrique, A.; et al. | Conference Paper | Marine Energy, Wave | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Balancing power production and coastal protection: A bi-objective analysis of Wave Energy Converters | Battisti, B.; Giorgi, G.; Fernández, G. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wave | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Climate Change | |
Effects of small marine energy deployments on oceanographic systems | Whiting, J.; Garavelli, L.; Farr, H.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
Modeling Morphodynamic Impacts and Optimization of Marine Hydrokinetic Arrays in Shallow Offshore Environments | Moghadam, H.; Ortiz, A. | Journal Article | Marine Energy | Changes in Flow, Habitat Change | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Morphological Modelling to Investigate the Role of External Sediment Sources and Wind and Wave-Induced Flow on Sand Bank Sustainability: An Arklow Bank Case Study | Creane, S.; O'Shea, M.; Coughlan, M.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Tidal energy extraction modifies tidal asymmetry and transport in a shallow, well-mixed estuary | Spicer, P.; Yang, Z.; Wang, T.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow, Habitat Change | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Water Quality | |
A Computational Platform to assess the Coastal Impact of the Marine Energy Farms | Rusu, E.; Onea, F. | Conference Paper | Marine Energy, Wave | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
Deep-sea impacts of climate interventions | Levin, L.; Alfaro-Lucas, J.; Colaco, A.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, OTEC | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Water Quality | |
Modelling of a Wave Energy Converter Impact on Coastal Erosion, a Case Study for Palm Beach-Azur, Algeria | Moradi, M.; Chertouk, N.; Ilinca, A. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wave | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Development and Dynamics of Sediment Waves in a Complex Morphological and Tidal Dominant System: Southern Irish Sea | Creane, S.; Coughlan, M.; O’Shea, M.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Towards Holistic Characterization of the Near Seabed for Renewable Energy Installations in Shallow Marine Environments | Clementi, M.; Boiero, D.; Leone, C.; et al. | Conference Paper | Marine Energy, Wind Energy | Changes in Flow, Habitat Change | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Social and Ecological Impacts of Marine Energy Development in Malaysia | Fadzil, N.; Rahman, A.; Abdul-Rahman, A. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data | |
Effects of Tidal Stream Energy Exploitation on Estuarine Circulation and Its Seasonal Variability | Sanchez, M.; Fouz, D.; López, I.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Water Quality | |
Coupled BEM and two-phase mixture model for surrounding flow of horizontal axial turbine over sediment seabed | Li, J.; Chen, X. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Clean Energy from the Ocean: Measuring the Environmental Footprint of Devices | Rose, D.; Gunn, C.; Hemery, L. | Magazine Article | Marine Energy | Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions | |
Proving a robust approach to assess bio-physical interactions with floating tidal turbines | Lieber, L. | Report | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Birds, Seabirds, Physical Environment | |
Experimental study of bed level changes in the vicinity of flap-type wave energy converters | Taheri, O.; Kolahdoozan, M.; Faghihirad, S. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wave | Changes in Flow, Habitat Change | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Modelling the influence of Tidal Energy Converters on sediment dynamics in Banks Strait, Tasmania | Auguste, C.; Nader, J.; Marsh, P.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Marine Renewable Energy: An Introduction to Environmental Effects | OES-Environmental | Summary | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave | Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions | |
Coupled Wave Energy Converter and Nearshore Wave Propagation Models for Coastal Impact Assessments | Flanagan, T.; Wengrove, M.; Robertson, B. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wave | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
Hydro-environmental Modelling and Interaction of Tidal Lagoons around the UK Coast | Guo, B. | Thesis | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
ORJIP Ocean Energy Information Note: Changes in Oceanographic Systems | Offshore Renewables Joint Industry Programme (ORJIP) | Report | Marine Energy | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Water Quality | |
Field Observations of Scour Behavior around an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter | Lancaster, O.; Cossu, R.; Heatherington, C.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wave | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Interactions between tidal stream turbine arrays and their hydrodynamic impact around Zhoushan Island, China | Zhang, J.; Zhang, C.; Angeloudis, A.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
Hydrodynamic and Morphodynamic Influences from Ocean Current Energy Conversion Sites in the South–Southeastern Brazilian Inner Shelf | de Paula Kirinus, E.; Oleinik, P.; Marques, W. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Ocean Current | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
An observational study of hydrodynamic impact on water mass transport due to tidal power generation | Kim, J.; Woo, S-B.; Song, J.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
The Irish Sea bed load parting zone: Is it a mid-sea hydrodynamic phenomenon or a geological theoretical concept? | Creane, S.; O'Shea, M.; Coughlan, M.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning | |
Refined hydro-environmental modelling for tidal energy generation: West Somerset Lagoon case study | Guo, B.; Ahmadian, R.; Falconer, R. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Tidal current resource assessment and study of turbine extraction effects in Banks Strait, Australia | Marsh, P.; Penesis, I.; Nader, J.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
Assessing impacts of tidal power lagoons of a consistent design | Mackie, L.; Kramer, S.; Piggott, M.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
A new seabed mobility index for the Irish Sea: Modelling seabed shear stress and classifying sediment mobilisation to help predict erosion, deposition, and sediment distribution | Coughlan, M.; Guerrini, M.; Creane, S.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Environmental Impacts of Tidal and Wave Energy Converters | Hutchison, Z.; Lieber, L.; Miller, R.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave | Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise | Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment | |
Environmental Impact Assessment: Nuyakuk River Small Scale Hydroelectric Project | Squire, R.; Owen, A.; Ngo-Ly, J.; et al. | Report | Marine Energy, Riverine | Changes in Flow, Displacement, Habitat Change, Noise | Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Water Quality, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Recreation & Tourism, Visual Impacts | |
Marine Evidence packages | ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd (ABPmer) | Website | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave | Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Lighting, Noise | Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment | |
Cost-benefit analysis of tidal energy production in a coastal lagoon: The case of Ria Formosa – Portugal | Rodrigues, N.; Pintassilgo, P.; Calhau, F.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data | |
Unbalanced sediment transport by tidal power generation in Lake Sihwa | Kim, J.; Ha, H.; Woo, S-B.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Variability of sediment processes around a tidal farm in a theoretical channel | Auguste, C.; Nader, J.; Marsh, P.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Assessment of the Tidal Current Energy Resources and the Hydrodynamic Impacts of Energy Extraction at the PuHu Channel in Zhoushan Archipelago, China | Wu, H.; Yu, H.; Fang, Y.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
The Expected Impact of Marine Energy Farms Operating in Island Environments with Mild Wave Energy Resources - A Case Study in the Mediterranean Sea | Rusu, L.; Onea, F.; Rusu, E. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment |
Displaying 1 - 50 of 301