As part of its mission to support the global deployment of wind energy through a better understanding of environmental issues, WREN has created a free, online tool to catalog monitoring and mitigating technologies developed to assess and reduce potential wildlife impacts resulting from land-based and offshore wind energy development. The tool will be continuously maintained and updated to ensure the international community has access to current, publicly available information on monitoring and mitigation solutions, their state of development, and related research on their effectiveness.
Results can be refined by selecting from the drop down menus or entering a search term. Listed monitoring and mitigation technologies are reviewed on an annual basis, but can be updated more frequently if needed, by emailing The wind energy community may also contribute additional technologies for consideration by filling out this survey.
You can also download the full list of monitoring and mitigation technologies or look up definition of terms used in this tool.
Type | Stressor & Receptor | Technology | Description | Placement & Integration | Research Summary | Citations |
Monitoring Offshore Construction, Operation |
Noise Marine Mammals, Fish |
SubSeaSail (SSS) HORUS™ | HORUS™ is an unmanned autonomous uncrewed surface vessel (USV). HORUS™ vessel (32 kg) is available now for surface monitoring around offshore wind farms. With a monohull design and includes a passive acoustic array. |
Free moving USV |
No available documents. | |
Mitigation Offshore Construction |
Noise Marine Mammals, Fish, Marine Reptiles |
OffNoise - Solutions Hydro-Sound-Damper System (HSD) | The Hydro Sound Damper System intends to reduce the noise produced during pile driving in offshore wind turbine installation....Read more The Hydro Sound Damper System intends to reduce the noise produced during pile driving in offshore wind turbine installation. It consists of layers of netting containing air filled envelopes, rubber, and polyethylene foam elements that surround the monopile and physically disrupt sound waves from pile driving. Read less |
Hydro Sound Dampener installed around the monopile during pile driving. Netting is initially fixed to the sea bottom and then stretched to the surface due to buoyancy forces. |
Large-Scale Field Study
Elmer (2018): With a Hydro Sound Damper (HSD) in place, sound was measured at a distance of 6m from the pile, 4m above ground, to record sound levels during pile driving in the German Baltic Sea....Read more Elmer (2018): With a Hydro Sound Damper (HSD) in place, sound was measured at a distance of 6m from the pile, 4m above ground, to record sound levels during pile driving in the German Baltic Sea. Results (a 23dB reduction in noise level) indicated 99.5% of the whole sound energy was damped out by the HSD net.
Elmer et al. (2014) evaluated the noise reduction capacity of the Hydro Sound Dampener during the installation of offshore wind turbines at several locations including the London Array wind farm (Great Britain) and the Amrumbank-West wind farm (Germany) in the North Sea. Read less |
Elmer 2018, Elmer and Savery 2014 |
Monitoring Land-based, Offshore Operation |
Turbine Collision Birds, Bats |
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research ID-Stat | ID-Stat is a monitoring system which aims to use microphones placed within turbine blades to record bird or bat collisions. The system consists of microphones and software which automatically records detected collisions. |
Microphones installed within turbine blades and accompanying software |
Small-Scale Field Study
Delprat et al. (2011) presented the concept of the ID stat system at the Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts in Norway in May 2011. A small scale study of the technology was scheduled for March 2012 at an Land-based wind turbine. ...Read more Delprat et al. (2011) presented the concept of the ID stat system at the Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts in Norway in May 2011. A small scale study of the technology was scheduled for March 2012 at an Land-based wind turbine.
Delprat & Alcuri (2011) presented at the Conference on Wind Energy and Wildlife Impacts on the 2nd-5th of May 2011, in Trondheim, Norway. Read less |
Collier et al. 2011, Delprat and Alcuri 2011 |
Monitoring, Mitigation Land-based Operation |
Turbine Collision Birds |
IdentiFlight International IdentiFlight | IdentiFlight aims to combine optical systems with machine vision and AI software to monitor and minimize bird collisions at wind turbines. The IdentiFlight towers operate as an autonomous system with overlapping aerial coverage for detailed viewing....Read more IdentiFlight aims to combine optical systems with machine vision and AI software to monitor and minimize bird collisions at wind turbines. The IdentiFlight towers operate as an autonomous system with overlapping aerial coverage for detailed viewing. Proprietary software and neural network technologies process the images to determine 3D position, velocity, trajectory, and protected species of interest. Read less |
Autonomous towers in vicinity of wind turbine |
Large-Scale Field Study
Duerr et al. (2023) analyzed the effectiveness of IdentiFlight system's ability to identify different bird species at the Manzana Wind project, in Kern County, California (US) from June 2018 - 2019. ...Read more Duerr et al. (2023) analyzed the effectiveness of IdentiFlight system's ability to identify different bird species at the Manzana Wind project, in Kern County, California (US) from June 2018 - 2019.
Huso & Dalthorp (2023) assessed Identiflight's ability to reduce eagle mortality at Campbell Hill wind farm in Wyoming (US) from August 2018 - 2022.
Rogers (2022) evaluated the efficacy of the Identiflight Avian Detection System at the Castle Hill Wind Farm in Tasmania from August 2020 to February 2022.
McClure et al. (2022) evaluated IdentiFlight's ability to mitigate collision mortality of bald and golden eagles at a wind facility in Wyoming (US).
Rolek et al. (2022) evaluated Identiflight at Top of the World Wind Power Facility in Wyoming (US) from May 2018 to March 2019 and at The Manzana Wind Power Project, in Kern County, California (US) from June 2018 to March 2020.
Aschwanden et al. (2020) monitored bird movements to assess the effectiveness of the IdentiFlight system at the Wind Energy Research Cluster South in Stötten, Germany between April and May 2020.
McClure et al. (2018) used human observation to test and compare the ability of IdentiFlight to detect, classify, and track birds at the Top of the World wind farm in Wyoming (US) from August to September 2016. Read less |
Duerr et al. 2023, Huso and Dalthorp 2023, Rogers 2022, McClure et al. 2022, Rolek et al. 2022, Aschwanden and Liechti 2020, McClure et al. 2018, Reichenbach 2023, Reichenbach et al. 2021 |
Monitoring Land-based, Offshore Planning, Operation |
Attraction, Avoidance, Displacement, Turbine Collision Bats |
PNNL Injectable RF Bat Tags | The injectible radio-frequency Bat Tags come in three different designs and aim to use a 3D tracking algorithm to track bat movement. The first design is intended for the endangered Myotis species and minimizes transmitter size and weight: 0.16 grams and 10-km detection range....Read more The injectible radio-frequency Bat Tags come in three different designs and aim to use a 3D tracking algorithm to track bat movement. The first design is intended for the endangered Myotis species and minimizes transmitter size and weight: 0.16 grams and 10-km detection range. The second design is intended for hoary, eastern red, and silver-haired bats and prioritizes service life while staying under 5% tag-burden guidelines: 0.4 grams and >20-km detection range. The third design is intended to study potential attraction of bats to wind turbines and fine-scale movements across one or more wind farms and prioritizes detection range while keeping a reasonable size and weight: 0.6 grams and >20-km detection range. Read less |
Transmitters attached to animals, receivers located in the vicinity of the turbine |
Pilot Field Study
Deng et al. (2021) designed a animal tracking transmitter with the goal of reducing weight and increasing transmission range. Drones were used to assess the effective range of the transmitter near Richland, Washington (US) in December 2021. ...Read more Deng et al. (2021) designed a animal tracking transmitter with the goal of reducing weight and increasing transmission range. Drones were used to assess the effective range of the transmitter near Richland, Washington (US) in December 2021.
Deng et al (2019) implemented three designs of animal tracking transmitters aimed at tracking bats for applications in wind energy. Lab scale testing and algorithm validation were undertaken in 2018. Read less |
Lu et al. 2021, Deng et al. 2021 |
Mitigation Offshore Construction |
Noise Marine Mammals, Fish |
IQIP Integrated Monopile Installer | The integrated monopile installer is a double-wall steel tube with a protected bubble curtain between the tube and driving pile. The system is placed over the pile and is effective along the entire length of the water column at the pile. Formally known as the Noise Mitigation Screen. |
Wraps around pile during installation |
Large-Scale Field Study
Koschinski & Lüdemann (2020) discuss the first commercial application of the Integrated Monopile Installer in 2012 at the German OWF Riffgat in the North Sea. Since then the Integrated Monopile Installer has been used on over 450 piles....Read more Koschinski & Lüdemann (2020) discuss the first commercial application of the Integrated Monopile Installer in 2012 at the German OWF Riffgat in the North Sea. Since then the Integrated Monopile Installer has been used on over 450 piles. Noise reduction was decreased to a range of 13 to 16 dBSEL.
Rose et al. (2019) analyzed data collected during the construction of Gescha 1 & 2 from 2010 to 2016 to investigate the effects of different types of noise mitigation on harbour porpoises. Read less |
Koschinski and Lüdemann 2020, Rose et al. 2019 |
Monitoring Offshore Construction, Operation, Decommissioning |
Noise Marine Mammals |
Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) Consulting on behalf of the Scottish Government iPCoD (interim Population Consequences of Disturbance) | iPCoD is a modeling approach (R package) for assessing and quantifying the potential consequences for marine mammal populations of any disturbance and/or injury that may result from offshore energy developments....Read more iPCoD is a modeling approach (R package) for assessing and quantifying the potential consequences for marine mammal populations of any disturbance and/or injury that may result from offshore energy developments. It is designed to use the information likely to be provided by developers in their Environmental Statements and Habitats Regulations Assessments. Read less |
Software installed on the developers offsite computer |
Large-Scale Field Study
Booth et al. (2013) illustrate how the iPCoD protocol can be used to consider the potential effects of constructing two hypothetical wind farms off the Aberdeenshire coast on the five priority species over two years in their relevant management units....Read more Booth et al. (2013) illustrate how the iPCoD protocol can be used to consider the potential effects of constructing two hypothetical wind farms off the Aberdeenshire coast on the five priority species over two years in their relevant management units. Additionally, they investigate the cumulative effects of the simultaneous operation of a hypothetical tidal energy installation. Read less |
Booth et al. 2013 |
Monitoring, Mitigation Land-based, Offshore Planning, Construction, Operation, Decommissioning |
Turbine Collision, Displacement, Habitat Alteration Bats, Birds, Amphibians, Terrestrial Mammals |
WildLife Acoustics Kaleidoscope Software | Kaleidoscope Pro is a sound analysis software that identifies animal vocalizations from recordings. The SMART feature provides a simulation of SMART System alarms based on pre-recorded bat activity....Read more Kaleidoscope Pro is a sound analysis software that identifies animal vocalizations from recordings. The SMART feature provides a simulation of SMART System alarms based on pre-recorded bat activity. The output file indicates timestamps of when any of 16 pass/pulse alarms are activated or cleared. A Bat Auto-ID feature analyzes recordings of bat echolocations and automatically suggests species identifications. Kaleidoscope Pro’s Cluster Analysis uses sophisticated pattern recognition algorithms to automatically scan wildlife audio recordings for vocalizations. The Sound Level Analysis feature analyzes the noise spectrum, including weighted SPL and SEL measurements and third octave band analysis. Read less |
Software operated on computer |
Large-Scale Field Study
Peterson et al. (2021) investigated whether acoustic bat data collected at wind farms can provide accurate measures of bat fatality risk. They used Kaleidoscope Pro to analyze bat acoustic data collected at the New Creek wind farm in West Virginia in September 2011 and May 2017....Read more Peterson et al. (2021) investigated whether acoustic bat data collected at wind farms can provide accurate measures of bat fatality risk. They used Kaleidoscope Pro to analyze bat acoustic data collected at the New Creek wind farm in West Virginia in September 2011 and May 2017. They found that measuring exposure of acoustic bat activity provided a quantitative basis for designing, evaluating, and adaptively managing curtailment strategies.
McKay et al. (2024) described bat community dynamics at a Norwegian wind farm located in boreal forest. They used Kaleidoscope Pro to process bat acoustic data collected between July - September in 2020. They found evidence to suggest possible direct and indirect effects to bat communities.
Richardson et al. (2021) assessed bat activity at paired turbine and control locations at 23 British wind farms. They used Kaleidoscope Pro to process bat calls and classify calls to species level. P. pipistrellus activity was 37% higher at turbines than at control locations, which may explain why Environmental Impact Assessments conducted before the installation of turbines are poor predictors of actual fatality rates. Read less |
Peterson et al. 2021, McKay et al. 2024, Richardson et al. 2021 |
Monitoring Land-based, Offshore Construction, Operation, Planning |
Turbine Collision, Displacement, Attraction, Avoidance Birds, Bats |
Furuno radars, DHI (software) LAWR (Local Area Weather Radar) | LAWR is a limited range X-Band radar system commonly used for meteorological observations but which has been considered as a system for detecting birds and bats in the proximity of operational wind turbines. |
Radar mounted in proximity of turbines, software to process imagery (BirdTrack, BirdWatch) |
Large-Scale Field Study
Skov et al. (2009) utilized a LAWR system to collect data on the long-distance migration of waterbirds across Horns Rev. The monitoring system was deployed at an offshore wind farm in Denmark from September to November of 2008. |
Skov et al. 2009 |
Mitigation Offshore Construction, Operation |
Habitat Alteration Habitat, Fish, Ecosystem Processes |
Reef Ball™ Layer Cake | Layer Cakes are concrete structures which aim to facilitate reef growth and provide shelter for benthic animals. The structures consist of tiered, cylindrical levels which provide alcoves and increased surface area to facilitate reef establishment. |
Placed around the base of offshore wind turbines, typically in groupings |
Large-Scale Field Study
Hylkema et al. (2023) compared two types of artificial reefs in the Caribbean (2018) by examining fish assemblage, territorial behavior and grazing intensity between reef balls and layered cakes. ...Read more Hylkema et al. (2023) compared two types of artificial reefs in the Caribbean (2018) by examining fish assemblage, territorial behavior and grazing intensity between reef balls and layered cakes.
Hylkema et al. (2020) compared three types of artificial reefs in the Caribbean (2018) by examining the early fish colonization rates between reef balls, layered cakes, and piles of local basaltic rocks. Read less |
Hylkema et al. 2023, Hylkema et al. 2020 |
Monitoring, Mitigation Offshore Construction, Operation |
Vessel Collision Marine Mammals |
Toyon Marine Observer – Maritime Infrared Camera System with AI | Marine Observer is a maritime infrared camera and proprietary detection software system that reduces the risk of vessel strikes on whales, marine mammals and other objects and automatically detect marine mammals, vessels or other targets....Read more Marine Observer is a maritime infrared camera and proprietary detection software system that reduces the risk of vessel strikes on whales, marine mammals and other objects and automatically detect marine mammals, vessels or other targets. This weatherproof camera module consists of multiple uncooled long-wave infrared camera cores, each with a resolution of 640x512 pixels at 30fps with 90FOV. Read less |
Mounted on a vessel or land-based platform |
Small-Scale Field Study
Guazzo et al. (2019) explored the use of Toyon Research Corporation's detection system to observe North Pacific gray whales....Read more Guazzo et al. (2019) explored the use of Toyon Research Corporation's detection system to observe North Pacific gray whales. They used a combination of visual sightings, acoustic calls, and infrared camera data on blow detections to calculate the cue rates of migrating eastern North Pacific gray whales in January 2015 Read less |
Guazzo et al. 2019 |
Monitoring Land-based, Offshore Operation, Planning |
Turbine Collision Birds, Bats |
DeTect Merlin Avian Radar System | The MERLIN Avian Radar System is designed to use horizontal and vertical radar to determine the flight path of birds and bats with the intent of capturing flight data. The radar system can be adjusted to remain within a user-assigned perimeter....Read more The MERLIN Avian Radar System is designed to use horizontal and vertical radar to determine the flight path of birds and bats with the intent of capturing flight data. The radar system can be adjusted to remain within a user-assigned perimeter. The system consists of radar hardware and bird tracking software for automatic registration of bird echos and for data collection during day and night. Read less |
Radar system located in the vicinity of the turbine or mounted vertically on tower |
Large-Scale Field Study
May et al. (2017) evaluated the detection ranges of the MERLIN Avian Radar by using an unmanned aerial vehicle to simulate various flight patterns and bird sizes. The study took place off the coast of Central Norway in August 2009. ...Read more May et al. (2017) evaluated the detection ranges of the MERLIN Avian Radar by using an unmanned aerial vehicle to simulate various flight patterns and bird sizes. The study took place off the coast of Central Norway in August 2009.
Skov et al. (2016) utilized the MERLIN Avian Radar in a study of soaring migrants and their attraction to an offshore wind farm in Denmark during the autumn raptor migration in 2010 and 2011.
Fijn et al. (2015) implemented the MERLIN Avian Radar system at the Dutch offshore wind farm Egmond aan Zee from June 2007 to May 2010 in order to study bird flight intensity in the rotor swept zone (25m-115m) over the North Sea. The Merlin system was used to observe fluxes as well as flight altitudes and paths.
Krijgsveld et al. (2011) studied the collision risks and barrier effects of birds due to the Offshore Wind farm Egmond aan Zee in the Netherlands using the MERLIN Avian Radar System between April 2007 and June 2010. Read less |
Fijn et al. 2015, May et al. 2017, Skov et al. 2016, Krijgsveld et al. 2011 |
Monitoring Land-based, Offshore Operation, Planning |
Turbine Collision, Displacement Birds |
DHI Group MUSE: Multi-Sensor bird detection | The Multi-Sensor bird detection system MUSE uses a combination of horizontal radar with infrared and visual cameras in order to detect and record flying birds in the proximity of a wind turbine....Read more The Multi-Sensor bird detection system MUSE uses a combination of horizontal radar with infrared and visual cameras in order to detect and record flying birds in the proximity of a wind turbine. The system is used by an offshore wind farms in the Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States to monitor bird interactions with wind turbines. Read less |
Horizontal radar and cameras located in the vicinity of wind turbines |
Small-Scale Field Study
Lagerveld et al. (2020) evaluated various technologies developed to detect bird and bat collisions with wind turbines. |
Lagerveld et al. 2020 |
Monitoring, Mitigation Offshore Planning, Construction, Operation, Decommissioning |
Attraction, Avoidance, Lighting, Noise, Turbine Collision, Vessel Collision, Vibration Bats, Birds, Fish, Habitat, Marine Mammals, Marine Reptiles |
Mysticetus Mysticetus | Mysticetus is a comprehensive software suite designed to optimize real-time monitoring, mitigation, and analysis for protecting marine environments during offshore operations....Read more Mysticetus is a comprehensive software suite designed to optimize real-time monitoring, mitigation, and analysis for protecting marine environments during offshore operations. Mysticetus seamlessly integrates data from diverse sources—including human observers, infrared cameras, electronic monitoring equipment, and external databases—providing a centralized platform for informed decision-making. Mysticetus offers an Automated Data Integrity Service, which includes streamlined workflows for data quality control, automated verification processes, and simplified reporting procedures, ensuring both data integrity and regulatory compliance. Furthermore, Mysticetus enables sophisticated spatial-temporal analysis to identify trends, patterns, and potential risks to marine life. Importantly, data captured in Mysticetus is easily leveraged for future permitting needs. Mysticetus OnCloud's powerful query engine streamlines the process for subsequent projects, making it a valuable tool for long-term environmental stewardship. Mysticetus is effectively mitigating environmental impacts in offshore wind energy, oil & gas exploration, and marine construction projects. Read less |
On vessel, platform, or ROV/surface vehicle. |
Large-Scale Field Study
Smith et al. (2020) conducted a field comparison of real-time detections made by marine mammal observers using Mysticetus, a rotating infrared camera, and via passive acoustic monitoring offshore Atlantic Canada. |
Smith et al. 2020 |
Monitoring Offshore Planning, Construction, Operation, Decommissioning |
Noise Marine Mammals |
Mseis Night Hawk III | The Night Hawk series is a product line of passive acoustic monitoring sensors that can detect ultrasonic vocalizations up to 180KHz |
Can be configured for short or long length towed arrays |
Small-Scale Field Study
Verfuss et al. (2017) compared and discussed a variety of methods suitable for monitoring marine mammals in low visibility conditions during seismic surveys, including the Night Hawk system. ...Read more Verfuss et al. (2017) compared and discussed a variety of methods suitable for monitoring marine mammals in low visibility conditions during seismic surveys, including the Night Hawk system.
Moron et al. (2018) recorded Clymene dolphin whistles in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean in 2016 using a Night Hawk III four-element towed array. Read less |
Verfuss et al. 2018, Klinck et al. 2021 |
Monitoring Offshore Planning, Construction, Operation, Decommissioning |
Noise Marine Mammals |
Mseis Night Hawk III | The Night Hawk series is a product line of passive acoustic monitoring sensors that can detect ultrasonic vocalizations up to 180KHz |
Can be configured for short or long length towed arrays |
Small-Scale Field Study
Verfuss et al. (2017) compared and discussed a variety of methods suitable for monitoring marine mammals in low visibility conditions during seismic surveys, including the Night Hawk system. ...Read more Verfuss et al. (2017) compared and discussed a variety of methods suitable for monitoring marine mammals in low visibility conditions during seismic surveys, including the Night Hawk system.
Moron et al. (2018) recorded Clymene dolphin whistles in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean in 2016 using a Night Hawk III four-element towed array. Read less |
Verfuss et al. 2018 |
Mitigation, Monitoring Offshore Construction, Operation |
Vessel Collision Marine Mammals |
Current Scientific Corporation Night Navigator | There are multiple Night Navigator camera systems, the exact specifications of which vary depending on the system. Multiple sensor configurations are available in both uncooled and cooled thermal imaging, offering a broad range of fields of view or levels of optical zoom....Read more There are multiple Night Navigator camera systems, the exact specifications of which vary depending on the system. Multiple sensor configurations are available in both uncooled and cooled thermal imaging, offering a broad range of fields of view or levels of optical zoom. Each payload is gyro-stabilized with the ability to continuously pan through a full 360°, meaning that a target being tracked can be kept in view without interruption. Read less |
Mounted to ship |
Small-Scale Field Study
Smultea et al. (2020) used a variety of monitoring technologies to observe protected species as part of a vessel survey of the Revolution Wind Lease Area in September 2019 - 2020. Night Navigator was used in tandem with 7 other monitoring technologies. |
Smultea et al. 2020 |
Mitigation Offshore Construction |
Noise Marine Mammals, Fish, Marine Reptiles |
AdBm Technologies Noise Mitigation System | The AdBm Noise Mitigation System aims to reduce the noise produced by pile driving during offshore wind turbine installation. The system consists of Hemholtz resonators contained in a slatted system which unfolds around the monopile during deployment. |
Noise Mitigation System surrounds the monopile during pile driving. The system is unfolded in a similar fashion to venetian blinds |
Large-Scale Field Study
Elzinga et al. (2019) tested the Noise Mitigation System at the Butendiek and Luchterduinen Offshore Wind Parks in the Netherlands in the fall of 2018. ...Read more Elzinga et al. (2019) tested the Noise Mitigation System at the Butendiek and Luchterduinen Offshore Wind Parks in the Netherlands in the fall of 2018.
Wochner (2019) discussed the three approaches to reducing noise from pile driving: reducing at the source, breaking the transmissions path, and noise absorption. Read less |
Elzinga et al. 2019, Wochner 2019 |
Mitigation Land-based Planning, Operation |
Turbine Collision Birds |
NREL NREL-Stochastic Soaring Raptor Simulator | SSRS (Stochastic Soaring Raptor Simulator) is a generalizable, probabilistic, predictive model that estimates the potential for collisions between soaring raptors (particularly golden eagles, which rely heavily on updrafts to subsidize flight) to interact with operating wind turbines, without the...Read more SSRS (Stochastic Soaring Raptor Simulator) is a generalizable, probabilistic, predictive model that estimates the potential for collisions between soaring raptors (particularly golden eagles, which rely heavily on updrafts to subsidize flight) to interact with operating wind turbines, without the need for site-specific data collection. The model uses publicly available wind condition data and ground surface information, combined with energy-minimization principles to simulate thousands of eagles at turbine-scale resolution (50 m) and generate a soaring raptor density map. Model outputs may be used to inform pre-construction studies and siting decisions. Read less |
Open source modeling tool |
Sandhu et al. (2022) simulated golden eagle flight paths using an updraft field. Model results were validated with golden eagle telemetry data from a study location containing three wind power plants in Casper, Wyoming (US) for years 2019 and 2020. |
Sandhu et al. 2022 |
Monitoring, Mitigation Land-based, Offshore Operation |
Turbine Collision Birds, Bats |
nvisionist nvbird | nvbird aims to use a machine learning algorithm in collaboration with HD cameras to recognize the protected birds, analyze their flight path, and deter them with special sounds. If the incoming bird is not deterred the system is intended to stop the wind generator until the birds fly away. |
Even with blade tips on the tower |
No available documents. | |
Monitoring Offshore Construction, Operation, Planning |
Noise, Avoidance, Cumulative Effects, Displacement Marine Mammals |
MTC Media PAMGuard | Freely available, open source PAMGuard software is designed to aid in the analysis of passive acoustic monitoring data. The software aims to detect, locate, and classify marine mammals from the sounds they produce. |
PAMGuard analyzes passive acoustic monitoring data |
Large-Scale Field Study
Clausen et al. (2019) examined the performance of different passive acoustic monitoring filters and detectors in varying ocean noise environments....Read more Clausen et al. (2019) examined the performance of different passive acoustic monitoring filters and detectors in varying ocean noise environments. The PAMGuard system was used to analyse harbour porpoise clicks and ambient noise data collected in the spring of 2013 and summer of 2014 in the west of Denmark.
Sarnocinska et al. (2017) observed harbor porpoises in the Danish Great and Little Belts between June and November, 2015 with C-PODS and PAMGuard. The accuracy of both methods was compared.
Keating et al. (2013) describe the beaked whale detectors and classifiers used during beaked whale surveys in Southern California (US) in the summer and fall of 2012.
Yack et al. (2009) evaluated the efficacy of using PAMGuard software (version 1.0) to detect cetaceans in marine environments by comparing manual detections to those made by PAMGuard during a SWFSC dolphin survey conducted in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean from 20 August to 28 November, 2007. Read less |
Clausen et al. 2019, Sarnocinska et al. 2016, Keating and Barlow 2013, Yack et al. 2009 |
Monitoring, Mitigation Land-based Operation |
Turbine Collision Bats |
Windenergie & Fledermausschutz ProBat | ProBat is software originally developed at the University of Erlangen for calculating site-specific shutdown algorithms for bat-friendly operation of wind turbines (WEA). The aim is to limit the number of bat strikes per facility and year to the value set by the authorities....Read more ProBat is software originally developed at the University of Erlangen for calculating site-specific shutdown algorithms for bat-friendly operation of wind turbines (WEA). The aim is to limit the number of bat strikes per facility and year to the value set by the authorities. In contrast to blanket shutdown times, ProBat can be used to calculate site-specific cut-in wind speeds (start-up wind speeds) depending on the level of actual bat activity on site. ProBat is based on extensive research into bat protection at wind turbines in the RENEBAT projects. Read less |
Audio recorder (Batcorder) placed in a wind turbine's nacelle and external software operated on a computer |
Large-Scale Field Study
Johst, A. (2022) discussed the data collected by ProBat and compared several software applications used for bat monitoring. |
Johst 2022 |
Monitoring, Mitigation Land-based, Offshore Operation |
Turbine Collision Bats |
Sens of Life Probat: Bats monitoring and mitigation | ProBat is a software and sensor package that uses real-time bat data from a Track Bat sensor and real-time sada weather data combined with theoretical risk data for both bats and weather to train an AI to prevent bat contact....Read more ProBat is a software and sensor package that uses real-time bat data from a Track Bat sensor and real-time sada weather data combined with theoretical risk data for both bats and weather to train an AI to prevent bat contact. ProBat's neural networks are constantly reinforced by supervised machine learning. Read less |
Either integrated in a wind turbine nacelle or mounted on a meteorological tower |
No available documents. | |
Monitoring, Mitigation Land-based, Offshore Construction, Operation, Decommissioning |
Turbine Collision Birds |
Sens of Life ProBird | ProBird is a system for bird identification and collision mitigation at wind farms. High sensitivity IP cameras are fixed to wind turbines and arranged to provide several panoramic views of the wind farm. Infrared camera options are available for nocturnal monitoring....Read more ProBird is a system for bird identification and collision mitigation at wind farms. High sensitivity IP cameras are fixed to wind turbines and arranged to provide several panoramic views of the wind farm. Infrared camera options are available for nocturnal monitoring. The video streams provided by these cameras are stacked and used to record raw bird activity. An algorithm detects motion and applies a quick size filter, removes turbine blades from view, performs a shape analysis to reject clouds and vegetation motion, and performs a risk analysis through use of a neural network. These analyses identify level of risk of possible collision events. In the event of a possible collision, one of two responses is triggered: an acoustic warning or an event-related shutdown of the turbine. Read less |
On turbines, integrated with turbine control system |
Large-Scale Field Study
Lagrange and Rico (2019) compared bird detection via the ProBird algorithm with human-identified detection of the collected video from 10 wind farms in France and Germany. |
Lagrange and Rico 2019 |
Mitigation Offshore Construction, Operation |
Noise Marine Mammals |
IQIP PULSE | PULSE is a noise dampening system positioned between a hydraulic hammer and its sleeve, which mitigates noise and fatigue in offshore wind monopile installation....Read more PULSE is a noise dampening system positioned between a hydraulic hammer and its sleeve, which mitigates noise and fatigue in offshore wind monopile installation. It can reduce the SEL of conventional hammers with 6-10dB and the SPL with 5-12dB, resulting in less noise and impact to marine life. Read less |
Add-on system placed between a hydraulic hammer and its sleeve |
No available documents. | |
Monitoring Offshore Planning, Construction, Operation, Decommissioning |
Noise Marine Mammals |
Sercel QUIETSEA | Quietsea is a Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) device that enables the detection of acoustic signals of marine mammals, such as whales, while preserving the underwater environment....Read more Quietsea is a Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) device that enables the detection of acoustic signals of marine mammals, such as whales, while preserving the underwater environment. It provides real-time monitoring to detect the presence of marine mammals in advance of noisy maritime operations. Read less |
Versatile deployment opportunities |
Small-Scale Field Study
L'Her et al. (2017) demonstrated the performance of QUIETSEA to detect humpback whale vocalizations and the automatic localization of sperm whales clicks trains in waters offshore of Brazil in 2016. |
L'Her et al. 2017 |
Mitigation Offshore Construction, Operation |
Habitat Alteration Fish, Ecosystem Processes, Habitat, Invertebrates |
ARC Marine Reef cube® | Reef cubes are concrete structures which aim to provide artificial reef structure and shelter for benthic animals. Reef cubes consist of materials developed to facilitate reef establishment. Configuration depends on the target species or habitat. |
Reef cubes placed around turbine foundation |
Small-Scale Field Study
Bureau Waardenburg (2020) conducted a survey of reef establishment techniques in the interest of enhancing ecosystem health around wind farms in the North Sea. Artificial reef structures such as reef cubes were included in the "toolbox" discussed. ...Read more Bureau Waardenburg (2020) conducted a survey of reef establishment techniques in the interest of enhancing ecosystem health around wind farms in the North Sea. Artificial reef structures such as reef cubes were included in the "toolbox" discussed.
Brock et al. (1989) compared the efficacy of four artificial reef structures in establishing reef habitat over 12 years off of Oahu, Hawaii (US). Read less |
Bureau Waardenburg bv 2020, Brock and Norris 1989 |
Mitigation Offshore Construction, Operation |
Habitat Alteration Habitat, Fish, Marine Reptiles, Ecosystem Processes |
Reef Ball Foundation ReefBalls | Reef Balls are concrete structures which aim to facilitate reef growth and provide shelter for benthic animals. Reef Balls consist of materials designed to facilitate reef establishment and are typically placed in groupings to initiate reef establishment. |
Placed around the base of offshore wind turbines |
Del Vita (2016) conducted hydraulic analysis of reef balls in a flume at the University of Naples.
Scyphers et al. (2015) compared the habitat value of oyster shell bags and Reef Balls along eroding coastline in Alabama (US) over the course of two years. ...Read more Del Vita (2016) conducted hydraulic analysis of reef balls in a flume at the University of Naples.
Scyphers et al. (2015) compared the habitat value of oyster shell bags and Reef Balls along eroding coastline in Alabama (US) over the course of two years.
Langhamer et al. (2012) evaluated the state of artificial reef technology as it relates to the development of marine energy resources. Reef Balls were considered in their application around the base of marine energy infrastructure projects.
Wilson (2007) discussed benthic habitat changes expected in the development of offshore wind turbine. Measures for improving habitat such as artificial reef structures and scour protection measures were also discussed. Read less |
ILARIA DEL VITA 2016, Scyphers et al. 2015, Langhamer 2012, Wilson 2007 |
Monitoring Land-based Planning, Construction, Operation |
Turbine Collision Bats |
Normandeau Associates Remote Bat Acoustic Technology (ReBAT®) System | The ReBAT® system uses a full-spectrum AR125 microphone (Binary Acoustic Technology, LLC) with the intent of classifying bat calls with a combination of manual expert analysis and SonoBatTM software (SonoBat, Arcata, CA) automated analysis. |
Acoustic detectors mounted on the nacelle |
Rabie et al. (2022) used ReBat as part of a Turbine Integrated Mortality Reduction (TIMR) system-curtailed turbines on 10 turbines at a wind farm in Fond Du Lac County, Wisconsin (US) in 2008-2009. ...Read more Rabie et al. (2022) used ReBat as part of a Turbine Integrated Mortality Reduction (TIMR) system-curtailed turbines on 10 turbines at a wind farm in Fond Du Lac County, Wisconsin (US) in 2008-2009.
Foo et al. (2017) used Rebat on two operational wind turbines at Wolf Ridge Wind farm in the southern Great Plains (US) from July 2010 - 2011 to look at bat mortality rates and forging habits in proximity to wind farms. Read less |
Rabie et al. 2022, Hale et al. 2017 |
Monitoring, Mitigation Land-based, Offshore Planning, Construction, Operation, Decommissioning |
Turbine Collision Birds |
Robin Radar Robin Radar 3D Flex system | Robin Radar's 3D Flex system consists of a horizontal S-band radar, combined with a flexible Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar....Read more Robin Radar's 3D Flex system consists of a horizontal S-band radar, combined with a flexible Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar. The horizontal S-band radar aims to identify the presence and number of birds in time – including their location, height, direction, speed and route – up to 10 kilometres away. The FMCW radar has a 'scanning' mode, 'staring' mode, and 'automatic acquisition' mode. The system is designed to automatically switch turbines off and on again when the number of birds that enter a pre-set range crosses a specific threshold. Read less |
Free standing towers located on wind farm |
Large-Scale Field Study
Zehtindjiev & Whitfield (2021) used the Robin Radar 3D Flex system at the Kaliakra Wind Farm (Bulgaria) to reduce collision risk between December 2020 and February 2021 and to test the system's ability to shut down a turbine to avoid collisions. ...Read more Zehtindjiev & Whitfield (2021) used the Robin Radar 3D Flex system at the Kaliakra Wind Farm (Bulgaria) to reduce collision risk between December 2020 and February 2021 and to test the system's ability to shut down a turbine to avoid collisions.
Niemi & Tanttu (2020) used the Robin Radar 3D Flex system as part of a deep learning–based automatic bird identification system that was evaluated in terms of bird detection and identification ability at the Tahkoluoto Offshore Wind Farm (Finland). Read less |
Zehtindjiev and Whitfield 2022, Niemi and Tanttu 2020 |
Monitoring, Mitigation Land-based, Offshore Planning, Construction, Operation, Decommissioning |
Turbine Collision Birds |
Robin Radar Robin Radar MAX | Robin Radar's MAX is a single sensor system that aims to create a 3D visualisation of bird flight paths. MAX consists of a radar system including radar antenna, processing station and user interface, breakout box and interconnecting power and network cables....Read more Robin Radar's MAX is a single sensor system that aims to create a 3D visualisation of bird flight paths. MAX consists of a radar system including radar antenna, processing station and user interface, breakout box and interconnecting power and network cables. The system intends to capture height information for bird tracks and bird movements and display data in real-time. The system is designed to automatically switch turbines off and on again when the number of birds that enter a pre-set range crosses a specific threshold. Read less |
Free standing towers located on wind farm |
No available documents. | |
Monitoring Offshore Construction, Operation, Decommissioning |
Noise Fish, Marine Mammals |
K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics at Cornell University Rockhopper | The Rockhopper is a passive acoustic recording unit developed by Cornell’s K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics....Read more The Rockhopper is a passive acoustic recording unit developed by Cornell’s K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics. The low-noise recorder features a depth rating of 3,500 m and is capable of continuously collecting high-frequency (197 kHz, 24 bits) acoustic data for up to seven months. The Lithium-battery powered recorder is small — the main electronics are housed in a 17-inch glass sphere — and can be deployed and recovered by one person without the aid of a hydraulic winch or A-frame. Read less |
Deployed in water around wind farm |
Pilot Field Study
Klinck et al. 2020 described the Rockhopper system and evaluated its performance through a deployment in the northern Gulf of Mexico between May and November 2019. |
Klinck et al. 2021 |
Monitoring, Mitigation Land-based, Offshore Operation |
Turbine Collision Birds, Bats |
Biodiv-Wind SAS SafeWind | SafeWind applies Artificial Intelligence algorithms to wildlife video-detection in order to detect birds and bats and deter them from flying into the rotor-swept zone of operational wind turbines. The deterrence system involves emitting warning sounds or shutting down the turbine. |
Computing system with detection software inside the turbine tower based on 8 high-resolution cameras (infrared and visual) detection mounted on the turbine tower |
Small-Scale Field Study
Soni et al. (2020) evaluated the SafeWind System at Hassel Wind Park in Germany in 2018. They looked at detection range and reaction range for several species. ...Read more Soni et al. (2020) evaluated the SafeWind System at Hassel Wind Park in Germany in 2018. They looked at detection range and reaction range for several species.
Salkanović et al. (2020) evaluated various systems which use artificial intelligence software with the intent of predicting bird and bat turbine collisions.
Roche et al. (2017) tested the SafeWind system on a 2MW turbine in Mayenne, France during October 2016. Four cameras were installed in addition to a collision recording device. Infrared and video recordings were taken in addition to meteorological measurements. Experimentation is ongoing. Read less |
Soni et al. 2020, Salkanovic et al. 2020, Roche et al. 2017 |
Monitoring Offshore, Land-based Operation, Planning |
Turbine Collision Birds |
TERMA SCANTER 5000 Radar Series: Aircraft Detection Lighting System (ADLS) + Bird Monitoring | The SCANTER 5000 Radars are solid-state surveillance systems which aim to detect and separate small targets close to large targets such as wind turbines and wind farms. SCANTER is a fan beam and solid state radar which connects to a receiver....Read more The SCANTER 5000 Radars are solid-state surveillance systems which aim to detect and separate small targets close to large targets such as wind turbines and wind farms. SCANTER is a fan beam and solid state radar which connects to a receiver. Side lobe suppression is intended to allow the radar to detect small air targets around, between and above wind turbines up to 18 nautical miles. Turbine aviation lights can be kept off during night time to prevent light pollution and attracting birds while the radar ensures that the light is only turned on when aircraft are detected in the vicinity of the turbines Read less |
Land-based: Free standing towers located inside or outside wind farm. Offshore: On substation (OSS), Transition Pieces (TP) or dedicated turbine tower/mono-pile. The SCANTER radars provide radar plots/tracks and video in ASTERIX format. SCANTER series can be integrated with SCADA systems and is WTG independent |
Large-Scale Field Study
Skov et al. (2018) used SCANTER and LAWR radars to monitor seabird behavior at the Thanet Offshore Wind Farm (UK) between August 2014 and June 2016. In total, the SCANTER radar detected and tracked 1,205 tracks for five target species. |
Skov et al. 2018 |
Monitoring Offshore Planning, Construction, Operation, Decommissioning |
Turbine Collision, Attraction, Avoidance Birds, Bats, Marine Mammals, Fish |
Akrocean SeaObs | SeaObs is an offshore observatory that integrates WINDSEA (LiDAR) and FLY'RSEA (RaDAR) services to monitor environmental parameters, supporting a range of additional sensors for continuous data collection on metocean conditions, ecosystems, and species presence....Read more SeaObs is an offshore observatory that integrates WINDSEA (LiDAR) and FLY'RSEA (RaDAR) services to monitor environmental parameters, supporting a range of additional sensors for continuous data collection on metocean conditions, ecosystems, and species presence. It features plug-and-play data logging, a modular design with up to 2.5 kW capacity, and can be scaled directly at sea. Remotely monitored 365/7, SeaObs provides a flexible solution for site assessments and environmental impact monitoring. Read less |
Floating offshore system |
No available documents. | |
Monitoring Offshore Planning |
Habitat Alteration Ecosystem Processes, Habitat, Hydrodynamics |
Integral Consulting Sediment Erosion at Depth Flume (SEDflume) | SEDFlume is a tool that aims to provide direct measurement of the erosion properties of marine sediment by measuring erosion rates with depth and characterizing erosion properties of layered sediment....Read more SEDFlume is a tool that aims to provide direct measurement of the erosion properties of marine sediment by measuring erosion rates with depth and characterizing erosion properties of layered sediment. SEDflume intends to be effective for any type of marine sediments but is most designed for fine sediment and fine sandy sediment mixtures. Read less |
Samples are collected from the seabed, safely stored, and tested in the laboratory. |
Large-Scale Field Study
SEDflume has been applied at over 100 sites worldwide to characterize sediment erodibility. McNeil et. al (1996) and Roberts et. al (1998) laid the groundwork for further development and applications by Integral Consulting staff....Read more SEDflume has been applied at over 100 sites worldwide to characterize sediment erodibility. McNeil et. al (1996) and Roberts et. al (1998) laid the groundwork for further development and applications by Integral Consulting staff. Use of SEDflume and its methods have been approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to evaluate sediment mobility and inform engineering design. SEDflume has not been applied for an offshore wind development yet. Read less |
McNeil et al. 1996, Roberts et al. 1998 |
Monitoring, Mitigation Land-based, Offshore Planning, Operation |
Turbine Collision Bats |
Wildlife Acoustics SMART System | The SMART (Song Meter with Analysis and Remote Transfer) System provides solutions for monitoring bats and reducing bat fatalities through responsive curtailment at wind farms....Read more The SMART (Song Meter with Analysis and Remote Transfer) System provides solutions for monitoring bats and reducing bat fatalities through responsive curtailment at wind farms. SMART Microphone detects bat echolocations in real-time, SMART Controller analyzes and communicates about bat activity, and the SMART Web Interface permits users to securely and remotely access recordings and manage the system. Based on bat activity and parameters set by the user, the system can pause turbine operation to minimize curtailment costs while increasing Annual Energy Production (AEP) compared to blanket curtailment. The SMART System is typically run from an AC power socket but can also be powered by a battery and solar panel. Read less |
Microphone and controller placed in turbines or around wind farms on metmasts and software operated on a computer |
No available documents. | |
Monitoring Land-based, Offshore Planning, Construction, Operation, Decommissioning |
Turbine Collision, Displacement, Habitat Alteration Bats |
Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter SM4BAT FS | The SM4BAT FS is a weatherproof, programmable, single channel, full-spectrum, ultrasonic recorder designed for the periodic, seasonal, and long-term monitoring of bats and other ultrasound wildlife in almost any environmental condition....Read more The SM4BAT FS is a weatherproof, programmable, single channel, full-spectrum, ultrasonic recorder designed for the periodic, seasonal, and long-term monitoring of bats and other ultrasound wildlife in almost any environmental condition. The SM4BAT FS creates high-quality, full-spectrum 16-bit WAV recordings that can be easily viewed or analyzed using Kaleidoscope software (or third-party software). Schedule daily recordings to meet a variety of needs including times that are relative to sunrise and sunset, specific duty cycles with on/off recording patterns, and continuous monitoring all day and all night. The SM4BAT FS optimizes battery life and memory capacity to record for extended periods of time. Using both memory slots and new alkaline batteries, a typical deployment can record for up to 48 ten-hour nights or longer with a 12V battery and solar panel. Requires additional accessories. Read less |
Recorder with additional cabled microphone placed in turbines or around wind farms on metmasts. |
Large-Scale Field Study
Leroux et al (2024) used SM4BAT FS recorders to quantify Pipistrellus pipistrellus activity acoustically at 361 site nights in western France in June at regular incremental distances from the wind turbines. They found that P....Read more Leroux et al (2024) used SM4BAT FS recorders to quantify Pipistrellus pipistrellus activity acoustically at 361 site nights in western France in June at regular incremental distances from the wind turbines. They found that P. pipistrellus avoid the wake area, detecting less activity leeward of turbines than windward (upwind) at relatively moderate and high wind speeds. Whether the bats were attracted or avoided the turbine depended on the angle from the wake area, suggesting that changes in airflows around operating wind turbines can strongly impact the way bats use habitats up to at least 1500 m from the turbines.
Bennet et al (2022) carried out the first empirical study of operational curtailment in Australia. They compared bat fatalities before (2018) and after (2019) operational curtailment was implemented, while monitoring bat call activity using SM4BAT FS recorders. Curtailment significantly reduced bat mortality by 54%. However, bat call activity did not decline during the study period, and thus were not an explanation for the reduction in fatalities. Read less |
Leroux et al. 2024, Bennett et al. 2022 |
Monitoring Land-based Construction, Operation, Planning |
Habitat Alteration, Noise Bats, Ecosystem Processes |
SonoBat SonoBat | SonoBat is bat call analysis software that aims to allow users to identify bat species and number through the detection and extraction of ball calls from audio recordings. |
Separate computer not on wind farm |
Large-Scale Field Study
Starbuck et al. (2022) used SonoBat to monitor bat activity at 92 sites in northern Arizona (US) in summer and fall of 2016 and 2017 and analyze how land cover and topography effects bat activity. ...Read more Starbuck et al. (2022) used SonoBat to monitor bat activity at 92 sites in northern Arizona (US) in summer and fall of 2016 and 2017 and analyze how land cover and topography effects bat activity.
Grider et al. (2016) used SonoBat to monitor nightly bat activity at 6 locations in North Carolina (US) from September 2012 to August 2014 using data collected by Song Meter. Read less |
Starbuck et al. 2022, Grider et al. 2016 |
Monitoring Offshore Construction, Operation, Decommissioning |
Noise Fish, Marine Mammals |
Ocean Instruments NZ SoundTrap | The SoundTrap series are compact self-contained underwater sound recorders for ocean acoustic research. SoundTrap recorders are known for their ability to record high quality audio while consuming very little power. There are multiple models of this product available....Read more The SoundTrap series are compact self-contained underwater sound recorders for ocean acoustic research. SoundTrap recorders are known for their ability to record high quality audio while consuming very little power. There are multiple models of this product available. The STD model is intended for general purpose use with 60 kHz of bandwidth while the HF model enables high frequency recording and cetacean click detection with 150 kHz of bandwidth. Both models feature very low self-noise, ensuring clear recordings in even the quietest places. The ST600 series is intended for long term deployments, delivering up to 160 days of continuous recording. The batteries and memory are field swappable, allowing for fast turnaround in the field. Read less |
Deployed in water around wind farm |
Large-Scale Field Study
Graham et al. (2023) used clusters of SoundTrap acoustic recorders to examine how small cetaceans responded to disturbances during construction at an offshore wind farm in Scotland between August and September of 2019....Read more Graham et al. (2023) used clusters of SoundTrap acoustic recorders to examine how small cetaceans responded to disturbances during construction at an offshore wind farm in Scotland between August and September of 2019. They found that harbour porpoises showed significant directional movement away from sound sources during acoustic deterrent device use and piling soft starts.
Gall et al. (2023) investigated the effects of pre-piling activities on local soundscapes and harbour porpoise occurrence during the construction of two deep-water offshore windfarms in NE Scotland. They measured sound levels using SoundTrap bottom-mounted noise recorders in September 2017 and July 2019. They found that harbour porpoise acoustic detection decreased prior to piling, potentially in response to increased vessel traffic. These results may indicate evidence of displacement prior to active mitigation activities. Read less |
Graham et al. 2023, Gall et al. 2023 |