Short Science Summary: Underwater Noise


The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.

Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Cavitation observations, underwater radiated noise measurements and full-scale predictions of the Hydro-Spinna turbine Rosli, R., Shi, W., Aktas, B., Norman, R., Atlar, M. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Noise
Ontogenetic variation in the hearing sensitivity of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) and the implications of anthropogenic sound on behavior and communication Stanley, J., Caiger, P., Phelan, B., Shelledy, K., Mooney, T., Van Parijs, S. Journal Article Marine Energy Noise Fish
Taking the Animals' Perspective Regarding Anthropogenic Underwater Sound Popper, A., Hawkins, A., Thomsen, F. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Noise Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals
Risk Retirement for Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Copping, A., Freeman, M., Overhus, D. Report Marine Energy Attraction, Avoidance, Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise Seabirds, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals
Assessing auditory masking for management of underwater anthropogenic noise Pine, M., Nikolich, K., Martin, B., Juanes, F. Journal Article Marine Energy Noise Fish
Review of Available Models for Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Buenau, K., Garavelli, L., Hemery, L., Garcia Medina, G. , Hibler, L. Report Marine Energy Collision, Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise
Initial Environmental Report for the ELEMENT Project Gaborieau, H., Thiébaut, M., Quillienn, N., Serre, S., Araignous, E., Safi, G. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Collision, Habitat Change, Noise Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals
Characterisation of underwater operational sound of a tidal stream turbine Risch, D., van Geel, N., Gillespie, D., Wilson, B. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Noise
Techniques for distinguishing between impulsive and non-impulsive sound in the context of regulating sound exposure for marine mammals Martin, S., Lucke, K., Barclay, D. Journal Article Marine Energy Noise Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
National Environmental Policy Act Documentation for Impact-Producing Factors in the Offshore Wind Cumulative Impacts Scenario on the South Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Lighting, Noise Bats, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Reptiles, Sea Turtles, Human Dimensions, Environmental Justice, Fisheries, Navigation, Recreation & Tourism, Social & Economic Data, Visual Impacts
Risk Retirement—Decreasing Uncertainty and Informing Consenting Processes for Marine Renewable Energy Development Copping, A., Freeman, M., Gorton, A., Hemery, L. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF, Noise Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
A Vector Sensor-Based Acoustic Characterization System for Marine Renewable Energy Raghukumar, K., Chang, G., Spada, F., Jones, C. Journal Article Marine Energy Noise
A Risk Retirement Pathway for Potential Effects of Underwater Noise and Electromagnetic Fields for Marine Renewable Energy Development Copping, A., Freeman, M., Gorton, A., Hemery, L. Conference Paper Marine Energy EMF, Noise
Baseline assessment of underwater noise in the Ria Formosa Soares, C., Pacheco, A., Zabel, F., González-Goberña, E., Sequeira, C. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Noise
Behavioural responses in a congested sea: an observational study on a coastal nest-guarding fish Mascolino, S., Mariani, S., Benvenuto, C. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise Fish
SEA Wave D2.3 Environmental Demonstration Strategy Fox, J. Report Marine Energy, Wave Habitat Change, Noise Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Fisheries
The importance of underwater sounds to gadoid fishes Hawkins, A., Picciulin, M. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise Fish, Demersal Fish
Risk balancing by a marine mammal: man-made noise reduces the foraging success of seals Hastie, G., Lepper, P., McKnight, C., Milne, R., Russell, D., Thompson, D. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Tidal Noise Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds
Using dose–response functions to improve calculations of the impact of anthropogenic noise Tyack, P., Thomas, L. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Noise Marine Mammals
Examining the hearing abilities of fishes Popper, A., Hawkins, A., Sand, O., Sisneros, J. Journal Article Marine Energy Noise Fish, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
WETS Acoustic Survey Final Report 2019 Sea Engineering Inc Report Marine Energy, Wave Noise Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Sound exposure level as a metric for analyzing and managing underwater soundscapes Martin, S., Morris, C., Bröker, C., O'Neill, C. Journal Article Marine Energy Noise Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Recreation & Tourism
Acoustic impact of a wave energy converter in Mediterranean shallow waters Buscaino, G., Mattiazzo, G., Sannino, G., Papale, E., Bracco, G., Grammauta, R., Carillo, A., Kenny, J., De Cristofaro, N., Ceraulo, M., Mazzola, S. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Noise Fish
A proteomic analysis of the statocyst endolymph in common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis): an assessment of acoustic trauma after exposure to sound Solé, M., Monge, M., André, M., Quero, C. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Noise Invertebrates
Acoustic characterization of marine energy converters - IEC TS 62600-40:2019 International Electrotechnical Commission Guidance Marine Energy Noise
Final License Application for the PacWave South Project Oregon State University Report Marine Energy, Wave Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise Birds, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Legal & Policy, Navigation
SEA Wave D2.2 Critical analysis of environmental mitigation and monitoring strategies Fox, J. Report Marine Energy, Wave Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Lighting, Noise Human Dimensions, Stakeholder Engagement
Impact of pile-driving on Hector's dolphin in Lyttelton Harbour, New Zealand Leunissen, E., Rayment, W., Dawson, S. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Avoidance, Noise Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
SEA Wave D2.1 Knowledge Gaps and Consenting Risks for Wave & Tidal Energy Fox, J. Report Marine Energy, Wave Collision, Displacement, Noise Human Dimensions, Navigation, Social & Economic Data
Keeping the Noise Down: Approaches to the Mitigation and Regulation of Human-Caused Ocean Noise Weilgart, L. Book Chapter Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Noise
Providing ecological context to anthropogenic subsea noise: Assessing listening space reductions of marine mammals from tidal energy devices Pine, M., Schmitt, P., Culloch, R., Lieber, L., Kregting, L. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Noise Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds
An overview of fish bioacoustics and the impacts of anthropogenic sounds on fishes Popper, A., Hawkins, A. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise Fish
WESE Deliverable 2.1 Monitoring plans for Noise, Electromagnetic Fields and Seabed Integrity Vinagre, P., Cruz E., Chainho, P., Ruiz, P., Felis, I., Muxika, I., Bald, J. Report Marine Energy, Wave Changes in Flow, EMF, Noise Marine Mammals, Physical Environment
Baseline Presence of and Effects of Tidal Turbine Installation and Operations on Harbour Porpoise in Minas Passage, Bay of Fundy, Canada Tollit, D., Joy, R., Wood, J., Redden, A., Booth, C., Boucher, T., Porskamp, P., Oldreive, M. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Tidal Avoidance, Noise Marine Mammals, Cetaceans
D6.2 Environmental Impact Report of the H2020 project PowerKite Kregting, L., Schmitt, P., Lieber, L., Culloch, R., Horne, N., Smyth, D. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Noise Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Directional hearing and sound source localization by fishes Hawkins, A., Popper, A. Journal Article Marine Energy Noise Fish
Power Take-Off System for a Subsea Tidal Kite D6.2 - Environmental Impact Report Kregting, L., Schmitt, P., Lieber, L., Culloch, R., Horne, N., Smyth, A. Report Marine Energy, Ocean Current Collision, Habitat Change, Noise Fish, Marine Mammals
Noise characterization of a subsea tidal kite Schmitt, P., Pine, M., Culloch, R., Lieber, L., Kregting, L. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Noise
Geological and Geophysical (G&G) Surveys Fact Sheet Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Report Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals, Reptiles, Sea Turtles
A critical period of susceptibility to sound in the sensory cells of cephalopod hatchlings. Solé, M., Lenoir, M., Fortuno, J-M., Van der Schaar, M., André, M. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Noise Invertebrates