Short Science Summary: European Migratory Soaring Birds and Wind Energy Development

Common Kestrel

The table below contains the literature relevant to this summary document and will continue to be updated as new literature is added to Tethys.

Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Wind Energy Development and Wildlife Conservation: Challenges and Opportunities Kuvlesky, W. Jr., Brennan, L., Morrison, M., Boydston, K., Ballard, B., Bryant, F. Journal Article Wind Energy Physical Environment, Birds
Burrowing Owl Mortality in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area Smallwood, K., Thelander, C., Morrison, M., Rugge, L. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Raptors, Birds
Results of Bat and Bird Mortality Monitoring at the Expanded Buffalo Mountain Windfarm, 2005 Fiedler, J., Henry, T., Tankersley, R. Jr., Nicholson, C. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Passerines, Birds, Bats
Annual Report for the Maple Ridge Wind Power Project Post-construction Bird and Bat Fatality Study - 2006 Jain, A., Kerlinger, P., Curry, R., Slobodnik, L. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
Potential Impact of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy Wind Turbine on Common and Roseate Terns Vlietstra, L. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds, Seabirds
Potential Impact of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy Wind Turbine on Common (Sterna hirundo) and Roseate (S. dougallii) Terns Vlietstra, L. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds, Seabirds
Wind Turbines and Birds in Flanders (Belgium): Preliminary Summary of the Mortality Research Results Everaert, J., Kuijken, E. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds
Birds and Wind Farms: Risk Assessment and Mitigation de Lucas, M., Janss, G., Ferrer, M. Book Wind Energy Birds, Bats
Wind Power and Birds at Smøla 2003-2006 Follestad, A., Flagstad, Ø., Nygård, T., Reitan, O., Schulze, J. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds, Raptors
Effects of Wind Turbines on Flight Behaviour of Wintering Common Eiders: Implications for Habitat Use and Collision Risk Larsen, J., Guillemette, M. Journal Article Wind Energy Avoidance, Collision, Displacement Birds, Seabirds
The Possible Effects of Wind Energy on Illinois Birds and Bats Illinois Department of Natural Resources Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Waterfowl, Raptors, Birds, Bats
Developing Field and Analytical Methods to Assess Avian Collision Risk at Wind Farms Band, W., Madders, M., Whitfield, D. Book Chapter Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Displacement Birds
Biglow Canyon Wind Farm: Wildlife Monitoring and Mitigation Plan Portland General Electric Company, Oregon Department of Energy Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Habitat Change Bats, Birds, Raptors
Wind farms' deadly reputation hard to shift Marris, E., Fairless, D. Magazine Article Wind Energy Birds
Nocturnal Behavior of Raptors at Wind Energy Facilities Castle, J. Thesis Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds, Raptors
COWRIE Workshop on the Cumulative Impact of Offshore Windfarms on Birds Norman, T., Buisson, R., Askew, N. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Birds
Belwind Environmental Impact Study: Non-Technical Summary De Sutter, R., Volckaet, A. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Displacement, Noise Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Fisheries
Wildlife and Habitat Baseline Study for the Whiskey Ridge Wind Power Project, Kittitas County, Washington Western Ecosystems Technology Inc (WEST) Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds, Raptors
MER Offshore Windmolenpark Bligh Bank Belwind NV De Sutter, R., Volckaet, A. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Displacement, Noise Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Fisheries
Interim Summary on the Effectiveness of the Winter Period Turbine Shutdown in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area Erickson, W., Strickland, D. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds, Raptors
Changes in Bird Habitat Utilisation around the Horns Rev 1 Offshore Wind Farm, with Particular Emphasis on Common Scoter Petersen, I., Fox, A. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Habitat Change Seabirds, Birds
Recommended Protocols for Monitoring Impacts of Wind Turbines on Birds Canadian Wildlife Service Report Wind Energy Birds
Wind Turbines and Birds: A Guidance Document for Environmental Assessment Canadian Wildlife Service Report Wind Energy Birds
Puget Sound Energy Hopkins Ridge Wind Project Phase 1 Post-Construction Avian and Bat Monitoring First Annual Report Young, D. Jr., Erickson, W., Jeffrey, J., Poulton, V. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Raptors, Passerines, Ground-Nesting Birds, Birds, Bats
Variation in Bat and Bird Fatalities at Wind Energy Facilities: Assessing the Effects of Rotor Size and Tower Height Barclay, R., Baerwald, E., Gruver, J. Journal Article Wind Energy Collision Bats, Birds
Proceedings of the NWCC Wildlife Workgroup Research Planning Meeting VI Schwartz, S. Conference Paper Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision, Habitat Change Bats, Birds
Poor Evidence-Base For Assessment Of Windfarm Impacts On Birds Steward, G., Pullin, A., Coles, C. Journal Article Wind Energy Displacement, Habitat Change Birds
Development of a Cost-Effective System to Monitor Wind Turbines for Bird and Bat Collisions Phase I: Sensor System Feasibility Study Pandey, A., Hermence, J., Harness, R. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
Eagle Owl and Wind Power development at Karmøy, Western Norway Rov, N., Jacobsen, K. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Displacement Birds, Raptors
Post-construction monitoring report for avian and bat mortality at the NPPD Ainsworth Wind Farm Derby, C., Dahl, A., Erickson, W., Bay, K., Hoban, J. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
Renewable Energy Resources and Wildlife: Impacts and Opportunities Arnett, E., Strickland, M., Morrison, M. Conference Paper Wind Energy Collision, Habitat Change Bats, Birds
Protocol for Investigating Displacement Effects of Wind Facilities on Grassland Songbirds Erickson, W., Strickland, D., Shaffer, J., Johnson, D. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Displacement Passerines, Birds, Bats
Annual FEPA Monitoring Report (2005-6) Rhyl Flats Offshore Wind Farm Interim Ornithology Chapter Gill, J.P., Mitchell, A., Pinder, S. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Birds
Collision Mortalities at Horseshoe Shoal of Bird Species of Special Concern Hatch, J., Brault, S. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Avoidance, Collision, Displacement Birds, Seabirds, Shorebirds, Waterfowl
Applying Radar Technology to Migratory Bird Conservation and Management: Strengthening and Expanding a Collaborative Ruth, J. Report Wind Energy Birds, Bats
Regulating Avian Impacts Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Other Laws: The Wind Industry Collides with One of its Own, the Environmental Protection Movement McKinsey, J. Journal Article Wind Energy Birds, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Impact of Wind Turbines on Birds in Zeebrugge (Belgium): Significant Effect on Breeding Tern Colony Due to Collisions Everaert, J., Stienen, E. Journal Article Wind Energy Collision Seabirds, Birds
The Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) on Sleneset and Windpower Jacobsen, K., Rov, N. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Raptors, Birds
Estimation of seabird numbers in the German North Sea throughout the annual cycle and their biogeographic importance Garthe, S., Sonntag, N., Schwemmer, P., Dierschke, V. Magazine Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Birds, Seabirds
Tern Observations Near Monomoy Island ESS Group Inc Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Birds, Seabirds