This report constitutes deliverable WP4.D13 as part of MARINET project. The aim of this report is to provide a summary of the field buoy research at the South West Mooring Test Facility (SWMTF).
The initial section gives an overview of the facility: location, environmental conditions and configuration: the floating structure, its mooring and the wave and current transducer.
The instrumentation and data collection is presented. This includes the equipment to measure environmental conditions, mooring loads, motion of the floating structure, and other equipment. The equipment and data collection are summarized in tables.
Some results are shown: time series and summary data of environmental data, mooring load and buoy motion. These results will be the base for further studies which aim to test new materials or configuration in real sea conditions, and to gain understanding of mooring system for Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) devices.
The principal outcome of this deliverable is a common information source for all MARINET partners about sea trials. Sea trials are a key point in the development process of a MRE device. They should be used to develop methodologies for installation and operation of MRE devices.