Wind has been used to commercially produce energy in the United States since the early 1980's and is considered an important source of renewable energy. Although generally considered environmentally friendly, wind plants have been associated with the death of birds colliding with turbines and other wind plant structures, especially in California, and wind plants can have negative effects on birds and other wildlife if not sited properly. Early wind energy facilities in the U.S. were often constructed in areas without an understanding of the level of avian use at those locations. Consequently, some of these facilities are located where birds are abundant and the risk of turbine collisions is relatively high. High raptor mortality documented at Altamont, California has resulted in a great deal of scrutiny of other wind plant developments. Wind projects have been delayed and sometimes stopped at new wind sites across the country due in part to avian collision concerns. Although most studies have shown both the direct and indirect effects on birds by most wind plants to be minimal, state wildlife agencies, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and environmental organizations have all expressed concern over the potential impacts of wind plants on birds. To alleviate these concerns and to address potential regional or site-specific impacts, developers must address the potential for avian collision mortality and other wildlife impacts whens electing sites for wind power development. Klickitat County, Washington is preparing a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) to assist with future siting of wind power and other power developments in the county. Because one of the major issues associated with siting of wind power developments involves the potential for impacts to birds, one component of the PEIS includes an assessment of avian resources in the county so that potential conflicts with birds can be minimized or avoided when selecting sites for future wind power development. The purpose of this report is to provide data on avian use of potential wind power development areas in Klickitat County.