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Showing Results for
- Report:
Hoffmann et al.
… A high abundance of the brown shrimp is observed east of the windmill area. The effects of the marine windmills. The effects on fish, shellfish and marine mammals are in the following divided in 1. Effects of the physically presence of the … species for the Wadden Sea. Taking the biology of the species into concern no impact on their distribution is expected in the Wadden Sea due to the windmills at Horns Rev. Artificial reef …
- Journal Article:
Onoufriou et al.
… first commercial sized tidal turbine array on the movements of an acoustically sensitive marine mammal; the harbour seal ( Phoca vitulina ). No significant change in at sea distribution was detected between pre and post installation of the 4 turbine array. However, …
- Presentation:
Ford and Nichol
… This is a slide show in review of J. Fords book Marine Mammals of British Columbia. The slides cover a brief (very) introduction to marine mammals of BC, followed by the historical occurrence of whales in BC, recent efforts to …
- Report:
Lonergan et al.
… Land-based marine mammal surveys of the Fall of Warness were carried out from 15th July 2006 to 13th July 2007, … Risso’s dolphins and basking sharks were all seen during the study period. All species of marine mammal (and basking sharks) observed in the study area are protected under international … and basking sharks are consistent with existing knowledge of these species behaviour and distribution in Orkney waters. The potential effects of tidal stream devices on large-bodied …
- Report:
Duck et al.
… The change of observers took place on 22 nd October 2005. Since sighting probabilities of marine mammals would be strongly influenced by sea state, wind speed was used as a proxy to … dolphins and basking sharks were all seen during the study period. All species of marine mammal (and basking sharks) observed in the study area are protected under international … and basking shark are consistent with existing knowledge of these species behaviour and distribution in Orkney waters. The complexity of the patterns observed using GAMs suggests that …
- Book:
Diederichs et al.
… This reports reviews methodologies for measuring and assessing potential changes in marine mammal behaviour, abundance or distribution arising from the construction, operation and decommissioning of offshore windfarms. …
- Presentation:
Marine Scotland
… The 5th Symposium of the Scottish Marine Energy Research Programme (ScotMER), organized by Marine Scotland, presented recent research on seabirds, fish and fisheries, marine mammals, … Energy Budgets of Marine Mammals (Cormac Booth, SMRU Consulting) Habitat Preference and Distribution of Seals (Debbie Russell, University of St Andrews) Tracking Seals Around Tidal …
- Report:
Murphy et al.
… Marine renewables is a rapidly developing industry. In past meetings, the ICES Working Group on Marine Mammal Ecology (WGMME1) looked at the effects of construction and operation of windfarms (ICES … This included an overview of some of the features of renewable energy devices and the distribution and scale of developments in the ICES Area. Further information on these can be …
- Report:
Gordon et al.
… The Marine Renewable Energy Strategic Framework for Wales (MRESF) provides for the sustainable development of marine renewable energy in Welsh waters. Phase 2 of the Assessment of Risk to Marine Mammals … that suggest that these can be important areas for them. However, our understanding of marine mammal distributions and behaviours within high tidal energy areas is actually very poor for two …
- Report:
Macleod et al.
… This report seeks to address the issues around marine mammal environmental compliance and provide options for the development of a consistent UK-wide … in that this could occur at scales that have better congruence with the natural spatial distribution of marine mammal populations and also with current data resources, as well as the …
- Journal Article:
Francisco et al.
… data is crucial for planning, permitting, execution and post construction monitoring of marine renewable energy projects. In harsh conditions in which marine renewable energy is harvested, integrated monitoring platforms comprising multibeam … imaging sonar systems coupled with other sensors can provide multiparametric data of the marine environment surrounding marine renewable energy installations. The aim of this study was …
- Conference Paper:
Hunt et al.
… Under European legislation, developers of Marine Renewable Energy installations are required to undertake an Environmental Impact … the potential impact of development. Two years of baseline data on the seasonal occurrence and distribution of sensitive marine species was conducted at the WESTWAVE wave energy test site, Co. Clare, Ireland. Monthly …
- Report:
… Currently, there is a high level of uncertainty surrounding the environmental impacts of marine renewable energy devices on marine wildlife (particularly seals, whales, and dolphins). The principal concerns derive from … user-friendly, and data efficient. A 4-phase program involved collaborations between marine mammal specialists, marine renewable energy developers, and sonar engineers to develop a sonar …
- Report:
Galloper Wind Farm
… Chapter of the Environmental Statement (ES) describes the existing environment with regard to marine mammals, which includes pinnipeds (seals) and cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises), … Outer Thames Estuary and southern North Sea. 14.1.2 This Chapter serves to characterise the distribution and abundance of marine mammal species which have been recorded within the study area and wider region through site …
- Presentation:
Wilson et al.
… The potential risks of marine mammals being injured by being hit by tidal-stream turbines, or of vacating significant … family of technologies. Unfortunately, due to the inherent difficulties of studying marine mammal distribution and behaviour underwater, as well as the novelty of the machines themselves, …
- Workshop Article:
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
… A workshop on the “Status and Applications of Acoustic Mitigation and Monitoring Systems for Marine Mammals” was held November 17-19, 2009, sponsored by the Bureau of Energy Management, … and better understand the current status of acoustic hardware and software tools for marine mammal monitoring and mitigation as applied to offshore industries. This will include the … PAM and active acoustics may provide an improved understanding of apparent changes in the distribution of calling whales responding to industry sounds, a problem that has plagued at least …
- Report:
Ahola et al.
… were standing ones. Under ToR A, new information on cetacean and seal population abundance, distribution, and population/stock structure, was reviewed, including information on vagrancy in … the United Kingdom, Spain and the Faroe Islands of national management frameworks regarding marine mammals. ToR C provided an overview of new published information with regards to anthropogenic threats to marine mammal populations following on from the review by WGMME in 2015 (ICES, 2015) and subsequent …
- Report:
Hague et al.
… ScotWind launched on 10 June 2020. To inform the spatial development of this leasing round, Marine Scotland, as Planning Authority for Scotland’s Seas, is currently developing the Sectoral … and funded by the Scottish Government and Crown Estate Scotland, consolidates marine mammal abundance and distribution estimates derived from data collected by local, regional, national and international …
- Journal Article:
Ganley et al.
… Responsible offshore wind energy development requires addressing knowledge gaps of marine mammal distribution and response to wind energy development. Data collected by Protected Species …
- Journal Article:
Fijn et al.
… observation protocols. As most seabird observers have a strong interest in other large marine animals, marine mammal observations were included in these systematic observation protocols for recording … years and the collated sightings have the potential to contribute to the knowledge on at-sea distribution of marine mammals around these platforms. However, detection of marine mammals from …
Displaying 1 - 20 of 377