As a means to assure that the License provides proper resource protection, the goal of this Acoustic Monitoring and Mitigation Plan is to measure and describe the sound profile of the Project and to modify the Project or monitoring plan, or both, based on results of monitoring. To accomplish this, the District will evaluate two hypotheses:
- Hypothesis 1: Turbine sound will vary with power generation state
- Hypothesis 2: Turbine sound may demonstrate a long-term variation due to wear on bearings or biofouling of the rotor and shroud.
Data to address these hypotheses will be collected by drifting hydrophones on the surface and cabled hydrophones on the turbine foundation, respectively. This information is essential to estimate the exposure of marine animals to turbine noise. Through adaptive management, this information will provide for proper resource protection and suitability of marine mammal monitoring (Marine Mammal Monitoring and Mitigation Plan).